binge eating and don't know what to do



  • P6O9B
    P6O9B Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you so much for the advice and support everyone. I have my weight loss at 0.5 kg per week. However on days when I don't binge I usually eat about 1000 calories under the amount set for the day so maybe that together with not wanting to deal with emotions such as sadness or fear set me up for a binge
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    You are setting yourself up to binge by reducing your intake. Knowing that you are binging because you don't want to deal with your emotions is a good first steps. Awareness usually results in us feeling like we are doing something more than usual.

    The next step is some kind of action. One possibility is forgiving yourself. By stopping the judgment, the action will take on less importance and give you some space to change.

    And additional possibility is to get professional help to deal with those emotions that are so difficult to sit with.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    Everyone needs an outlet.. If I don't binge once in awhile.. I might take up smoking or drink or something worse.. Not like I would.. Those days are behind me for the most part.. But my binges are so small now anyway.. But food can be a vice.. And also, if used right, a healthy one. It's just about getting it down to a healthy amount.. And getting rid of the guilt.. Obviously, we need to come to terms with our real problems..

    Recently, I was unable to have a little binge, for weeks, I was stressed.. No vice.. And I actually got stress hives!!! For 10 days! Once I was able to binge on 3 big cookies.. They went away.. It was the strangest thing!

    I know I sound really crazy, but I've been at this for years, and struggled with addiction and weight issues.. Honestly.. Active lifestyle saved me from myself and gave me what I really wanted.. The ability to do what I just sometimes need to do! And that's sit with a big ol' bowl of ice cream some nights and just indulge!
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    As others have said, log all the food you eat including binges. Set your diary to private if you are embarrassed. Not only does the act of logging show you how much damage the binge can cause, it can also help in preventing binges. If you are tracking your food accurately, you will have to put your food on a scale before you consume it. This in itself can help prevent a binge, because you will probably give yourself a reasonable portion.

    Also, even though it is hard, try and figure out and address the emotional reasons you are binging. They may already be apparent to you, or you may need a counselor or therapist to help you through it. Either way, until you address the core issue you are going to have binge eating issues or other avoidance behaviors.

    I had a period of binge eating a couple years ago when I moved to a new city. I didn't know anyone and was lonely. I joined MFP and lost some of the weight I gained, but still had periods of overeating. When I finally addressed the issue (I put myself out there and made a new group of friends), the binge eating stopped.

    You are using food to "zone out" and avoid your problems. Instead of avoiding your underlying problems, face them head on and try and fix the things are can and accept the things you cannot change.
  • P6O9B
    P6O9B Posts: 13 Member
    Ops sorry guys I was supposed to write 1000 kj not calories!
  • P6O9B
    P6O9B Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for the words of advice and encouragement. I took time for myself today to really feel emotions when they come up and I was really surprised that I felt annoyed/angry when a friend yet again asked me to do a favor for them and asked me to drop something off to their sister on the other side of the city at 7:30pm because I have a car and they don't. By the time I got back my dinner had gone cold and reheated salad felafel is not so great as the salad goes all limp. Usually I wouldn't feel annoyed or angry I would just do what my friend had asked and binge later. I did still drop the stuff off but at least I let myself feel entitled to be annoyed and to have the feeling (of course I didn't let anyone else see I was feeling this). So thank you to everyone who has given me the encouragement and advice to take the first steps today into feeling feelings I would normally push away.
  • whiteblossom14
    whiteblossom14 Posts: 240 Member
    P6O9B wrote: »
    Hi there, just thought I would try reaching out and owning up. I have been binge eating a lot. I have been too embarrassed to log my food and don't want to have to see all the calories I have been binge eating and feel really disappointed in myself and discouraged. I'm not sure how to stop and I don't really even know why I am doing it. Anyone else had a similar experience and have managed to loose weight and eat healthily? Any tips?

    I binge eat. But I have to say when I started I didn't log the calories on different app. Made up my mind I wouldn't do it this time. I write every thing on here I still over eat with snacks but I get my butt out and do exercise. I still feel very guilty but seeing the weight coming off and the support I have received has been awesome. Take the first step and you have done that. Well done x
  • Tahlia68
    Tahlia68 Posts: 204 Member
    P6O9B wrote: »
    Thank you for the words of advice and encouragement. I took time for myself today to really feel emotions when they come up and I was really surprised that I felt annoyed/angry when a friend yet again asked me to do a favor for them and asked me to drop something off to their sister on the other side of the city at 7:30pm because I have a car and they don't. By the time I got back my dinner had gone cold and reheated salad felafel is not so great as the salad goes all limp. Usually I wouldn't feel annoyed or angry I would just do what my friend had asked and binge later. I did still drop the stuff off but at least I let myself feel entitled to be annoyed and to have the feeling (of course I didn't let anyone else see I was feeling this). So thank you to everyone who has given me the encouragement and advice to take the first steps today into feeling feelings I would normally push away.
    Don't beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself. Log everything you eat and be honest with yourself. If you feel like having a binge, go for a walk, take a hot bath, papmper yourself and try and take your mind off food. Drink lots of water to curb your hunger. Theres a lot of great advice from all the above members, take it. <3

  • ForestFairy022
    ForestFairy022 Posts: 99 Member
    My psychologist told me that I need to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks, every 3 hours. I binge because of carbs so she told me that I need to have some carbs at each meal/snack, so that my body has a steady supply all day. :)
  • ForestFairy022
    ForestFairy022 Posts: 99 Member
    Oh, and also drink a glass of water every hour if you can. That helps me too.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    I'm not a binger, but I do like my snacks & sweets! What I do is to remove 1 serving from the bag and immediately re-seal the with a food vacuum sealer. Then I log it and thoroughly enjoy my snack. Your food is not going to will still be there tomorrow for you to enjoy, there's no need to make sure it all gets eaten at once. I just tell myself that I can have more tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, as long as I have the calories allocated for it.

    You sound like a person who is generous enough to give their time to help others, but feel guilty about ever saying no, and so others take advantage of that. I find it difficult to turn down someone in need also, but learned to compromise and set some in saying something like, "Sure, I can run that item across town to your sister, but it will have to be later this evening or tomorrow morning."
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 418 Member
    I'm a binge eater. It started after I had my 2nd child in may of last year. I don't know why I do it. It's something I'm struggling with myself. I'll do great all day, then nighttime comes and it's like I'm possessed by a starving demon. I'll eat around 1000 calories. I eat so much I feel sick. Then I feel ashamed that I did it. For the past 2 days, I have not binged. I made myself a nice little chart with the title "days binge free" and so far I have 2 checks. I'm trying really hard. I got rid of any trigger foods (cake, cookies, ice cream, chocolate ) so try getting rid of your trigger foods. If it's not there you can't eat it. Also you're more than welcome to add me and we can help each other through this fight.
  • P6O9B
    P6O9B Posts: 13 Member
    Yay binge free healthy eating day number one!!! I was with my calorie goal too. I also went to a yoga class and have been using mindfulness skills like being aware of my breathing and being in the moment and focusing on what I am doing during the day. I have a lot of feelings that I was not aware that I had. It's kind of fun getting to explore them. Thank you for all the support, messages, connection and advice. Going for binge free healthy eating day number two tomorrow :)