weekend overeating

Hi I usually eat at my maintenance calorie during the weekdays but I can't help overeating eating EVERY weekend because of family dinners and stuff. Will two days of overeating every week make me gain weight though I'll go back to my normal diet for five days? :(


  • nad1996
    nad1996 Posts: 13 Member
    nad1996 wrote: »
    Hi I usually eat at my maintenance calorie during the weekdays but I can't help overeating eating EVERY weekend because of family dinners and stuff. Will two days of overeating every week make me gain weight though I'll go back to my normal diet for five days? :(
    p.s I'll overeat at least 500-1000 cals

  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    If you are eating at maintenance 5 days a week and then eat over maintenance 2 days a week, yes you will gain weight.

    Either learn portion control for the 2 days or put yourself into a deficit for the 5 days (eat less than maintenance) to give you some spare calories for the weekend. Even if you just take 100-200 calories off each day, you will have those 500-1000 calories for the weekend and then the week will even out.
  • coco_bee
    coco_bee Posts: 173 Member
    There's only one way to find out and that's when you weigh yourself again. Suggest make weigh day a Monday so hopefully this will help you to have a bit more control over the weekend and fit in some more exercise. For me mentally, if I know I've worked out, it sorta stops me from pigging out. Will enjoy the family dinners or whatever but stops me from going overboard.