Massachusetts here..anyone else?

I've just begun this journey yet again to loose weight and become a healthier me. I am almost 200 lbs now and have about 40-60 to loose to be back to where I was before. I do really good at first with eating right, going to the gym, no sugars/sodas/etc but then I get bored of it. I need a good challenge and people who are in a similar situation to keep motivating me.

Who else is from Mass.? I'm in Worcester, would love to be friends with others!


  • galabrielle98
    galabrielle98 Posts: 507 Member
    Methuen here!! I lost 24 lbs so far and I have 50 more to go. Feel free to add me! :)
  • pcrystal1020
    pcrystal1020 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in Fall River mass I'll add you
  • amandandstuff
    amandandstuff Posts: 5 Member
    Quincy here!! Lost 8 pounds, but I'm feeling a bit unmotivated. I'm the same way, doing really good at first and then I go a few days where I'm like meh, I'll get back on the horse tomorrow, and then I totally fall off. I'll keep you going if you keep me going!
  • brfm_92
    brfm_92 Posts: 9 Member
    I couldn't agree more with you Amanda! I fall off but always get back on, eventually
  • mclush12
    mclush12 Posts: 35 Member
    Boston here.....