to everyone who has family & friends who like to drink

barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I come from Wisconsin aka the binge drinking capital of the US & on top of that i'm a college student! Everyone I know drinks A LOT. I used to drink quite a bit before I started trying to loose weight, but recently i've tried to cut back a bit, and people really make you feel like the odd one out when you don't drink with them. I'm not even of drinking age, but everyone in my family and my boyfriend's family ALWAYS offers me a beer. I feel like I get asked to drink every day!

I don't wanna sound like the crazy girl by saying 'oh sorry i gotta count my calories' because they don't really understand that. I don't like standing out like that or being known as the girl who is on a diet...

what are some good ways to avoid drinking your calories up with the family and friends?!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :bigsmile: say "no, thank you, I'm not drinking today" :bigsmile:
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    You may not be of "drinking age" but you're certainly an adult capable of making your own decisions. Don't give in to the pressure if you don't really want to drink. Your friends and family will probably give you more respect for standing up to them.
  • just smoke mad b's but dont get the munchies girrrrrrl
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Accept, then surreptitiously dump out a little bit at a time in the bathroom, sink, etc when noone is looking. Occasionally raise it to your lips like you're drinking. The level will go down, so you'll look like you're drinking, and noone will question you. I mean it's sad you have to go to these lengths, but it's an option.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Just have one, and sip it, or just say no thanks. It's not as hard as you think, and they won't look down at you for it.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Accept, then surreptitiously dump out a little bit at a time in the bathroom, sink, etc when noone is looking. Occasionally raise it to your lips like you're drinking. The level will go down, so you'll look like you're drinking, and noone will question you. I mean it's sad you have to go to these lengths, but it's an option.
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    Take the drink and carry it around and don't drink it :drinker:
  • Tjk1011
    Tjk1011 Posts: 1
    Also being from Wisconsin, I understand the stigma. I personally, can't drink beer, I think I'm allergic to the hops, as I get all congested the next day and feel crappy. It's not worth to me, so I just don't drink. People will quit asking, and then when you have that occasional drink, the questions will start again. My sister on the other hand loves her beer, and is also trying to lose weight. She has been converted to a Bud Select 55 Girl! :drinker:
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Soda water and lime. It looks like you are drinking...
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    just drink your calories away with some 97 calorie miller light!! Oh, and exercise more the days you know you are heading out! It works out nicely!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Also being from Wisconsin, I understand the stigma. I personally, can't drink beer, I think I'm allergic to the hops, as I get all congested the next day and feel crappy. It's not worth to me, so I just don't drink. People will quit asking, and then when you have that occasional drink, the questions will start again. My sister on the other hand loves her beer, and is also trying to lose weight. She has been converted to a Bud Select 55 Girl! :drinker:

    whoo! someone who gets it! thanks for the story =] sometimes i feel like i'm the only one in the state who doesn't drink lol
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Take the drink and carry it around and don't drink it :drinker:

    My husband's friends really like to drink, and he does this. In fact, he'll carry the same beer bottle in a coozie for hours, and be drinking, but he's been refilling the bottle with water. He looks like he's drinking but he's just drinking water.
  • Lisha0617
    Lisha0617 Posts: 1
    I KNOW exactly what you mean! a few years ago i used to party alot and i was trying to lose weight of course it didnt work because i kept drinking...but NOW I just offer to be the D.D or Just tell them i dont want to drink!....
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Carry a drink around with you. :) No one needs to know it's the same one you've been drinking all night but you :)
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Penn Stater here, the other party school capital. Football and tailgating are religion where I live. Here's my recommendation: Accept the beer, toast your team and your friends, then put it down or pour it out when no one is looking. Don't forget to stay hydrated with water, b/c all that partying is hard work! Have fun.
  • alibaba24
    alibaba24 Posts: 2
    As a fellow Wisconsinite, it is TOUGH to say no when the get-togethers are pretty much centered around drinking. I feel your pain- this Saturday I'm going to a friends birthday party in which the theme is "whiskey".

    What I've been trying to do is limit myself to only 2 days a month which I let myself drink (hard), and then to stick to my calorie goals really well during the rest of the time. I also make sure I write down the calories I drink so that I don't fall out of the habbit of keeping track. It's probably not the best solution- but the alternative of not having a social life isn't pleasant either.
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    Ironically I just posted in your other But I am from Wisconsin too, and college students love to drink. Realistically you can have one drink (although I don't condone underage drinking) and babysit it all night. This way the only way people notice you aren't really drinking is if they are watching you the whole night or you can politely decline. You have the right to say no; you can't be forced to drink.
  • Yodeler
    Yodeler Posts: 1
    1) Be a designated driver. One of the best reasons to not drink, diet or no diet, and people won't pressure you once you tell them.

    2) Drink better booze. It's perfectly normal to drink one dram of single malt scotch over the course of 30+ minutes. In that time the people around you will drink many times that amount of other liquor or beer, but at least you'll be socially drinking with them. I have no idea what you did or do like to drink, but if you think scotch is harsh there are many sweet single malts - Macallan 12 is common at a lot of bars, and it's a really good sweet scotch, fairly cheap too. It will still be more than beer, but when you factor the drinking time in you're actually saving money too.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Just say "No, just water, thanks".

    Don't make a big production of it and, unless they're really bored/immature they won't think anything of it.
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    You can make better choices, too... Light beer, or vodka and soda, or some other low calorie mix with the alcohol. Vodka is about 67-70 calories per oz., and soda water is negligible. Or tomato juice? 30 cal per 5.5 oz. I do a caesar (clamato juice and vodka) or a light beer. Or double fist with a water... just refill the water way more often than the drink. Or you could appoint yourself designated driver and avoid the issue.
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