Re-establishing Chubby Twenties?!

Hi all,
I am not sure how many of the original group are still here but the chubby twenties group was my little lifeline on here and really helped me lose 28lbs last year. I have now lost ALL motivation and would love to have that kind of support again.
SO...I would love any more chubby twenties to join me in my weight loss efforts. Just a really friendly group of guys and girls encouraging one another, venting as necessary, posting success stories and just generally chatting!

So would love to hear from you all.

My goals:
2lbs a week lost
6-8 cups of water a day
3.5 hours of exercise a week.

Ideally I want to be a size 14 (UK size) by the end of the year but I will settle for May 5th next year (my birthday)

Can't wait to hear from you all!!!


  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Sending friend request
  • Danlol
    Danlol Posts: 32
    I wasn't part of the original group but i would love to join the new group!!! I am 23 and accoding to my BMI i am .5 over weight. I don't have any specific goals i just want to be heatly and happy with my body!! I would love any new buddies!!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I wasn't part of the original group but I'd love to join. I've hit a plateau for the last 3 months or so and really need to keep my motivation up. It's hard to keep going when you're not seeing any kind of loss. Since the scale has been driving me batty lately thought I've decided to do one last weigh in on June 1st then not weigh again until July 1st.

    My Goals:
    -Lose 5lbs in June
    -Drink at least 8 cups of water a day
    -Run every other day (currently using Podrunner's Freeway to 10K program)
    -Bike at least twice a week

    CW:199-203 (been floating between there for the last 3 months)
    GW1:191-Just "overweight"
    GW2:172-100lbs gone!
    GW3:159-Officially "healthy" weight!
    GW4:140-Ultimate goal!
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Well, welcome to the new group Danlol. The original group was a great place to be inspired by amazing 20-something's and was a 'safe place' to vent!!
    new buddies always welcome!!
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    I'd like to join too. I'm 21 for the 4th time :wink:

    My Goals:
    -Lose 5lbs in June
    -Complete 30 day shred
    -Bike at least twice a week

    CW: 210.9lbs
    GW1:197- overweight BMI
    GW2:165 - Normal BMI!
    GW3:140 - Possibly ultimate goal :drinker:
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Hey Mosaix welcome to the group!!
    just realised I didn't post my goal weights, by the way, theres no pressure to do this in this group, if you feel it, if not dont!!! but do keep us up to date on your losses (or gains if they happen, which they do to me!) and just expect encouragement!!!
    CW: 230
    GW1:209 - overweight not obese
    GW2: 199 - welcome to ONEsies
    GW3: 174 - healthy weight - 'normal BMI'
    GW 4 and overall goal - 160-165

    keep up the good work ladies!
  • deeray82
    deeray82 Posts: 18 Member
    I'd love to join too!!

    CW: 218
    GW 1: 199 (no longer in the 200's!)
    GW 2: 185 (back to where I was before divorce/gaining back all weight previously lost, and then some)
    GW 3: 170 (able to shop at the Gap and presumably be more comfortable with myself, and healthier!)

    If I feel like i need to lose more when I hit 170, great, but if not, that's great too! I don't really have a timeline in mind, I just want to hit these milestones. :)
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Hey ladies!
    I was a frequent poster on the original group, and like Gem, and it not only helped me loose easily 1 dress size (about 3 or 4 inches everywhere) but it also helped me with the problems i was having with my then boyfriend, and helped me realise how unhappy i was with him and i got the courage to leave him(he wasn't abusive, well maybe mentally abusive, but i was scared of being alone), with the support of the ladies i didnt comfort eat, i didnt cry, i just got up and carried on :)

    So. my goals are:

    2lbs a week lost
    1 or 2 inch loss per month
    3 hours of exercise a week

    I'm with Gem, ideally i'd like to be a UK size 14 by year end (i'm currently a large 16).

    CW: 230
    GW1: 210
    GW2: 190
    GW3: 170
    GW4: 155 (Overall goal)
    I probably wont be updating my weight goals etc often, because i am heavy set (and yes, i'm gonna say it, i am big boned, seriously, i have really thick heavy bones!), and i prefer to judge by inch loss rather than weight loss.

    Nat x
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    hi ladies...welcome back my little natstar!
    so i got on my Wii today (for the 1st time in 17 days apparently) and it told me I had GAINED 4 lbs! I refuse to believe this but it could very well be true! I am not logging it on my tracker as from the past all this did was bring me down!!! I am now 100% more determined to be back on the wagon and just get better and fitter!!!
    I have told myself that I am not allowed to skype with someone (yes he is male and yes he is pretty) if I haven't done my 30 mins exercise. It is such a good incentive for me as I really like talking to him!!
    Oh by the way any of you really struggle to fill your calories?!!?! I have eaten pretty well today, i gave in to a chocolate craving but had a milky way (only 98 cals!!) and i still have around 900 calories to eat (thats including the 200 I 'earned' doing the Wii) that is LOADS!!!! and I have no idea how to eat them all!!!
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    .welcome back my little natstar!
    Hii *waves*

    so i got on my Wii today (for the 1st time in 17 days apparently) and it told me I had GAINED 4 lbs! I refuse to believe this but it could very well be true!
    I'm not quite sure i trust the wii, it says i'm about 7lbs heavier than the doctors scales do, i'd rather trust the doctors (and good old fashioned weighing scales) than the wii.
    Oh by the way any of you really struggle to fill your calories?!!?! I have eaten pretty well today, i gave in to a chocolate craving but had a milky way (only 98 cals!!) and i still have around 900 calories to eat (thats including the 200 I 'earned' doing the Wii) that is LOADS!!!! and I have no idea how to eat them all!!!
    When i actually log my calories i find it very hard to eat them all too, i could if i wasnt taking note how many calories i'm eating in the day, but because i am conscious of how many calories are in things i tend to stay under my goal.

    Well today i'm feeling a little rubbish. I hate both my jobs (i know, who doesnt dislike their job) which makes it even harder to get up at 4.30am each morning. Ive discovered that i comfort eat (i already knew this), but only when i'm stressed, emotionally distressed, or upset. When i'
    m depressed (i get sporadic bouts of depression, some last a few hours til i'm cheered up, some can last days or weeks), i loose my appetite completely, and end up just eating snacks because actual food just isnt appealing. Which is where i'm at now. Not completely depressed, but i'm deeply unhappy with life atm, and food just doesnt taste/look nice anymore.
    I dont think there is much i can do until i sort out my job situation, which i'm trying to atm. I'm applying for new jobs all the time, and when i finish at the cafe (mum owns it, i work there, were selling it) I think i'll be able to eat healthier and be happier in a full time job.
    Hum, we'll see.

    Anyways, Hope all you lovely ladies are well on this dull wednesday.
    Nat xx
  • briejohnson86
    briejohnson86 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Ladies! I am so excited to join this group! I feel like I am the only person in my age group who is CONSTANTLY battling with my weight! This forum is awesome, it's so good to know there are others like me. Count me in for the group and for support!
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Well, hi all!
    I am ignoring my Wii telling me to do my 'daily body test' as i know how unhealthy it can be to weigh yourself every day. I found myself starting to obsess over it last time which was BAD!
    I felt like i ate LOADS today but still checked in WAY under calories like almost 300 under! ok, I did do 175 cals worth of exercise but still!!!
    I have however been getting REALLY bloated with a really painful abdomen, booooooooooooooooooooooo!
    But other than that I am feeling great so far. on track with exercise for the week, on track with eating and I have some great motivation.

    Nats: I know how much you hate your jobs (I hate mine too) and how ****ty it must be as I know Cambridge was on the cards last year. (what happened there?) but, and I know how hard this is, try not to let that affect your eating. The better the food you eat I find the better my mood. If I am eating lots of really good food then I feel awesome! so keep that in mind.
    And as for a new job...keep at it lovely! I just applied for my dream job so fingers crossed!!!
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    PS...yay welcome Brie!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Gem- I'm not sure how far I'd trust the Wii but just use that as motivation to work harder! :) That guy definitely sound like motivation to me! I sometimes have a hard time making sure that I get at least 1200 net calories since I feel like I'm eating a ton when I workout. But this could also be why my weightloss is stalled so I always try to make sure & get to at least 1200 net cals a day. As to the painful abdomen have you changed your diet? I get bloated & crampy stomach from too much fiber or nuts.

    Nat- I'm only going to be weighing in once a month since me and the scale are on bad terms right now so I'm right there with you. Yeah getting up at 4:30 would break me so props to you. I'm sorry both of your jobs are stressing you out. I know how that goes. I work at a hotel and there are times when I end up at home after work hiding in my room with a pizza because the day was a stressfilled cluster *kitten*. I hope the situation improves soon.*hugs*

    Brie- Welcome! I defintely know how you feel! I'm surrounded by people (My family especially) who don't have to struggle with their weight. I'm the chubby cousin/friend/co-worker etc. The support I get here on this site is one of the greatest motivators I've ever found.

    I got up super late today and forgot to weigh in so my June weight will have to be tomorrows. I'm kinda freaked out to see what it is since I've been so bad & had so many issues lately. Oh well hopefully by the end of this month I'll be back on track! So what does everyone do for workouts. Gem it sound like you're using the Wii fit or something to that effect? How is that?
  • briejohnson86
    briejohnson86 Posts: 12 Member

    4:30 is VERY EARLY. WAY to go even opening your eyes up at that ungodly hour. Sometimes when I am feeling overwhelmed by all the crappy things in life, I give myself permission to 1) take it slow 2) praise myself. What I mean by this is if I am waking up at 4:30 $%#! am in the morning, I say good job self on getting up this early. Now take it slow, have some tea, make an egg. I know this sounds crazy but maybe if you even woke up at 4 am, and read the paper, watched an episode of frasier (it is truly the best show ever) and then ease in to your day it may make it better. I empathize with you on the job situation. It's so easy to allow yourself to become defined by your job. DON'T! Do not let your career define your self worth. You are an AMAZING BEAUTIFUL HONEST AND EMOTIONAL WOMAN. Sorry to be so emotional, but I was where you are just last year. You are in my thoughts, and I am wishing you the best!
  • deeray82
    deeray82 Posts: 18 Member
    So, what are everyone's favorite ways to work out? I'm always looking for things to put some variety into my exercise regime, or I get bored and stop doing it. Gotta keep the momentum up!

    My absolute favorite workout is yoga, though that isn't always terribly strenuous. When I want something more strenuous, I'll do some power yoga or piyo (pilates + yoga). I love this because I can do it in my bedroom, rather than having to trek to the gym or the little fitness center at my apartment complex.

    I was running on the treadmill for a while but I got bored with it, and then I tried running outside for a while and quickly realized that it's MUCH harder than the treadmill! So, I got rather disheartened with running. Plus I don't really have the money to invest in good running shoes (I have some oldish New Balance walking shoes I'd bought several years back, but that's it), and I know I need good support, so I figured I'd take a break until I can get better shoes. On that note, does anyone have any shoe recommendations?

    I know that weight training is good for weight loss, but it's SO boring! And, I'm always afraid I'm not doing it right, not using enough weight, using too much weight, not enough reps, blah blah blah. So, I don't do much with weights.

    I have some belly-dancing DVDs from a friend that I have yet to try...been procrastinating on that but not for any real reason. I WILL try eventually though, because I love dancing, and I think belly-dancing would make me feel so sexy! Anyone else do much belly-dancing?

    So yeah, my absolute favorite workout is yoga. :)
  • Kelwi82
    Kelwi82 Posts: 3
    Hi all! I joined this site properly this week, will be doing my first weigh in on Monday! I'd like to join this group as I am now rapidly approaching my thirties (eek!) - Don't want to be a chubby 30 something too! I have a long long way to go, probably about 5 stones to be honest so all motivation will be much appreciated! x
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    It really has been the highlight of my day coming on here and seeing your posts today! thank you for keeping a smile on my face!

    Kel - Welcome, I love you already (especially as that was your 1st ever community post :) )

    Dee - change is always good. I was using various DVD's but found they were just not making me happy so I got a Wii for Christmas in 09 and have never looked back!
    Connected to this....Cenedria - I use the Wii Fit for like yoga and muscle work and to add a little bit of fun into my workouts now and again and I use a game called My Fitness Coach Cardio Workout. It rocks my world! Its a boxing based game where you learn all the moves and its like a dance mat with how you match the moves on the screen. its all beat and rhythm based and it doesn't seem like it but it burns a nice amount of cals and makes you SWEAT if you do it properly!!!! It helped me lose the 28lbs!

    But Yea, I don't trust the Wii weigh in thing but that's how I have done it since I started the whole weight loss thing. I think it comes from my major body dismorphia issues a few years back, but looking at ACTUAL scales makes me want to vomit! I HATE drs weighing me and I used to not look at it and ask the doc not to tell me what I weighed. So, all in all the Wii is the only way I will weigh myself for now until I get over this fear of real scales!!!

    Cenedria Don't worry about it (easy to say I know) If the number on the scale doesnt make you smile then just pick up and try again! I have been there, Nat has been there too and if I am being 100% honest this forum (well the old thread) got me past the rubbishness and made me remember the bigger picture! You can do it!!

    I didn't do my workout tonight as I felt I needed a break to see if the bloating will go away - it didnt! I will double the workout tomorrow to make up for it. However, If I had worked out i would, yet again been seriously under my net cals!!!
  • iowagirl09
    iowagirl09 Posts: 23
    I wasn't here for the original group either, but I love the idea of having people close in age and a place to come vent and chat!
  • chelle4282
    chelle4282 Posts: 58 Member
    I would love to join this group! I'm just getting back into using MFP. All of my summer clothes are coming out now and... ugh... it doesn't feel good to have fallen off the wagon.

    I'm 5'0 and about 140ish right now. I'd like to get down to about 125, but just trying to focus on a small goal of 5 lbs for the month of June.

    I could really use the support and this seems like a pretty cool group! Lets be friends! lol... :smile: