Did not do well at yoga, feeling like a loser

I went to bikram yoga this morning for the first time, the class was 1.5 hours, I did 40 min, then I left and came in when there were 15 min left. It was very difficult. I feel like a loser. After my ex boyfriend called me very fat and lazy (bc I don't have a job) and then left me, I now feel like this confirms that I am lazy. I feel very hopeless. I guess what I have to do is lose weight with diet, I'm already doing a good job, the past 3 days all I've eaten is a few sips of juice at night. Honestly I feel ashamed even having the juice. I plan on having 2 cups of juice today at the church dinner. I did buy a low calorie lemonade from Trader Joe's so it's 40 calories a serving.


  • Kachnatko
    Kachnatko Posts: 7 Member
    Life is a matter of intention. You did 45 minutes of yoga. That is not what lazy people do. Thats what winners do. When i started running i coukdnt go for 2 minutes. I felt terrible and pathetic. But i did it again and again. No one expected me to get in and do miraculously good for some reason. I dont expect you either. I di expect you to do the 40 again though. And again. After a while, it will be 50. and 60... Winners do what loser don't want to do and i tell you. I would probably not last the 40. And probably wouldnt even come back. Well done.
  • MysticalT
    MysticalT Posts: 267 Member
    So you did 55 minutes of yoga, something you have never done before, that's brilliant! Honestly it is. It doesn't matter that you took a break, everybody needs a break that's fine. The fact that you went there and gave it a go shows strength and courage, please don't give up!

    One lesson I learnt recently though is not to starve yourself. If juice is all you've had you are going to do more harm than good. Your body needs food and you can eat and lose weight at the same time! Follow your diary goal and you will see results, just read some of the success story's on here, that can be you.

    You will have highs and lows, some days will be easy and some will be hard but it's a journey, a change in lifestyle. You didn't put on weight over night and it won't disappear over night but it will go height the strength and courage you have already shown.

    Have a look at other classes if you need to and take a shorter class or do something without a time restraint such as swimming or walking. This is your journey and you make the decisions!

    As for your ex, mine was the same. Don't let his insecurities get you down because that's exactly what they are, his issue's not yours.

    You can do this and there are many people here to help you on your lows and to celebrate your highs starting now. Well done on attending a class and trying something new! Feel good about what you achieved today, it can't have been easy bit you did it!

    Enjoy your journey :)

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Aw come on, chin up!!
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    First of all Bikram Yoga is hard. Period. My first time doing yoga in a hot and humid room I felt like throwing up. I had to take so many breaks, but I didn't care. I didn't want to pass out. Good for you for making it as long as you did. Second of all, you should be proud for taking the steps you need to be healthy. It's a learning process so go easy on yourself. Most importantly is make sure you eat. Sipping juice won't help you get healthy. Take small steps by maybe just eating smaller amounts of what you normally eat. You got this!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    So you're starving yourself (as I remember from your previous post) and attempting not only a new exercise, but a difficult version?

    Please speak to a professional. This is dangerous behavior.
  • althea5883
    althea5883 Posts: 40 Member
    edited August 2015
    From previous posts, I too think, you need to see a professional. You're negatively obsessing and continuing the abuse from your boyfriend. This isn't a time that you should be starving yourself and picking up new activities. You need to start working on you mentally before you can work on you physically. Until that happens anything you do will just be self destructive. Nothing we do or say will change that.