hate my arms...

Hi all. As the title says I really hate my arms. Im naturally quite slim, apart from them. It seems to be the only place I really put weight on.
I keep reading u guys say how u can't spot reduce fat so.. am I right in thinking that this is where lifting weights would help?? (Bear in mind im very misinformed about weight lifting & was in the "u lift heavy & u'll bulk up" camp) obviously I want to make my arms smaller not bigger.
Any suggestions?
Have tried to include a pic.. if its worked.


  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Yes, weights will help. And heavy weights won't bulk you up, there'll give the definition I assume you're after.

    I totally feel your pain though, I carry weight on my arms too. It's so stubborn and the last spot to go! My legs show definition easily but my arms stubbornly cling to fat.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Since we can't choose where we lose, i'd follow the standard fat-loss plan of a calorie deficit, plus full-body strength training to minimize muscle loss. Muscle can't bulk in a calorie deficit - it's impossible. Follow a good strength program, like NROL, Stronglifts, or a personal trainer's plan. Don't bother adding extra arm exercises. You already know why.

    I like the floor lights. Are you a flight attendant? B)
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks guys for the replies, no im not a flight attendant :)
    Weights it is then.. eek! Need to have a read up first & watch some of the beginners tutorials I keep seeing on here I think. Thanks both.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Thanks guys for the replies, no im not a flight attendant :)
    Weights it is then.. eek! Need to have a read up first & watch some of the beginners tutorials I keep seeing on here I think. Thanks both.

    Reading up here will help.
    I'd also suggest that you read a weightlifting book targeted to women because they tend to explain the specific benefits for women as well.
    New rules for lifting would be an excellent choice for that.

    Also, check out the recomposition thread in the maintainance sub forum.
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    Thats great thanks, will do.
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    As you can see in pic im lifting a wine glass.. that counts towards reps right?! :p
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Haha definitely.

    You've had great advice so I have nothing to add except try not to be too self-conscious, I don't think there's anything wrong with your arms at all (but I know we all have our little issues, so its good you're prepared to do the right things to counteract it). Good luck :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Weight lifting will give your arms shape, but it will not make them smaller if that's what you're after.
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    Weight lifting will give your arms shape, but it will not make them smaller if that's what you're after.
    Yeah it is :( in the pic they kind of look solid haha but they're not, its all flabby/wobbly. Im guessing weight loss is the only way then?
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    DR2501 wrote: »
    Haha definitely.

    You've had great advice so I have nothing to add except try not to be too self-conscious, I don't think there's anything wrong with your arms at all (but I know we all have our little issues, so its good you're prepared to do the right things to counteract it). Good luck :)
    Thank you

  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Weight lifting will give your arms shape, but it will not make them smaller if that's what you're after.
    Yeah it is :( in the pic they kind of look solid haha but they're not, its all flabby/wobbly. Im guessing weight loss is the only way then?

    That's the thing though, you still might not lose weight from your arms and could end up looking scrawny.
    It happened to me a while back, when i wasn't happy with my thighs. I carried on losing weight and got smaller everywhere apart from my thighs....and i just looked awful.
    I ended up having to put weight back on! :/
    As a few others have said, try weightlifting, it'll make your arms look defined. (They don't look flabby to me at all!).
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I agree definition is your best bet, but don't waste your time with exercises like bicep curls. Exercises like pull ups, dips, presses, rows, power cleans, deadlifts, high pulls etc will be much more beneficial for your arms and have a better overall effect on your strength level, fitness and metabolism. Look at a good compound lifting program like Starting Strength, New rules of Lifting for Women, Stronglifts etc.
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    DR2501 wrote: »
    I agree definition is your best bet, but don't waste your time with exercises like bicep curls. Exercises like pull ups, dips, presses, rows, power cleans, deadlifts, high pulls etc will be much more beneficial for your arms and have a better overall effect on your strength level, fitness and metabolism. Look at a good compound lifting program like Starting Strength, New rules of Lifting for Women, Stronglifts etc.
    Taa, Very helpful

  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    edited August 2015

    Weight lifting will give your arms shape, but it will not make them smaller if that's what you're after.
    Yeah it is :( in the pic they kind of look solid haha but they're not, its all flabby/wobbly. Im guessing weight loss is the only way then?

    That's the thing though, you still might not lose weight from your arms and could end up looking scrawny.
    It happened to me a while back, when i wasn't happy with my thighs. I carried on losing weight and got smaller everywhere apart from my thighs....and i just looked awful.
    I ended up having to put weight back on! :/
    As a few others have said, try weightlifting, it'll make your arms look defined. (They don't look flabby to me at all!).

    Thanks. Yeah its rubbish when u have a trouble spot! I can guarantee the first place weight will fall from is boobs/bum! haha. Will seriously consider getting into weights now. Thanks again.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Put your arms in casts for a few months.
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Put your arms in casts for a few months.

    lol why... so I cant reach to put any choc/wine in my mouth?
  • vness513
    vness513 Posts: 5 Member
    Definitely lift heavy try to aim for the low rep that means u've maxed out! But heavier the better!! Good luck girl u got this!! ☺️
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    vness513 wrote: »
    Definitely lift heavy try to aim for the low rep that means u've maxed out! But heavier the better!! Good luck girl u got this!! ☺️
    Thanks a mill, u too!

  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Do one of the beginners progressive weight lifting routines, if needed with a small deficit. I don't have any suggestions for your giant star head :)
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    Lift and lift heavy!! It's really the only way to go. You will trim the fat and add muscle.