a little about my journey

I am a 32 year old mother of 3. I have 50-75 lbs to loose. I am working with my dr to get a jump start. He has perscribed an appetite supressant and reveiws my food journal. I started a month ago and have lost 9 lbs so far. 4 years ago i dropped 40 lbs and it slowly creeped back after a few years of steadyily increased stress and late nights. I am now looking for support to get to a more desireble weight and maintain it. I will soon be off the meds and will need to keep up the loss on my own. Like i said, stress is a huge factor for me. I am a full time student studying education and will be student teaching this year. Also my son has some health concerns including a growth in his brain that we are not sure of a diagnosis yet. He sees a neurologist and a urologist in upcoming weeks. Not to mention the regular stress of a wife and mother... on top of the stress...my school schedule keeps me out late forcing me to eat dinner late at night which really hurts my loss. And last but not least...i broke my ankle last year and suffer constant pain. What kinds of stress relievers and ankle freindly excersies do you guys recomend??


  • cpatten386
    cpatten386 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I lost 60lbs about 4 years ago and with marriage, a new baby and moving stress it has all come back to haunt me. Id love to be a buddy through this journey.
  • roosterboar
    roosterboar Posts: 3 Member
    I wish stress wasn't a factor. It is ever compounded by my stick thin husband who could live on burgers! Ugg.
  • iForeignBeauty
    iForeignBeauty Posts: 9 Member
    Sound exactly like me...
  • edubreuil72
    edubreuil72 Posts: 2 Member
    Swiming could be a good solution for stress and ankle problems :)
  • roosterboar
    roosterboar Posts: 3 Member
    I wish i had a place to swim...in Washington state, outside pools are out soon and the only one available to me, besides renting a hotel room, is the busy public aquatic center...ugg
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hello :)

    You do sound as though as you are under a lot of pressure at the moment - the added weight loss pressure is going to be hard enough alone so please make sure, throughout your journey that you are kind to yourself. Allow yourself the odd treat if you need it and don't beat yourself up after a bad day. There IS more to life than weight loss and it's clear from your post that you are aware of that, so make sure this is done for you and you alone, for your health, for your future and don't let it become another stress in your life. It really doesn't need to be. This forum is excellent for support. Good luck!