Fitbit Zip or Fitbit Obe?

I'd love to hear from those who have either a Fitbit zip or a Fitbit one. How accurate is your device at counting steps? My workouts are usually power walking or jogging outside or on a treadmill and I want to track steps to make sure I'm getting 10 000 a day. :)


  • shells0715
    shells0715 Posts: 102 Member
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    edited August 2015
    I've owned both (have a Flex now) and they were both quite accurate. The only difference is the amenities offered on the One (sleep/stair tracking) versus the Zip.
  • shells0715
    shells0715 Posts: 102 Member
    Thank you for your reply! Sounds like it I want it more for getting my steps in them the zip would be fine :)
  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    I purchased the Microsoft Band. It is far more expensive than the Fitbit, but still worth the purchase.
  • mahya_03
    mahya_03 Posts: 33 Member
    Another thing you need to consider is the zip has a replaceable battery where the one is rechargeable.
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    I just purchased a Zip and am eagerly waiting for it's delivery from AMAZON!!!
    FWIW, the reason I chose it is because it counts steps and estimates calories which is ALL I need...
    It is also the lowest priced one and for my needs it should work just fine (hopefully)!
  • shells0715
    shells0715 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks for the input :). That is true about the battery vs chargeable battery :). I've also heard good things about the Microsoft Bans.
    DoreenaV1975 I hope you enjoy your Zip! I'm more looking to be motivated by getting my steps in and doing challenges on the Fitbit site. I don't think I really need the sleep tracking.
  • shells0715
    shells0715 Posts: 102 Member
    Do you mostly walk or run?
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    shells0715 wrote: »
    Thanks for the input :). That is true about the battery vs chargeable battery :). I've also heard good things about the Microsoft Bans.
    DoreenaV1975 I hope you enjoy your Zip! I'm more looking to be motivated by getting my steps in and doing challenges on the Fitbit site. I don't think I really need the sleep tracking.

    Thanks! I currently log my steps by an app on my phone and I love seeing that number go up and seeing the estimate of the calories burned! Very motivating!
    Only problem is I don't always have my phone on me...
    If I don't have pockets and don't want to/can't carry it in my hand then, if I think about it, I'll shove it in my bra, LOL! It's big and cumbersome though...
    But a lot of times I just forget it.
    W/ the ZIP I can attach it to my bra in the morning and leave it there until I go to bed (although when I get home I immediately take off my bra :D... so I may need to move it to my waist band). The ZIP will definitely be more convenient and lighter!
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    edited August 2015
    shells0715 wrote: »
    Do you mostly walk or run?
    Not sure who you're asking...but I mostly just walk as I am counting my daily steps.
    I may start running a bit because again the motivation will be there.

    But generally, for running, I usually go on the treadmill and I do most of my cardio on my elliptical.
    For those I wont wear my ZIP, I will just use the machines' data for my calorie burn (estimate).
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have a One that I wear clipped to my bra. I've been using it since Xmas 2012. I love the sleep tracking and the stair counting that the Zip doesn't do. I also like that it's rechargeable which is better than using batteries. Once you know how long your running and walking steps are it's extremely accurate.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    For counting steps they should be about the same. I have a One (love it) and my daughter got a Zip. For a few days I wore both and the step counts were within ~100.

    The question becomes do you want to pay a little more for additional features.
    shells0715 wrote: »
    I'd love to hear from those who have either a Fitbit zip or a Fitbit one. How accurate is your device at counting steps? My workouts are usually power walking or jogging outside or on a treadmill and I want to track steps to make sure I'm getting 10 000 a day. :)

  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I have a zip too (and also attach it to my bra). It is very accurate in steps and does a good job estimating distance too (when compared to my GPS watch during my runs. I prefer the replaceable battery. I go through 2 or 3 a year as opposed to having to charge something multiple times per week.
  • shells0715
    shells0715 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks everyone :). Does the zip tell you when the battery is low?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    shells0715 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone :). Does the zip tell you when the battery is low?

    yeah it does. On your device and dashboard.

    I currently have the zip and it's been brilliant. I'm going to upgrade to the ONE eventually, so I can track my sleep and also so I don't have to worry about changing batteries. I've gone through 3 since March.

  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Yes, the zip will show a battery icon with a line thru it on the screen, and when dangerously low (about to die) the icon will flash.
    Your dashboard on the fitbit website will also tell you if your battery is low, med, or full. Sometimes a weak sync between fitbit and your device can cause your dash to report the battery is low when it isn't. This will correct next sync.
    Fitbit will also shoot you an email if your battery is low.

    I have the zip. The lower price, the window screen on the device, and that it's not a fashion accessory to be worn on my wrist were why I chose this model.

    Steps are accurate, tdee is pretty spot on at around 10k-15k steps a day. The more active I am than that, the less accurate it is and tends towards overstating tdee by quite a bit.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I like the One because it counts floors as well as steps and can clipped on vs other models that must be worn on wrist. It seems pretty accurate, but how would we know unless we manually counted our steps too? The Floor count is usually pretty good, but not 100% consistent, for example walking the same route different times with different results, or hubby & I getting different floors for the same thing. (Yes, our steps might be different because of our stride and pace, but floors are based on elevation, so should be the same.) But it has helped me progress from refusing to climb hills to 100+ floors per week. Nothing is perfect, I have gotten floors (and steps) just from riding in an RV too!
  • shells0715
    shells0715 Posts: 102 Member
    They both sound like great devices! My friends have the ones you wear on your wrist such as the flex and charge
  • lsamref
    lsamref Posts: 2 Member
    I just purchased the Fitbit charge HR and so far I love it. The reviews were good on the product itself however, once I purchased and joined the community a lot of people are complaining of undercounting steps. I think it seems to be pretty accurate for me. Not to mention I would rather under than over :) A friend has the one and loves it. Good luck in whatever one you choose your sure to love it!
  • shells0715
    shells0715 Posts: 102 Member
    Thank you :).