I've been on the site for a bit, but just really getting started with my weight loss project.

janierock Posts: 41 Member
edited August 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everybody! My name is Janie, I'm 40-year-old and a Mom of two from Michigan. I'm just starting out with a weight loss project where I'm trying a new diet every week for a year to see what works and what doesn't for people like me who have been heavy, basically since birth. I'm documenting my journey in lots of places on the internet, including myfitnesspal and I'd love to make some new friends here to share my journey with. If you'd be interested in keep up with my story, I'd love to hear from you. If you have ideas for what diets I should try or any suggestions for my journey, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks so much!


  • keerwi3j
    keerwi3j Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Janie! Thank you for sharing this journey. I admire your bravery in sharing, for being open and honest about the struggles you've faced, and for being you. I've enjoyed watching your videos on YouTube so far, and hope you find the answers you are looking for.

    There are a couple diets I've tried in the past that worked for me in the short term, but I'd be interested in your perception. One is a "cookie" diet, specifically the one by a Dr Seigal. It's a prepackaged box (1 box/week) of bags (1 bag/day) of 'cookies.' There are different flavors to choose from, but you eat them with a big glass of water when you feel hungry. At dinner, you can have a 300 kcal meal. The other was called the insulin resistance diet. I think it was intended for pre-diabetics. The idea is to balance blood sugar levels by only eating 30 g carbohydrates in any sitting. The balance part comes in for each 15 g carbohydrate, pair it with 7 g protein.

    Looking forward to see what you have in store for your subscribers in future!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Please think of this as a lifestyle not diet ....all you need to do is to eat in a deficient...you don't need any special food ....eat what you love but less of it and move more and you will lose weight ...wishing you much success
  • elarian
    elarian Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Janie. I also have lots to lose, and I appreciate looking for a solution. There are lots of reasons for being heavy, but there's only one solution of losing weight. East less than you burn. I'm worried you're looking to try all different types of diets to find one that works. And particularly that you're only giving each option one week! Don't get me wrong--I know different foods have different influences on us all. For me, I eat wheat when I can't sleep for the wheat coma :D but for lots of people, they're fine! Fad diets aren't a solution. Calorie deficit is. I wish you success on your journey, and friend me if you'd like!
  • janierock
    janierock Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there! Good luck to you. What I've learned in years of dieting is that, yes, a calorie deficit is going to earn you weight lost, but if, like me, you have trouble controlling your eating, you can't maintain the deficit. The idea behind trying lots of diets is to assess what eating style is doable and maintainable. I address this in the video about judging criteria. Fad diets do work for some people to control their eating, so I am leaving to stone unturned and we'll look at the pros and cons of each. Thanks for the feedback!
  • janierock
    janierock Posts: 41 Member
    The cookie diet is very interesting. *researching*