Muscle gain products while losing weight?

bragz Posts: 22
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I've lost about 30 lbs so far towards my goal and got about another 20-30 to be in decent athletic shape. I'm 39 male, 215 atm. I do weight lifting as well as cardio. Is a good idea or bad idea to use supplements like Whey and the others while I'm still trying to slim down? Havent yet but wondering. My goal is gain muscle and lose fat. Anyone use these? I'm wondering if it would help me gain muscle faster or if it would also add fat. Should I get to my shape I want then work on the muscle portion? Thanks


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Gaining muscle while in a calorie deficit is very, and I mean VERY difficult. It is possible but unless you are just starting out your exercising, it is very slow.

    As to your question, whey and other proteins are helpful when in a calorie deficit to increase the amount of protein in your diet which has been shown to help fat loss. It in theory will help preserve muscle as well.
  • You should always have protein after your workouts. Whey isolate protein has the lowest fat and carb content per serving, and the protein gets into your body quicker than other proteins. Protein supplementation will not increase your fat levels so long as you're staying in a calorie deficiency to lose weight.
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  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    You can't gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. To gain muscle you need a calorie surplus, to lose weight you need a calorie deficit. The two goals are diametrically opposed. Absolutely you can use Whey as a meal replacement and to make sure that you sustain what muscle you do build. You will build your muscles but they can't bulk up because you're not eating the calories you need to bulk. Once you get to your fat percentage you want to get at, then you can look at bulking up.

    However, don't think this is the excuse that some body builders use to eat whatever you want. The surplus calories should still be healthy and low fat. You just need to eat more of the good stuff. My gym's got a few guys like that. Kill themselves with weights and yet still have that large beer gut. Why work that hard and then destroy your gains by eating crap? i don't get it.

    Right now I'm doing a program called Body By Design by Kris Gething, the editor in chief of Supposely it builds muscles and loses fat. I have lost 31 lbs so far and what muscles I see are growing. (I"m still really fat lol) My biceps are much larger and I am much stronger than I was when i started. you could check out the book, it's a 12 week program. It gets you back to basics. If you're already weight lifting it might seem simple but trust the whole program. Each phase builds on the one before and you do get fantastic results.

    And of course, the best way to show those muscles is to have a low fat percentage. That's teh real secret of big muscles and six-pack abs. (Sorry for the long reply. I can't seem to shut my mind off tonight) lol

    Ultimately the more muscle you build the better off you'll be. But don't expect to bulk up until you hit your goal weight and no longer have to eat a calorie deficit. at that point you can look at some supplements like creatine. Most supplements are not necessary I think if you eat properly. except for the whey protein shakes. Take them right after your workout to help your muslces recover.

    (Yes, I'm a girl, I just discovered that I LOVE weight lifting. who knew?)
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    YES! Whey post workout, and please do some kind of carb.

    If you are in the first year of lifting, You will gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously. They say 6 months to a year, you can do both, after that it gets a bit hairy.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    I take BSN Syntha 6. It has a good mix of protein and carbs. It's more like a meal replacement than just a pure protein. I figured that way I wouldnt have to worry about getting some carbs too. Plus it tastes good.
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    When I'm gaining, My favorite way to do it, is I drink a zero carb protein like isopure, and 2 fat free brown sugar and cinnamon pop tarts. Its nice because it actually puts food in my stomach.

    Syntha-6 is a good choice for MRP. I can't do it because of the soy...
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    YES! Whey post workout, and please do some kind of carb.

    If you are in the first year of lifting, You will gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously. They say 6 months to a year, you can do both, after that it gets a bit hairy.

    I agree.....I'm losing fat and I'm gaining muscle. My arms and thighs have actually gotten bigger but not fatter........I'm lifting like a man so I can look like a goddess and I'm losing weight can be done.
  • bragz
    bragz Posts: 22
    Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna go check a few out today.
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