Need Friends - loosing college/emotional weight

Hey everyone! I'm 24, graduating college from NCSU this December and looking to loose some weight I've gained over the past six years. I'm not into eating clean or organic or fresh...just healthy. I'm not opposed to it but I'm more focused on portion control than anything. I'm just a normal girl that isn't a fanatic about working out or eating certain foods but wants to look good and feel good. Add me if you think we could be supportive of each other! :)


  • supahdupahfitness
    supahdupahfitness Posts: 73 Member
    Graduated a few months back, exams/buying my first home = comfort/stress eating. Didn't think much of it, saw a photo of me doing a BBQ.................... now on a one man mission to fight flab and handle stress. Feel free to add!
  • Totally know what you mean!! I lost 60 pounds this past year then gained 17 back. So this time I'm going for my ultimate goal of losing 31 pounds!! Just added, thanks for the support!
  • Ugh losing*** I'm not that dumb I swear :(