Am I not eating enough?



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    30 minutes on the treadmill at what speed / incline ..steady state or intervals

    What kind of machines . The weights one - no calories from those

    When you use the bike / elliptical same questions as treadmill

    You can half the calories you get from the machines

    Scan the barcode, check against the product and also weigh it (just until you get used to portion sizes)

    No reason to stay away from coke if you calorie allowance or diet coke if not, it's not a factor in weight loss

    Again I would really recommend a structured programme ...and a progressive one ...

    Why are you spending 2 you enjoy it?
  • kollar100
    kollar100 Posts: 17 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    30 minutes on the treadmill at what speed / incline ..steady state or intervals

    What kind of machines . The weights one - no calories from those

    When you use the bike / elliptical same questions as treadmill

    You can half the calories you get from the machines

    Scan the barcode, check against the product and also weigh it (just until you get used to portion sizes)

    No reason to stay away from coke if you calorie allowance or diet coke if not, it's not a factor in weight loss

    Again I would really recommend a structured programme ...and a progressive one ...

    Why are you spending 2 you enjoy it?

    My speed and incline change because I I try to beat my previous days speed and distance. I don't use the dead weights, I use the resistance machines (that's what one of the gym staff called them)
    I do weigh my food. I stay away from cokes because they are empty calories and if I drink one then I drink more.
    I like the gym. . . With all cardio and strength, I try to beat my last record. I'm wanting to lose weight but also tone up. I try to do am hour of cardio every day, 30 minutes at the beginning and end of my workout.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    At any point in this thread are you going to listen to the feedback given or are you just going to deflect continuously?

    Quite simply you are failing to fuel your body properly for the amount of activity you're doing... aka, starving it. Your understandings of nutrition and fitness are skewed.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited August 2015
    louise5779 wrote: »
    You need to eat your goal and eat back some of your workout calories. Maximum 50%.

    I don't see anything wrong with doing a 2 hour cardio workout. That's what I do 5 mornings a week. Some people just have a long endurance. I often watch people at the gym who get on each machine for 5 minutes and leave after a total of 30 minutes. That just doesn't work for everyone and I wouldn't call it a work out but a warm up! I don't feel like I have worked out unless I'm doing 2 hours or a distance run outside.

    Please remember everyone is built differently no way could I cut to 30mins x 2 per week of cardio.

    It does, dependent upon what your goals are.... If a person is just trying to lose some weight and maybe increase their cardiovascular health a little bit, there's nothing wrong with a 30 min workout and adjusting your calories as such.

    My daily run tends to be 5.25 miles per day 4x per week, which at the height of my endurance was just over 30 minutes, is that not a sufficient cardio workout?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    kollar100 wrote: »
    I feel full with what I eat.

    Real talk: If your body sent you the proper signals regarding fullness vs the number of calories you're eating, would you have gained 18 lbs over this summer? Don't trust your body right now regarding this; trust the clock and your log.
  • kollar100
    kollar100 Posts: 17 Member
    I gained 18 pounds over the summer because we were on vacation and we indulged on things that we don't get where we live. . . . . I didn't even use myfitnesspal this summer, I just started when my kids went back to school and I got back to the gym. . . . . .
    So how many calories should I be consuming a day? I know there is a problem with what I'm doing. . . That's why I asked for advise.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    kollar100 wrote: »
    I gained 18 pounds over the summer because we were on vacation and we indulged on things that we don't get where we live. . . . . I didn't even use myfitnesspal this summer, I just started when my kids went back to school and I got back to the gym. . . . . .
    So how many calories should I be consuming a day? I know there is a problem with what I'm doing. . . That's why I asked for advise.

    MFP is telling you how many calories to eat. Eat that many calories. When you exercise, eat those calories back. At least 2/3 of them.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited August 2015
    Ok so don't take this the wrong way, and I'll be honest I didn't read every single reply buuuuuuut your profile states you have 47lbs to lose - which is a decent amount. So, how did you get to be 47ish lbs overweight if you feel full eating under 1,200 calories/day?

    Aside from that, if you're going to be super active eventually eating so little will burn you out. Your body just won't have the energy to keep going, you could be prone to injury, your basic body functions could stop working as well . . . there's lots that will happen. To me, this sounds like you're trying to do a quick fix. Slow and steady is the best way to lose because it is usually setting you up for long term success when you make slow and gradual progress.

    I work out 5-6 days/week - I am 5'10 and 260lbs and I am losing on about 2,200 calories/day. The bigger you are, the more calories you need just to survive - IE your TDEE if you are 5'10 and 260 lbs is probably going to be higher than if you are 5'2 and 125 lbs. *assuming you're doing normal, every day living things and both people have relatively similar day to day activities - desk jobs, for example.

    I'm not sure if you're looking for the "Oh no, eat more you're starving yourself" validation or what here, but the long and short of it is that if you're going to be super active you have to eat to sustain that.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    OP, enter into MFP to lose 1 lb/week. Eat that many calories plus about 1/2 of your exercise calories. Watch your weight decrease by about 1 lb/week (each week will be different).
    You need to fuel your body for both its metabolic activity (organs keeping you alive, for example) and the exercise.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    kollar100 wrote: »
    I weigh 188 and I'm 5-2. . . Workout 4 times a week at the gym for 2 hours each day and do workouts at home on my 'off gym' days. How much should I be taking in a day to lose weight. . . About 1-2 pounds a week? I need to be back at 140.

    Is 140 a healthy weight for you, or just what you feel you should be at? I feel like you're very focused on the scale and not so much on being healthy. If you're really only concerned about a number and not doing it for health/fitness/longevity of life reasons I feel like your success will not be as great or as long-term as it could be.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    28 yo
    8 hrs/wk exercise
    plus "mom" activity

    Your TDEE is around 3092 kcals for your level of activity!! That's how many calories it would take to maintain your current size! So that would put you at a 39% deficit. That is too extreme. That's not even taking into account you don't make it to 1200 kcals!!

    With a more appropriate deficit fo 15-20% you should be eating 2474 kcal with your current activity level.

    If you continue this calorie deficit it will have negative affects on your health. Just some symptoms are hormonal issues, restricted blood flow (cold hands & feet), irritability and even hair loss!

    Please come by the EM2WL group (eat more 2 weigh less) to get more in depth explanations and help transitioning away from the yo-yo dieting of extreme deficits.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, I want to repeat this as it's the one thing you haven't replied to yet:

    Are you using a food scale?

    When someone says they feel full on less than 1200 calories every day, it is usually a sign that they are eyeballing portions and not getting it right. Which is actually very common. I was SHOCKED by how much I was really eating when I started using a food scale, most people are. I was actually eating anywhere from 200-500 cals per day more than I thought I was.

    So start using a food scale and make sure you are eating your calories as everyone above has mentioned. If you are going to work so hard, you might as well get the most bang for your buck, and a food scale will get you there. Good luck!
  • kollar100
    kollar100 Posts: 17 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    Ok so don't take this the wrong way, and I'll be honest I didn't read every single reply buuuuuuut your profile states you have 47lbs to lose - which is a decent amount. So, how did you get to be 47ish lbs overweight if you feel full eating under 1,200 calories/day?

    Aside from that, if you're going to be super active eventually eating so little will burn you out. Your body just won't have the energy to keep going, you could be prone to injury, your basic body functions could stop working as well . . . there's lots that will happen. To me, this sounds like you're trying to do a quick fix. Slow and steady is the best way to lose because it is usually setting you up for long term success when you make slow and gradual progress.

    I work out 5-6 days/week - I am 5'10 and 260lbs and I am losing on about 2,200 calories/day. The bigger you are, the more calories you need just to survive - IE your TDEE if you are 5'10 and 260 lbs is probably going to be higher than if you are 5'2 and 125 lbs. *assuming you're doing normal, every day living things and both people have relatively similar day to day activities - desk jobs, for example.

    I'm not sure if you're looking for the "Oh no, eat more you're starving yourself" validation or what here, but the long and short of it is that if you're going to be super active you have to eat to sustain that.

    Over the summer, I didn't use myfitnesspal pal. We did a lot of traveling and I ate a lot. We did a lot of drive time and fast food and a lot of snacking. . I'm assuming out of boredom. I drank a lot of energy drinks to help keep me awake while we were driving at 2 or 3 am and again in the mornings to help wake me up. Since I've started myfitnesspal, I've been staying so busy that I don't feel hungry. . . I dunno. I usually have scrambled eggs, toast and a protein shake for breakfast. For lunch, it varies depending on where I am but in trying to stick to healthy food. . . . The 47 pounds over weight is weight gained over the last 5 years (after I had my second child)
    I am by no means looking for an easy way out, I'm just trying to find what works for me. Since I've started myfitnesspal, I've lost like 3 pounds but I don't think I can really count that as weight loss because everyone's body fluctuates by about 5 pounds. Im getting confused by what everyone is saying because people are telling other people in the thread that they are wrong, etc. I just want what's going to work for me and my body on my daily schedule.
  • kollar100
    kollar100 Posts: 17 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    OP, I want to repeat this as it's the one thing you haven't replied to yet:

    Are you using a food scale?

    When someone says they feel full on less than 1200 calories every day, it is usually a sign that they are eyeballing portions and not getting it right. Which is actually very common. I was SHOCKED by how much I was really eating when I started using a food scale, most people are. I was actually eating anywhere from 200-500 cals per day more than I thought I was.

    So start using a food scale and make sure you are eating your calories as everyone above has mentioned. If you are going to work so hard, you might as well get the most bang for your buck, and a food scale will get you there. Good luck!

    Yes, I use a digital food scale for everything, along with the Barcode scanner on this app and I match it to the actual label of whatever it is that I'm scanning.
  • kollar100
    kollar100 Posts: 17 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    kollar100 wrote: »
    I weigh 188 and I'm 5-2. . . Workout 4 times a week at the gym for 2 hours each day and do workouts at home on my 'off gym' days. How much should I be taking in a day to lose weight. . . About 1-2 pounds a week? I need to be back at 140.

    Is 140 a healthy weight for you, or just what you feel you should be at? I feel like you're very focused on the scale and not so much on being healthy. If you're really only concerned about a number and not doing it for health/fitness/longevity of life reasons I feel like your success will not be as great or as long-term as it could be.

    140 is what my doctor says i need to be at. I'm so focused on the scale because in order to have a healthy lifestyle, I need to be able to lose weight in a healthy way.
    So basically I need to update my calorie intake amd keep doing the same workouts?
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    kollar100 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    OP, I want to repeat this as it's the one thing you haven't replied to yet:

    Are you using a food scale?

    When someone says they feel full on less than 1200 calories every day, it is usually a sign that they are eyeballing portions and not getting it right. Which is actually very common. I was SHOCKED by how much I was really eating when I started using a food scale, most people are. I was actually eating anywhere from 200-500 cals per day more than I thought I was.

    So start using a food scale and make sure you are eating your calories as everyone above has mentioned. If you are going to work so hard, you might as well get the most bang for your buck, and a food scale will get you there. Good luck!

    Yes, I use a digital food scale for everything, along with the Barcode scanner on this app and I match it to the actual label of whatever it is that I'm scanning.

    Then i don't know what to tell you, other than you need to eat more. If you want to open your diary, maybe someone can see what you are eating every day and give you more specific advise, though I know not everyone is comfortable doing that. If I eat less than 1500 cals on the days I work out, I am starving by the end of the day!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    28 yo
    8 hrs/wk exercise
    plus "mom" activity

    Your TDEE is around 3092 kcals for your level of activity!! That's how many calories it would take to maintain your current size! So that would put you at a 39% deficit. That is too extreme. That's not even taking into account you don't make it to 1200 kcals!!

    With a more appropriate deficit fo 15-20% you should be eating 2474 kcal with your current activity level.

    If you continue this calorie deficit it will have negative affects on your health. Just some symptoms are hormonal issues, restricted blood flow (cold hands & feet), irritability and even hair loss!

    Please come by the EM2WL group (eat more 2 weigh less) to get more in depth explanations and help transitioning away from the yo-yo dieting of extreme deficits.

    Just for a little more effect, OP; you wouldn't be at a 39%'d be at a 61% deficit. 1200 is only 40% of your TDEE, thus you'd be eating TDEE -60%. You're eating at an extreme. You should be eating 1200 cals + 50-60% of your exercise cals to get into the 2000's. Eating at such an extreme is a recipe for failure.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    kollar100 wrote: »

    140 is what my doctor says i need to be at. I'm so focused on the scale because in order to have a healthy lifestyle, I need to be able to lose weight in a healthy way.
    So basically I need to update my calorie intake amd keep doing the same workouts?

    1200 cals or less is not the healthy way. Do you mind opening up your diary so we can see what you're eating? You were really detailed about breakfast and then is got blurry then on, "it varies....".
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You didn't gain weight by not being able to eat enough. You can find a way to eat more and meet the calorie goal MFP sets for you, and still eat back 1/2 to 2/3 of your exercise calories. If food mass is the problem, try more calorie dense foods, like avocado and full-fat dairy products.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    kollar100 wrote: »
    I say over eating because I'm already full with being under 1200 calories and I stay very active. I log everything that I eat. I don't eat back my workout calories because I want to lose weight, not maintain it. I workout in the morning after I drop the kids off at school but don't log my workout till nighttime because I don't want to eat back those calories. I do weigh everything that I eat and scan all the barcodes. I've lost almost 6 pounds since the kids went back to school but only 2 since I started back with the app. . . Which that weight doesn't really count as weightloss because the body fluctuates so much.
    I was home with my kids over the summer and we also took a very long vacation. . . . So eating right was hard to do when u spend 90 hours in the truck in 2 weeks. . . . I did do salads when we sat down but more junk food than anything else. I gained 18 pounds over the summer which has had me a little depressed and mad at myself.
    I'm kinda stick and don't know what to do. . . .
    (sorry, this kinda turned into a venting session)

    1500 calories is probably not maintenance for you (1200 you eat, plus your exercise calories).

    I'm taller than you, but I'm maintaining right now at around 2800 calories (I'm breastfeeding though).

    Read as much as you can about this stuff....and hopefully you will read the information from people who have been successful for the LONG run.

    You are on track to yo-yoing.