FOR: someone who wants to anaylze me.... please :)

sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Basically, tell me what you think I should do right now about the questions below :)
I will try to make this as short and sweet as possible, as i am a rambling talk machine....

Background Info:
Height: 5'2'', medium frame
Age: 20
highest weight - 155 (2009/2010 ....after a stressful, horrid year of hospitalizations and evil weight gaining medications)
lowest weight - 115 (2007.. when i struggled with eating issues/stopped eating b/c of stressful situations.)
"normal" weight - 125 (the weight I have been able to maintain for most of my adult life and be happy/okay with it)
MFP starting weight - 139 - (March 2011)
Current weight - 126 :) (YAY, I try to remember my accomplishments so far..!)
goal weight - 120 (right now, but maybe change to 115 when I get there, idk.)

***I have eaten HORRIBLE this past week from being "home" living with my dad over my 2 week summer break. So this may be the reason I am having a hard time.. not being around my food/my house/my normal schedule.... so this could be the reason for my breakdown here.

***fear of reaching goal weight??? (what else would i obsess about?)

1. I am 6 pounds away from my goal. I recently changed my weight loss to 0.5 lbs/week and since my settings are on "lightly active" that gives me 1500 calories/day. ****Is this too much?**** (i eat my exercise calories back, usually)
2. ****Should I reevaluate my goal weight?**** (and to what? LOL)

*I am impatient!! (with this) but I feel if I keep changing my goal weight lower and lower, then i'll just get in my bad eating habits where I struggled with eating problems in the past (not eating). and I don't want to do that. I want to be recovered/healthy/active/loving life.

*Maybe I just needed to rant or something. but Lay it on me....


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    It all sounds good to me. So what if you had a bad week? You now know you had a bad week, so now what are you going to do about it? Quit? Go to Jumping Joes? (horrible in-joke that no one on here will get, sorry, it's a local bar) Anywho, make you sure you take in your alloted water and that should help with cutting the calories. You didn't mention what you do for exercise or how much, but as long as you eat back I say you're good. Being that you are so close to your final weight, I hope you're doing some strength training. By doing this, you'll find that you'll be happier at a higher weight as you'll have more muscle definition.
  • Stay where you are and be happy. you are beautiful and the perfect weight! Good luck with your decisions!
  • ChrisFA5
    ChrisFA5 Posts: 59 Member
    1. I am 6 pounds away from my goal. I recently changed my weight loss to 0.5 lbs/week and since my settings are on "lightly active" that gives me 1500 calories/day. ****Is this too much?**** (i eat my exercise calories back, usually)

    Sounds about right.

    2. ****Should I reevaluate my goal weight?**** (and to what? LOL)

    Figure out what your your body percent fat is, don't worry about your actual weight. When I used to lift I was 220 (i'm 6ft) and only 18 percent body fat.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member

    Thats all I need was some simple answers and I got it!!

    I appreciate every single answer! THANKS
  • gatrjeny
    gatrjeny Posts: 9 Member
    I think your goal is just right -- and you have the right attitude about it. I'm not sure, however, that your 1500 calorie a day goal is low enough to lose much weight if at all. I would either aim to be lower, or don't eat back the workout calories. Might not be the best advice, but it would certainly jump you back into weight loss mode.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    we have similair stats :o)
    i'm 5'3
    sw:140 goal: 110 cw:124 & my body's happy weight is 120 (where i maintained most of my adult life)

    first question- are you content at your current weight or think you will be once you're at your goal?
    second- how long have you been on mfp? (wondering because it's habit forming for our eating patterns)
    & third- do you think you'll use mfp after you reach your goal to help you maintain?

    i think you're worrying too much at this point :o) the last few pounds are the hardest to take off & you're a 'normal' weight for your height, not on the small side of the normal scale, so it wouldn't hurt if you changed your goal to be a little smaller if you're discontent when you drop the last 6 pounds. i've watched a lot of my mfp girlies have trouble finding a maintenance number that works for them, they gain/lose & go back & forth & it's a struggle. you'll find what works if you stay on mfp for a while & track your self to see patterns. ♥ you've got this.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I would just keep it at whatever you feel comfortable at. I'm pretty close to my goal weight as well, and I feel like people close to their goal weight should focus more on toning their bodies. Perhaps you should start working out more because that will make your body look a lot more appealing to you as apposed to being just thin. If you wanna bump up the calories, then do it if you plan on working out more. My goal weight is 118 and i'm 135 right now. I'm thinking in the back of my hear "whatever happenes happens" if I gain 5 pounds of all muscle from now on, but I have a rock star body I want to flaunt all over the place then I am happy, but I know that probably wont happen because I have a small frame..

    You should try measuring your wrist because it wil determine what body frame size you have. If i remember correct you are 5'2"? so if your wrist is 5.75 inches or smaller than you have a small body frame, and the goal weight you set was probably good, but if it's 6 inches or above then you have a large frame, so maybe you're at a good weight.

    hope this helped =]
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    You sound like you are at a great weight! What I would focus more on than anything, is getting the nutrients you need and staying active! Don't focus on the weight loss as much as being healthy and strong! Do you want to tone at all? If so, make that a goal! I wouldn't focus on the weight loss anymore! Message me if you'd like :)
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    yes, all these have helped!!

    I think I will keep my goal at 120.
    Lower my goal to 1400.
    and I do exercise quite a bit.. usually, not this crazy freakin' week!! and I'm very active throughout each day. But I will probably more focus on doing strength training (I'm a strength instructor for goodness sakes!!!) Haha!!

    Thanks for everyone giving me a peace of mind on my minor freak out! and yes, I think i was worrying too much haha
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