Need friends to keep me on track w logging

deneenae Posts: 97 Member
edited August 2015 in Motivation and Support
I need friends to help keep me on track with logging. I have a hard time logging on the weekends and sometime weeknight dinners. I do great with all other meals... It's just once the evening/weekend comes around I just want to throw up my hands and relax.

I'd also like to see diaries in the 1500 cal range because i need some inspiration in the meal planning section. I really don't have an issue with exercising regularly as i've learned to make it part of my day... But now it's time to turn my attention to what i eat. It's just the dang oh so yummy food...

Did i mention that I love to and cook? That can be a good thing when you're trying out a new hummus recipe and a bad thing when you have a delicious pizza made out of homemade dough and marinara sauce baking in the oven...

I've never posted on a discussion board before and I've been with MFP since April 2014... And my wt hasn't moved ... so now I'm desperate enough to ask for friends.... Haha...


  • Mikkahnn2life
    Mikkahnn2life Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. We'll your not the only one! I've Heard ON Numerous Accounts that daily logging of your food intake is key to monitoring your weight so I'm going to really try to do this right this time. I think you mentioned recipes. Try googling "Skinny taste" It has the best low fat nutritious recipes with pictures. :)
  • deneenae
    deneenae Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks! I'll take a look.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Add me if you want to receive and give support and motivation. Just joined a couple weeks ago and am interested in friending a limited number of like minded folks so I can easily monitor when someone seems to have dropped off. I don't mind giving and getting some reminder nudges to keep on track. I will not stay friends on here with people who have too many friends. Don't see the use if they're not going to keep me accountable. I'm a 47 yr old female, who has just lost 50 lbs since January. 10 more to go until my initial goal weight. Then another 15 if possible but I'll be quite content even if that doesn't happen. Send me a request if interested. We can do this together!!!
  • neverceasing
    neverceasing Posts: 7 Member
    I love pizza, too. So, I don't even think about bringing it to the house. Recently, a friend told me about a recipe where the pizza crust is made from cauliflower. She said her family loves it. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. Weight loss is a day-to-day process so take it one day at a time. If you fall, pick yourself up, shake of the dust, and remember, tomorrow is another day.
  • linjo66
    linjo66 Posts: 8 Member
    Add me if you would like. I try to keep between 1200-1500 calories a day. I try to eat four smaller meals a day preferably with protein at each one. I have logged in daily for 2 months now, as I see a nutritionist periodically and she reviews my diary. She keeps me accountable. I can help you stay accountable in diary as well. Have you tried the MFP app? It works even when not connected to the internet, so it is good for iPods, iPads, Android tablets, etc, even your smartphone. I find that since I have the app, I can log most of my food (and notes too) even when out and about. If you have a few minutes, you can log quite a bit without getting caught up in the entire website.