Help with Calories

I am new to all this and have never been one for counting calories, but now I have to do it. I am allowed 1680 calories a day, how do I split that up throughout the day. My shifts at work are 11 hours and I do four days on and four days off.....HELP xxx


  • marathonmommy0205
    It all depends on weather you are going to be exercising at all. If it was me I would have a nice size breakfast and take some granola bars, protein bars drink lots of water and have a good portioned dinner. You also might want to take chopped fruit and vegtables to snack on or eat for lunch to even things out. Good luck and welcome to MFP.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'd say maybe make lunch the biggest meal. Or just experiment and go by trial and error. If you're hungry, eat but be conscious about what you're eating.

    Make small changes here and there, changes you can stick with. If you starve yourself, sure, you'll lose weight, but you can't keep that up forever. :flowerforyou:
  • lfoley4123
    lfoley4123 Posts: 5 Member
    What I have been doing for the past week and a half and I have lost eight pounds is by breaking my food into 5-6 small meals a day. My typical day consists of me waking up at 7:30 and eating something substantial (since breakfast should be your biggest meal), I usually have kashi heart-to-heart cereal with banana and orange juice. At 10:30 I will usually have a chobani yogurt (pineapple is my favorite), 1:30 a turkey sandwhich on wheat with mustard/ or peanut butter, 4:30 a nature valley bar, 7:30 dinner (usually chicken with veggies), and if i am still hungry, especially if I worked out, I will snack on another veggie before 9. The key thing is to eat enough protein and to eat something small every 3 hours or so it will increase your metabolism. It has helped me lose weight quick so far and I have been lightly exercising. I hope this helps! :happy:
  • jjvilla
    jjvilla Posts: 4
    Thanks so much, I think that I will make lunch the big meal. I have two half hour lunch breaks 2 hours apart so I can even the meal out over these two breaks. I will be exercising, I play bowls up to 3 times a week for well over an hour and I climb three flights of stairs to my flat and three flights of stairs instead of the lift at work xxx
  • femmefatale72
    femmefatale72 Posts: 2 Member
    . The key thing is to eat enough protein and to eat something small every 3 hours or so it will increase your metabolism. It has helped me lose weight quick so far and I have been lightly exercising. I hope this helps! :happy:

    I totally agree this is the key!