Calling all runners!

Hi everyone!

I'm not exactly new to MFP but I am always looking for more friends. In the last five months I have made huge changes to my lifestyle, both eating and exercising and have successfully lost (and kept off) 9 pounds, which may not seem like much but I am only 5'2 so that is a decent amount for someone my size!

I am looking to add some more friends, especially anyone who is looking for running motivation. I am registered for my 1st half marathon next month and would love some more motivation and to give motivation!


  • marikaopera77
    marikaopera77 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi abellone,

    Am also looking for friends and motivation.

    Had a personal trainer for the last year who helped me loose 13kg. He's sadly gone back to Oz and am now left to my own devices (which essentially was in my game plan as a goal going forward anyhow).

    Started running & was pumping out 10k around twice a week and injured my knee. Have been in a Physio break, but ready to get back on it & see how the knee holds up. Might have to kick back to 5k to build up the knee again. However, small steps = bigger picture & want to do a 10k & half marathon asap!

    Would love to support each other
  • nicediva007
    nicediva007 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey! I'm training for a half marathon third but I was injured this spring and am only now getting my running legs back. I am new to the forums so I'm looking for new friends and support folk.
  • Brewster1620
    Brewster1620 Posts: 8 Member

    I am training for my 4th half and I've done two full marathons. Would love to support each other.
  • sjbuescher
    sjbuescher Posts: 45 Member
    I ran my first half in March and have been trying to get back on the running wagon - accomplishing that goal was an incredible feeling!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I'm working on the bridge to 10k from zen labs.
    there are a few running groups including "runners" "long distance runners" and b210k
  • runfreer
    runfreer Posts: 23 Member
    I'm running half marathons #9 - 13 this September through November. I'm training for a PR on race #10, the rest are for grins and giggles. I've run one full marathon and plan on doing another in the spring.
  • veggielove3
    veggielove3 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I am a triathlete that's just now starting to focus on running..... I've done a bunch of 5k's and am doing my first 10k this saturday.... actually it's the women rock starlight challenge which is a 1.5k Friday night, then a 10k saturday morning followed by a 5k. I am hopeful to get to marathon status next year and dream of pulling off an ironman. yikes!!
  • Makhai_
    Makhai_ Posts: 146 Member
    Thought we should leave this here......

    Darkness: how ultrarunning can strip away our emotional barriers
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    hey! I'm a runner too. I've sent a few friend requests but didn't want to spam everyone so feel free to add me :)

    running has really helped me become more focused and disciplined, but it's not all perfect, that's for sure. Always nice to have more running friends for motivation and support :)
  • Arch799
    Arch799 Posts: 106 Member
    Training for my first full in Oct. fun fun fun ;)
  • backtofit68
    backtofit68 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Hello fellow runners. Not sure if there is enough room to list everything but I have been steady running for 10 years . I have done a dozen or so halves . 10 full marathons , 3 50ks and attempted a 100k and was injured at the beginning of the year. Had to have back surgery in April which brought me back to MFP. I still have complications from the injury and still have drop foot in my left leg but I am back to double digit runs as of this weekend and completed my first sprint Tri a few weeks ago. Always looking for running friends for motivation and support . Sorry for the long message I talk a lot when it come to running :smiley: .
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Have fun with it. Beware running is addictive. Good Luck Feel free to add me if you like
  • apatx0
    apatx0 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm training for my 3rd half now too. I tend to mix running with bootcamps. Feel free to add me too.
  • eb557
    eb557 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm also training for my first half in November! Add me!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    If you haven't already, come play with us kids over in the running challenges. We are a great group, we motivate and cheer each other on. The group has everything from folks just starting out and running a few miles week to some crazies who run over 200 miles a month.

  • matt83_ssd
    matt83_ssd Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, abellone. Good luck with your first half! I ran a full about a six months after I really got into running and have been hooked since. I have dozens of races under my belt including a tough mudder and a 45 lbs 10K ruck run. The one thing that I've learned over the years is your cooldown is as important as your training...injury prevention 101! Add me if you'd like and keep us all posted on your progress!
  • Nickyc00
    Nickyc00 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, i did my first half marathon last year.. Which I enjoyed training for and got such a buzz out of achieving my goal. I don't know if it was just me but I after the race I lost my motivation. I kept running but think I dropped my heart on the course somewhere. It took a few months but am happy to say I'm back into my happy place. Running a 10k in couple of weeks .. Good luck with your run and remember to enjoy it and look after yourself after the run both pysically and mentally xx
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Nickyc00 wrote: »
    Hello, i did my first half marathon last year.. Which I enjoyed training for and got such a buzz out of achieving my goal. I don't know if it was just me but I after the race I lost my motivation. I kept running but think I dropped my heart on the course somewhere. It took a few months but am happy to say I'm back into my happy place. Running a 10k in couple of weeks .. Good luck with your run and remember to enjoy it and look after yourself after the run both pysically and mentally xx

    @nickyc00 I don't think this is too unusual, you train for months, you go out there and do you thing and then you are done, the high lasts a day or two and then you are like, now what? Glad you found your love of running again.

  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    I have run a couple of 5k races after beginning my running adventure a little over a year ago. I applaud all of you training for a half or full marathon! I do find that I don't seem to have any desire at all to run that distance. I routinely run 4-4.5 miles 5 days a week, so I think if I set my mind to it I could begin training for a half. It just doesn't interest me. Maybe I'll sign up for a 10k, and I absolutely want to do a Spartan Sprint, but find no allure in the longer distance races.
  • running_oz
    running_oz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I started running last year, so far this year I have completed a 10k, Half Marathon and Full Marathon (London). I run 4 times a week and absolutely love it! Always looking for more runner friends. Feel free to add me.