Not strictly a diet question...

For those of you who have lost some weight already, did it help improve your self-esteem?

I have had a bad 24 hours in terms of eating and I'm sure it's because of stress and feeling not good enough, comparing myself to others and losing as I'm a 50 year old divorced fat woman. My thinking is that if I can lose enough to go down one size I will start to feel better, stay motivated and the snowball effect will start.

OK pity party ending...back at it tomorrow. But please tell me losing weight does help with this!


  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    It made a huge difference for me. I wear styles I never would before and I do things I never would have in the past. You got this! Log your day and move on...feeling guilt won't help!
  • HikeCyclist
    HikeCyclist Posts: 153 Member
    50andfabu wrote: »
    comparing myself to others and losing as I'm a 50 year old divorced fat woman.
    What do you mean by this?
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    It's like a dream feel 100% better. I've lost a total of 54lbs but you have to accept it's not just losing weight it's a new lifestyle
  • Madame_Goldbrick
    Madame_Goldbrick Posts: 73 Member
    I lost 60lbs, regained um 20lbs, feel better than I have in years!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Yes, feeling comfortable in your own skin helps tremendously. You can do this!!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When I saw improvements to my mobility after my first twenty pounds, I started to believe I could have a different life. I treated my enterprise like a battle. I got referrals through my doctor. I attended all required classes offered by our health authority and I recorded all my progress, keeping my notes in a dedicated briefcase.

    When I was strong enough I started signing up for walks then runs that I had to prepare for.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    PS I am in my fifties too.
  • coco_bee
    coco_bee Posts: 173 Member
    After divorce I lost a lot of weight 25kg (55 pound) to be exact and I felt great when it came to shopping for new clothes, looking in the mirror, going out, attracting the men and then meeting a new guy so in that way yes, it raised my self esteem and gave me hope in seeing I could have a bright future ahead. But these things are external, important to us but external. What is more important I think is what goes on in your head, how you think about yourself which in turn determines how you will feel so try to make these thoughts positive as much as you can :)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    H-e-double-ell yes.
    ( you have to love yourself first though)

    I woke up in my mid menopausal 50's to find I had sneaked on 30 lb in 5 year.
    Counted calories did some dreaded exercises lost the weight and most of the wobble.

    Now, I go on adventurous vacations and have the energy, strength, and self confidence to try almost anything.
    Zip lining, rappelling down waterfalls hiking through jungles, riding horses, snorkelling, dancing until 3am etc etc.
    I drew the line at jumping 10m off a cliff into a lake, my swimming skills are lacking, and I thought it was 10ft.

    I dye my hair happy colours, wear slinky dresses, and bikinis ( even when gardening) and don't give a rats *kitten* what any one thinks.

    Love yourself and lose the weight add a lump of exercise, and you will be thrilled at what you can do.

    ( my avitar pic is my 60th bd, I am 62 now. In my profile is a pic of me at 55 and out of shape)

    You can do it.

    Cheers, h.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited August 2015
    H-e-double-ell yes.
    ( you have to love yourself first though)

    I woke up in my mid menopausal 50's to find I had sneaked on 30 lb in 5 year.
    Counted calories did some dreaded exercises lost the weight and most of the wobble.

    Now, I go on adventurous vacations and have the energy, strength, and self confidence to try almost anything.
    Zip lining, rappelling down waterfalls hiking through jungles, riding horses, snorkelling, dancing until 3am etc etc.
    I drew the line at jumping 10m off a cliff into a lake, my swimming skills are lacking, and I thought it was 10ft.

    I dye my hair happy colours, wear slinky dresses, and bikinis ( even when gardening) and don't give a rats *kitten* what any one thinks.

    Love yourself and lose the weight add a lump of exercise, and you will be thrilled at what you can do.

    ( my avitar pic is my 60th bd, I am 62 now. In my profile is a pic of me at 55 and out of shape)

    You can do it.

    Cheers, h.

    What she said but I'm 48 and don't garden or dye my hair and I lost 56lbs :smile:
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Rabbitjb, I hope you weren't mid menopause either.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Rabbitjb, I hope you weren't mid menopause either.

    Ahh no ...just peri :)
  • wintersyve
    wintersyve Posts: 29 Member
    edited August 2015
    Divorced should not be seen as negative, you should see it as not being with someone who is not right or undeserving of you. So it's a good thing.
    I have lost 16.5lb. Some days I feel great, some days I don't but the good days get more frequent and the bad days decrease.
    I went for a 3 mile brisk walk this morning and now i feel amazing. Never ever thought I would do that. So you can have control over how you feel. But it takes work. Good luck, you can do it.
  • whiteblossom14
    whiteblossom14 Posts: 240 Member
    Take a look at the positives in your life. You want to lose weight That's a big part of this. Support on here will help that seeing what others are doing has helped me. I started off at 98kgs last May but couldn't get under 90kgs by this may. I did try but struggled weight went up and down. Came on here 2weeks ago today and have lost 4kgs and feel amazing. So yes it does help
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    I have lost 6 kg's so far. That for me is one size down. I am so much happier with my self.
  • whiteblossom14
    whiteblossom14 Posts: 240 Member
    I have lost 6 kg's so far. That for me is one size down. I am so much happier with my self.

    Well done x
  • 50andfabu
    50andfabu Posts: 112 Member
    H-e-double-ell yes.
    ( you have to love yourself first though)

    I woke up in my mid menopausal 50's to find I had sneaked on 30 lb in 5 year.
    Counted calories did some dreaded exercises lost the weight and most of the wobble.

    Now, I go on adventurous vacations and have the energy, strength, and self confidence to try almost anything.
    Zip lining, rappelling down waterfalls hiking through jungles, riding horses, snorkelling, dancing until 3am etc etc.
    I drew the line at jumping 10m off a cliff into a lake, my swimming skills are lacking, and I thought it was 10ft.

    I dye my hair happy colours, wear slinky dresses, and bikinis ( even when gardening) and don't give a rats *kitten* what any one thinks.

    Love yourself and lose the weight add a lump of exercise, and you will be thrilled at what you can do.

    ( my avitar pic is my 60th bd, I am 62 now. In my profile is a pic of me at 55 and out of shape)

    You can do it.

    Cheers, h.

    You are my new hero!

    Thanks to everyone for the messages. I am starting a particularly stressful time at work and worried about stress/emotional eating, but I am feeling more positive after reading your posts!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yes. I feel better. But I'm the same person and still have my fat days, feelings of doubt, etc. True confidence has to start from within, as cheesy as it sounds. But when you look and FEEL a lot better, it definitely helps your self-esteem.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    50andfabu wrote: »
    For those of you who have lost some weight already, did it help improve your self-esteem?
    No. I don't define myself in terms of my weight, whether I was obese class II or a normal weight.

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    50andfabu wrote: »
    For those of you who have lost some weight already, did it help improve your self-esteem?

    I have had a bad 24 hours in terms of eating and I'm sure it's because of stress and feeling not good enough, comparing myself to others and losing as I'm a 50 year old divorced fat woman. My thinking is that if I can lose enough to go down one size I will start to feel better, stay motivated and the snowball effect will start.

    OK pity party ending...back at it tomorrow. But please tell me losing weight does help with this!

    Yup, snowball effect happened for me :)

    I'm like arditarose, have good & less good days/moments - more good than less good - but overall I'd say losing weight has made a huge difference in terms of how I dress, interact with people, feel about myself in general. I'm participating more in life, freer.

    Beyond body stuff - achieving goals in any domain has a positive effect, it has def been self-empowering.

    BTW congratulations on the divorce. I know it must have sucked but it's probably better than staying married (since you are divorced). Now you're free to figure out a better way to live.