My trainer is upset with this week's 2 lb. weight loss



  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    His attitude to you, his paying customer really does worry me, go with your gut feeling. Yes of course we can all loose more than 2lbs per week. CAN, is it healthy? No, is it sustainable? No, will it make you keep with the programme? Most likely No. By starving yourself you are more likely to break and go back to your habits. I myself have been there and done it. Slow and steady wins the race, although I would argue at 2lbs a week, it is not slow at all, 104lbs a year, just think about it. Besides weight training will help you tone up and loose inches, and at the end of the day the inch loss is more important than the scales. I am amazed he has not taken your measurements compares those regularly.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    ditch the trainer...

    on a side note, I was not aware that red meat was dirty...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    edited August 2015
    I had one of my previous clients lose 100lbs in a year with just sessions with me (cardio on his own) and calorie counting with no restrictions on what to eat. That's about 2lbs a week.
    You're trainer is a bit overzealous in your training. Are you both in a contest for weight loss? I've been in those against peers for contests and it can get maddening because it shouldn't be a race.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    +1 to "fire the trainer".

    You probably don't need to have someone there with you all the time anyway. Just hire someone (with credentials)
    to help you set up & learn an exercise program, one that you can increase the intensity as you get stronger & lighter,
    and has enough variety so you don't get bored & stop working out.
    That should take maybe 3 visits.
    Then you might want to check in every couple months for a tune-up on technique, or to learn something more advanced.

    Here's where you can search for people in your area who are certified by the American College of Sports Medicine:

    BTW, someone who is only a personal trainer is (almost always) not qualified to advise on nutrition.
    It's not in their scope of practice.
    So unless he has a degree he hasn't told you about...
    And his certifying body (if any) might be interested in knowing about him, his attitude, and his advice.

    He should not be berating you for a perfectly healthy & reasonable amount of loss in a week. Yes, there will be
    some when you'll lose more, and some when you lose less, esp. as you get closer to a healthy weight. But you're
    doing FINE right now. Making small sustained changes, and building on them, has better long-term results than
    what he's trying to do.

    Read these, especially sexypants.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    BTW, your dietary restrictions (not eating certain foods because you think it's healthier) don't have a thing to do
    with losing weight. That's all CICO. You might be eating less because you're stuck with the same foods & are bored.
    That's real. That's why buffets cause people to overeat. We like variety.
    And "clean" is a meaningless term w/r/t food, unless it refers to washing produce.
    Eating fewer processed foods and more whole foods is healthier in several ways, and will give you more volume
    for the same calories.
  • tiredofthisbelly
    tiredofthisbelly Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe he was working at the 7-11 before the gym...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Maybe he was working at the 7-11 before the gym...
    Is that implying that people working at 7-11 are unintelligent?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    You don't need such drastic measures to lose weight. There's no such thing as 'clean' eating. Eating too little, restricting food groups and spending your time at the gym is not sustainable.

    Please fire your trainer (unless you're some actress or something who needs to get fit for a role and doesn't mind gaining weight back after) and find a SUSTAINABLE weight loss plan.

    Eating a reasonable amount of good food and working out regularly is not drastic.

    Keep up the good work...your trainer needs to chill.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I agree with everyone else, ditch the trainer, it sounds like he isn't properly qualified. 5lb a week is not healthy and you could be losing muscle as well as fat. 2lb is sustainable long term - but if you're training properly, you should be gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat, and that can even mean you won't lose an ounce some weeks.
    no,and no to the info I put a line through. I agree with ditching the trainer though.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    You go girl! Keep up the good work! If you have been working out for 5 weeks now, it's time for you to start gaining muscle, so don't sweat the 2lb loss because that could be -3fat +1muscle.

    Some advice that I would give to you is to give yourself more calories. You should be supplying your body atleast 1000 cal. Think food-workout=1000+ (not including everyday activities like regular steps and housework,...) You will only lose weight at this pace for 2-3 months until your body goes into reserve mode And your metabolism takes a beating.

    I agree with SeriouslySta what you do to lose you should do to maintain. Scale back diet restrictions to teach yourself moderation for success in the long run. I always say "1 small cookie with my lunch didn't make me 325lbs., 10 cookies everyday did!" Give yourself some credit! You are doing awesome!

    Also, start keeping a NSV journal! There will be weeks where you don't lose any weight, and being able to look back at all the non weight related accomplishments helps!!
    its not recommended to go below 1200 calories,not to mention you dont gain muscle in a deficit except for maybe slight newbie gains and it wont be enough to show on the scale. That will also taper off as well.
  • missan2net
    missan2net Posts: 8 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    BTW, your dietary restrictions (not eating certain foods because you think it's healthier) don't have a thing to do
    with losing weight. That's all CICO. You might be eating less because you're stuck with the same foods & are bored.
    That's real. That's why buffets cause people to overeat. We like variety.
    And "clean" is a meaningless term w/r/t food, unless it refers to washing produce.
    Eating fewer processed foods and more whole foods is healthier in several ways, and will give you more volume
    for the same calories.
    Thank you, that's what I really meant by eating clean; no processed foods, no refined sugars, etc. I swear all I ever eat is oatmeal, eggs, salads, protein. I'm not bored with my food but yes sometimes I think I'm eating too little bit working out so much. :-(
  • missan2net
    missan2net Posts: 8 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    You don't need such drastic measures to lose weight. There's no such thing as 'clean' eating. Eating too little, restricting food groups and spending your time at the gym is not sustainable.

    Please fire your trainer (unless you're some actress or something who needs to get fit for a role and doesn't mind gaining weight back after) and find a SUSTAINABLE weight loss plan.

    Eating a reasonable amount of good food and working out regularly is not drastic.

    Keep up the good work...your trainer needs to chill.

    Thank you so much! Haha I wish I was an actress getting ready for a role. This one is just a "need to get fit to get ready for the rest of my life" kind of thing. :-)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    missan2net wrote: »
    MKEgal wrote: »
    BTW, your dietary restrictions (not eating certain foods because you think it's healthier) don't have a thing to do
    with losing weight. That's all CICO. You might be eating less because you're stuck with the same foods & are bored.
    That's real. That's why buffets cause people to overeat. We like variety.
    And "clean" is a meaningless term w/r/t food, unless it refers to washing produce.
    Eating fewer processed foods and more whole foods is healthier in several ways, and will give you more volume
    for the same calories.
    Thank you, that's what I really meant by eating clean; no processed foods, no refined sugars, etc. I swear all I ever eat is oatmeal, eggs, salads, protein. I'm not bored with my food but yes sometimes I think I'm eating too little bit working out so much. :-(
    If you are using a scale to weigh your food and entering foods into the diary, you do not need to follow those kind of food rules. What really counts is how many caloires you have eaten at the end of the day -- whether they come from ham, steak, hot dogs, rice, corn, cookies, . . .
    Also, instead of salads, start experimenting with new ways to cook veggies. Trying roasting or grilled for example.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    So, you've lost over 30lbs in 6 weeks and your trainer isn't pleased with THIS week results?! I wouldn't be pleased with the trainer.
    +1 to fire the trainer!
  • accidentalpancake
    accidentalpancake Posts: 484 Member
    The only legit gripe from a trainer is if your check doesn't clear.