People make fun of me for eating healthy??



  • veggievixen
    veggievixen Posts: 36 Member
    Unfortunately, there are many reasons friends and family do this. Your choices, and the results as well, are making them uncomfortable. They could be feeling many different things like jealousy of your accomplishments, fear that you will leave the group or that the power differential will shift the more you change, or even ashamed about their own choices and angry/resentful that you "put it in their face." These comments are happening because they want you to stop, and hopefully after the newness of your lifestyle changes wear off their comments will decrease. As far as friends go, a one on one conversation should be enough to let a friend know that their comments are hurting you, if it continues after that I'd say they aren't real friends and find a few people that share your enthusiasm for healthy choices.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Wow, I'd make fun of them right back and see how they like it. Yeah! You're eating cholersterol laden food it will be HILARIOUS when you have a heart attack in 10 years, hahahah.

    Nah, that's too mean. But if you think it to yourself it probably won't bristle you as much when they tease you. I used to get ribbed a lot about being a vegetarian. So I know it sucks.

    I look at it this way, if I were deathly allergic to dairy, would you make fun of me for not eating ice cream? No? Good. Don't make fun of me for looking after my health, whatever the reason and I won't think of you as a bullying *kitten*:bigsmile: .
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I don't say a WORD to them about it. They don't need to know. When you go to eat with them, have a everything in moderation and they won't notice. Make sure you complement what they are making for dinner. If they give you a hard time, say, "I just don't feel that great". Then they don't question it. When you start wasting away, they will start asking YOU for tips.

    It sucks, but that is what WE are here for! To support you and know you are not alone

    I think this is excellent advice. I agree. You don't need to say anything. Just be real incognito about it. You will end up feeling like you're not on a diet too.

    One problem I noticed this last weekend, was that I got together with my sister and other relatives out of town. They were asking me about this, and they put me down because I'm doing all this logging. One of them is really thin, and does the right things, but she plans her meals to a "t" and doesn't deviate from it. I have a hard time planning meals, so I log. One works for her. I didn't criitcize her, but she sure criticized me. Either way, the best advice, is get your pats on the back here, and don't bring it up at all to them. This is why I also stopped writing about my runs on fb. It was just tickin' couch potatoes off, but I love sharing my enthusiasm, so I do it here, and I get cheered.

    Hang in there, keep talking with us. And yes, they will ask what you're doing, and maybe even try it.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I stopped eating meat a few months ago & my family and friends make fun of me all the time for it. I'm learning to just keep quiet about what I eat because I'm sick of hearing their crap. lol

    I'm so sorry. I totally get this too and it got worse when I went Vegan. If one more person asks me where I get my protien I swear I might just snap.
    Yeah, I went from omnivore straight to vegan. No one has really asked me about protein yet, but they've flat out told me I can't get all the nutrients I need. And every time someone talks to me about how I eat, I can hear that they want to say I'm stupid for going vegan, but they don't. They just argue with me & talk to me like I'm a child. For some reason they just don't want to bother trying to understand.

    People don't like to change when things seem to work fine the way they are. And when you start eating healthier, it forces them to see that they should do it too, but they don't want to so they put you down for it. It's their way of telling themselves that what they're eating and how they're living is okay & better than the way you are.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Every time my dad does this I like to pat him on his beer belly and ask him when he's due. I know. I'm spiteful.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    Every time my dad does this I like to pat him on his beer belly and ask him when he's due. I know. I'm spiteful.

    I think...I'm going to have to start doing this to my dad. He's one of the people that makes fun of me the most & we always joke around with each other so this is the perfect way to reciprocate! lol
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Ignore them. You can't hear what you ignore. Continue to eat healthy. Don't let them get to you. Don't give them your power.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    I get that sometimes too. Especially when we are going out to eat with friends. I want to make sure there are healthy options on the menu. When I was in Florida for the winter and told a friend of mine how I love being able to go to the produce stands. She said to me "only you would get excited about fruits and vegetables. ' I took that as a compliment. She is very overweight. I might add. Don't let them get to you.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I don't think it's resentment or guilt... at least it wasn't for me.

    A few months ago I would have been in this boat. Looking back on it now trying to understand the WHY... I think it's just because I wasn't on board with it. The healthy food obviously doesn't taste as good, and it just seemed so silly to always eat that way.

    My guess is that if you kindly brought it up 1 on 1 with the folks who do it, and explained how hard it is to always eat healthy, and that them making fun doesn't help, that they'd immediately stop. They'll probably feel a bit ashamed and very sorry... I know I would have, and I do thinking back to it.

    These people really do love you right? Talking to them in a group is probably not the right way, but individually explaining it... I think that's the ticket.
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