Over obsess much? (mild vent)

Sometimes i really think i over obsess about food and everything i put in my mouth. And ever since my fiance asked me to marry him (on our daughters first birthday) its been worse. i only have 8 months and i need to go get my dress in late march early april and i just dont want to be a fat bride i dont want to have little "pudgies" sticking out of my dress anywhere. i know he loves me the way i am he tells me all the time but i just dont want to look back on thoes pictures and hate them cause im fat. i did that with my daughters baptisem its so hard for me to even look at them cause i look so huge and it bothers me. i feel like im eating WAY to much! even tho i am staying in my calorie range on here most of the time i cant even hit all of them but i also know not to let myself over eat just cause i can. that isnt any good for me eaither. Ugh sorry i just had to vent cause i know my poor fiance probly hates hearing it anymore lol.


  • beautifullyjaded
    Sometimes i really think i over obsess about food and everything i put in my mouth. And ever since my fiance asked me to marry him (on our daughters first birthday) its been worse. i only have 8 months and i need to go get my dress in late march early april and i just dont want to be a fat bride i dont want to have little "pudgies" sticking out of my dress anywhere. i know he loves me the way i am he tells me all the time but i just dont want to look back on thoes pictures and hate them cause im fat. i did that with my daughters baptisem its so hard for me to even look at them cause i look so huge and it bothers me. i feel like im eating WAY to much! even tho i am staying in my calorie range on here most of the time i cant even hit all of them but i also know not to let myself over eat just cause i can. that isnt any good for me eaither. Ugh sorry i just had to vent cause i know my poor fiance probly hates hearing it anymore lol.
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    We've all been there looking back on photos of yourself. You know you're in the right place & you're off to a good start! You have an amazing goal to work towards & you're going to look beautiful for your wedding!! Keep up the amazing work!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I know that it is going to be hard not obsess about food. Right now you are doing what is right. I read your profile and it says that you are exercising and soon you will start to feel so much better about yourself. I have had low self esteem quite abit through out my life and I know how hard it is to look at yourself and feel beautiful. But you are beautiful. And your fiance knows that you are also. I try to work out now everyday and when I do I feel really great about myself. I still have a ton of weight to lose but even now I feel so much better about myself because I am finally doing something about it. Even if I dont lose all the weight I want to I will still be healthier for it.

  • IUChelle423
    I hear you - I think my DH is sick of hearing me too! Make sure you're getting both cardio and weights on a consistent basis. The muscle from the weights will help you get toned and burn more calories.

    About the wedding: you have 8 months before the wedding so take a deep breath - you're doing great already!! You can realistically lose 60 pounds in that time if you stick with it. As for the dress - try contacting a few dress places to see how long their time from ordering to delivery is. Can you push back ordering a little? You can still go look and try on dresses in that time, but wait until you have to order. If you're really committed to losing weight (which I can tell you are) order the dress a few sizes smaller than you are at the time of ordering. This will serve as additional motivation! If you manage to surpass even that, tailors can do AMAZING things with wedding dresses (I had to have mine taken in a size). You may also consider getting one with a corset type back that can be tightened at the last minute to make it fit just right.

    CONGRATS on the engagement!