to my fellow vertically challenged members(e.g short people)

escadachic Posts: 395 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hopefully no-one minds me referring to us shorties as vertically challenged. Sounds better then calling ourselves short I think :smile:

What height are you?

What the heaviest you have been?

How about the lightest?

Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out?

Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy?

Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height?

Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel?


  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    What height are you? 158cms (5 ft 2 1/2)

    What the heaviest you have been? 90kgs

    How about the lightest? 49kgs

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yes!!!

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Yes!!!

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? Yes!!

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? Most definitely!
  • 82111093
    82111093 Posts: 1
    What height are you? 4'11

    What the heaviest you have been? 140

    How about the lightest? 98

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? yes, around my middle, my chest and my thighs

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? sometimes

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? yes

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? sometimes, but it depends how much you believe it. The thing doesn't work that well, but it can be okay for personal use
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    What height are you? 5'0''

    What the heaviest you have been? About 210lbs

    How about the lightest? In my adult life (say, over 18) - about 133lbs

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? I'm not sure what you're asking, but if you are asking that every pound shows more on a short person, then yes.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? No, I actually really enjoy being short most of the time. All I dislike is that we have to weigh less than our taller counterparts in order to be, and look, healthy. The only thing I dislike is not being able to find great fitting clothes.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? Not really, BMI is a proportional equation. If I weren't overweight, there's not reason why I would look more overweight than a woman with the same amount of body fat and BMI who was 10 inches taller.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? I don't really regard BMI as a true indicator of "fatness" for anybody these days, provided their body fat percentage isn't high. BMI doesn't get me down because I'm working on reducing my Body Fat. I weighed this amount last year before gaining a bit of weight, but I look a lot slimmer because I've reduced my BF%.

    Advice to the OP - love yourself, and your height a little more, I felt a lot of these questions were really tailored to invoke negative response which didn't sit well with me. LOVE YOUR SHORTNESS, LADIES! Yes, it can be frustrating at times, but there's really no need for self-deprecation!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    so, I personally don't feel like my height or lack of, really helps me.

    Any weight I gain shows, as I don't have height to lengthen me. Extra weight definitely shows on me.

    I think it sux that even when I was 65kgs, which is the smallest I've been since having my 2nd child 16 months ago, I was still considered overweight according to BMI. I felt I look healthy and in no way overweight. So it really gets me down that I'm considered to be.

    So apparently though, 62kgs is just deemed as a healthy weight for me. But damn the scale for healthy, for my height is 47kgs-62kgs. That's a huge difference in weight. To me, at 47kgs I look anorexic!

    I don't think they factor in changes to body shape and such due to pregnancy.

    Anyway, just having a lil moan at the fact I can't win right now.
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    What height are you? 5ft 1 and currently 16st 5lbs (229lbs)

    What the heaviest you have been? 21st (294lbs)

    How about the lightest? As an adult, 15st (210lbs)

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? According to the charts, I should be around 8st (112lbs) - NEVER gonna happen!

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Nope, I love being short! :)

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? This doesn't apply to me. I *am* overweight and I *do* look it. At my current weight, I would probably still be deemed overweight if I was 6ft tall LOL

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? I honestly don't pay that much attention to it.

    Good post. I wouldn't mind having some "vertically challenged" friends (lol) with 100lbs + to lose! xx
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    And where I find any weight shows the most on me, is firstly the thighs, then the hips, waist and arms. My thighs, I can't win with them, unless I'm a size 7!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    im 5'3" tall

    the heaviest ive ever been is 14st(196lbs)

    the lightest i remember being is 10st 10lbs (150lbs)

    i wear 6" heels on nights out to combat feeling like a midget hahahaha

    i treat the bmi scale as a rough guide as to what i should healthily weigh lol

    its mostly tummy weight for me, but ppl say i look fine where i am now 11st 7lbs (161 lbs) :-s

    yes, very lol

    hope ive remembered everythin lol
  • angelden4
    angelden4 Posts: 10 Member
    What height are you? 158cms (5 ft 2 inches)

    What the heaviest you have been? 78kgs

    How about the lightest? 60kgs

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? No

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Yes

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? Yes!

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? Just feel that i wish I had been born taller then could be a bit heavier!
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    height 156 cms
    heaviest 901 I think can't remember what I weighed before my operation last year but was 90.6 in March
    lightest as an adult don't have clue, 11-12st maybe
    most for my height is 9st I think lightest I think is 7 so I'm hoping for 7-8 (as if!)
    I hate being short everything is to high on shelves in shops
    I am and do look over weight no doubt about it
    BMI is worthless, I want to develop muscle, not going overboard but want more of it and a low bodyfat % so 7st wet through would be good
    I have about 100lbs to lose, well just under 98-99 now feel free to add me :)
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    oh and they don't make many dresses, skirts, jeans to cater to us shortier people and if they do, they cost much more!

    Oh yes, heels! I love heels, they help, a little :happy:
  • DeboMcD7
    DeboMcD7 Posts: 6
    What height are you? 4ft 11.8 (the .8 is important :P)

    What the heaviest you have been? 9 stone 8

    How about the lightest? Not 100% sure but probably what I am now (8 stone 3/4)

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yeah definitely

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Sometimes, but it can be a good thing too. Even at my heaviest I could wear my taller friends clothes despite them having really good figures...

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? I don't really understand this question. Deemed overweight by who? I know every pound shows more when you're short so its harder to look skinny in the mirror but at the same time even when I was technically overweight according to BMI people still said I didn't need to lose weight so I suppose its more to do with your shape and where you carry weight as opposed to your height

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? Nah, not really. At the minute I'm using a BMI of 22 as one of my targets but its just a guideline so if I want to stop before I reach it then I will and if I feel like I want to lose more then I will (but I'm not going lower then 7 stone 12 because I still want to be able to give blood)
  • i'm 5ft 21/2 in...heavest...224lbs.....the lightest, bout 100lbs....yes weight shows hard out most of time....yes lack of height makes me sick....yes easy deemed over weight....BMI very insulting....and i hate the word obesity!! grrrrrrrrr......but i'm gonna win this battle of the buldge....
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    DeboMcD7. When I was saying deemed overweight, I was referring to the BMI. SO even when I look healthy, and I'm a size 12, BMI says I'm still overweight. And since when was size 12 big?! I thought size 12, well especially in N.Z was quite the normal size of women.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    What height are you? 4' 10"

    What the heaviest you have been? 145lb

    How about the lightest? 102

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yes

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? In everyday life, no, even though clothes never fit (even petites are far too long) and my short legs mean I have trouble keeping up with friends on walks, I'm generally okay about being this height.

    In terms of eating a healthy diet though, yes - even though I'm way more active than many of my friends, I cannot eat as much as them simply because I'm so short. So they'll sit at a desk all day, and have a dessert after their dinner while I work out and have a smaller dinner and STILL can't have a dessert - and that's when I'm not even trying to lose weight. When I'm down to the weight I'd ideally like to achieve, my BMI will be less than a thousand calories a day, and even working out I'll be on around 1500 - 1600 calories a day at maintenance, for the rest of my life, which seems so daunting. Bigger women eat that when they're dieting, and lose a pound a two a week!

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? No, when I'm at the right weight for my height, I look in proportion.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? Pointless imbuing a statistical tool with emotions. I think it's a rather blunt instrument, I've heard the formula isn't appropriate for those under 5' but it can be a useful starting point. Remember the BMI is solely about physical health, not about what weight looks most attractive. Being at a weight that "looks" far too skinny is actually very healthy.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    What height are you? 5'3"

    What the heaviest you have been? 278 lbs

    How about the lightest? The lightest I remember was 190 in high school

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? I've been lucky and I've never really LOOKED my weight. People I trust to tell the truth (my mom included) have always been extremely shocked when I tell them my weight, usually assuming I was at least 30 lbs lighter than I am. I've even had to step on scales in front of other people to prove I was heavier than I looked.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Only when I'm shopping for pants/jeans.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? Never really been an issue as I've been overweight since 2nd grade.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? I wouldn't say insulting but it's a tool like any other tools that doesn't work in every case.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    DeboMcD7. When I was saying deemed overweight, I was referring to the BMI. SO even when I look healthy, and I'm a size 12, BMI says I'm still overweight. And since when was size 12 big?! I thought size 12, well especially in N.Z was quite the normal size of women.
    It is, for girls who are 5'6"-8". That is the problem, being really short means you cant go by averages.

    What height are you? 5' 0"

    What the heaviest you have been? 135lbs

    How about the lightest? 104lbs

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yes

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? I like it most of the time.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? it's not due to hight. Some people carry their weight well, so it doesnt show as much on their body as it does on the scale.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? no, why would it be? It takes hight into consideration.
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    It takes height into consideration, but not muscle mass
  • Trigal68
    Trigal68 Posts: 7
    What height are you? 5 ft 1.5 in

    What the heaviest you have been? 145 lbs

    How about the lightest? Probably about 110 lbs as an adult

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Not really, but I notice it.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? I don't like being short, except when I am on long flights and I do feel as though every fluctuation in weight makes clothing difficult.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? Definitely. The closer I get to what I "should" be for my height, the sicker people tell me I look. They say I look too thin.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? No, I think there are good scientific reasons for the BMI. I am just not convinced that it is a "one-size-fits-all" formula.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    What height are you? 5'1

    What the heaviest you have been? On MFP 141. Actually probably about 150.

    How about the lightest? I was anorexic. Maybe 100. I can't remember.

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yes. On my stomach!

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Not really, I think it's cute. The only thing I am bitter about is looking bad in maxi dresses and long skirts.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? No! The opposite. I am "healthy" according to BMI and body fat % and every other measurement you like, but my appearance does not reflect that. I know many girls would kill for my stats but at 5'1 being healthy is not enough to look good.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? No. Jeez. It is fine. Body fat % is much better, and a mirror better still. Like I said, my BMI is fine (24.0) and my fat % too (around 20 I seem to remember) but that is not reflected in my shape. I think BMI is a great start point unless you happen to have humungous boobs or something crazy like that. Almost always I can guess pretty well whether someone is overweight or not in BMI, and I think people use it's occassional unreliability as an excuse not to be within the healthy range. The only people who I think should disregard it are bodybuilder types with exceptionally muscular bodies, who are anyway aware of that limitation and have a very low body fat %, and girls with huge boobs which skew it a ton. But BMI is a perfect starting point for 90% of people and that's why it is still the foremost measure of healthy weight. It also allows a good deal of wiggle room within the healthy category and accounts for varied body shapes. The only other thing I would say about BMI is that while it's unlikely that you are "overweight" and at optimal heath, there is nothing stopping you from being "normal" but in poor health.
  • beastlye
    beastlye Posts: 37
    What height are you? 5'0"

    What the heaviest you have been? about 115

    How about the lightest? 75 (not proud about that)

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows? --Of course! It's amazing how noticeable a few added pounds are on my frame

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? --Sometimes, I suppose. I think I'd probably have insecurities regardless of my height, though. Lack of confidence is the enemy!!

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height?
    -- Yes! Even at a healthy weight, there are things about me that make me feel stubby (like the teapot, short and stout). These last 10 lbs are soooo stubborn to leave.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? --People in the Public Health world still collect BMI info for sure, but they take it with a grain of salt. It certainly has its limitations....I think that numbers have their place, but we need to focus on what makes us feel optimally healthy too.
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