5 ingredients or less...simple 1200 calorie meal plans

What does your 1200 calorie day look like? I need simple ideas that won't make me starve...preferably very little cooking time and 5 ingredients or less..thanks!


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Lol "ideas that won't make me starve" you know that's a pointer to not be on 1200 calories.
  • Joslynn1979
    Joslynn1979 Posts: 8 Member
    lol...well they said if i want to lose 2 lbs/week i should eat 1200 calories. Back in 2010 when i was on track with calorie counting and eating 1200 calories i was living off of oatmeal, salad with chicken or beef, and a yogurt parfait...that's it. That's why i need ideas from other people who have found success..thanks!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    lol...well they said if i want to lose 2 lbs/week i should eat 1200 calories. Back in 2010 when i was on track with calorie counting and eating 1200 calories i was living off of oatmeal, salad with chicken or beef, and a yogurt parfait...that's it. That's why i need ideas from other people who have found success..thanks!

    First IMO 2 pounds a week is really only advisable for very obese persons... which doesn't seem to be your case.
    Second, you shouldn't eat 1200, but 1200 + at least half your exercise calories 1200 is really too little for most women unless they're 50+, 5 feet tall, and sedentary.
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited August 2015
    I would shoot for 1 lb/week loss, max. It is counterproductive to cut too drastically since you not only lose fat and water, but also muscle. It can't be too good for the metabolism, long-term either.

    To gain lose about one pound of tissue weight, you have to consume about 3,500 calories less than you expend. This is a safe, doable goal in a span of one week.


    Current diet = 2,000 calories per day / 7 days a week (2,000 x 7 = 14,000 weekly calories)
    Weight loss diet = 1,500 calories per day / 7 days a week (1,500 x 7 = 10,500 weekly calories)

    ^ This is a difference of 3,500 calories which equates to a safe 1 lb. of loss per week in this particular example.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited August 2015
    lol...well they said if i want to lose 2 lbs/week i should eat 1200 calories. Back in 2010 when i was on track with calorie counting and eating 1200 calories i was living off of oatmeal, salad with chicken or beef, and a yogurt parfait...that's it. That's why i need ideas from other people who have found success..thanks!

    2 pounds a week is really aggressive for 48 pounds to go. That's why you got MFPs default minimum.

    You can earn extra calories thru exercise too (that's how MFP works). But be careful because calorie burns can be inflated depending upon your type of activity.

    I eat more than 1200 (I'm older and need to keep lean muscle as much as possible). But the basics are low to moderate fat protein, veggies, veggies, whole grains, lower fat dairy, and whole fruits. I would always pick fruit with a high water content (watermelon or strawberries) for the biggest serving size.

    1200 never gave me any wiggle room, so I would stray now & again. Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. Pick something you can live with for a long time.
  • Joslynn1979
    Joslynn1979 Posts: 8 Member
    Great advice...i just bumped up my calories to 1500..i think that is more realistic. Still need meal planning ideas though..and there are tons of resources on the web..but wanted to get suggestions from people who are already making it happen..thanks everyone!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited August 2015
    Great advice...i just bumped up my calories to 1500..i think that is more realistic. Still need meal planning ideas though..and there are tons of resources on the web..but wanted to get suggestions from people who are already making it happen..thanks everyone!

    I recommend skinnytaste.com for recipes.

    Personally, when it comes to meal planning...

    1) I think about what I want to eat, google a recipe, and make it (usually subbing things to make it more calorie-friendly). That's really the key for me. When I eat something I really want to eat, it's more satisfying, and I'm less likely to rely on snacks and desserts to satisfy me.

    2) I ask people (husband and two kids) what they want to eat but the answer is always 'I don't know'. In the rare event that my husband actually has an idea, I buy that.

    3) when I have no idea, I just go to the store, buy protein on sale (usually chicken breast, pork chops, ground turkey/beef/chicken, chicken sausage, fish, sometimes steak), buy frozen veggies (I stock up when they are $1 a bag, it's often cheaper that way than fresh), and that way I can make a meal in no time without having to plan anything for hours (I always have pasta/rice or potatoes in case I have more calories to spend on my meal).

    4) often I just look at what I have in the fridge and figure out a meal out of it (for example, I have peppers and some burgers right now, so I'm making some stuffed peppers tonight - I always have onions too).

    I don't really like leftovers or things cooked in advance so the extent of my meal planning is to make extra mashed potatoes, soup, or grill an extra chicken breast if I'm going to grill one anyway.
  • janewilson575
    janewilson575 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, Francl27 number 3 was going to be my suggestion as this is what I do. To keep it simple, you can buy steamed veggies in a bag. You can buy all varieties you like and of course without add sauce etc. Buy lean meat like chicken breast, lean pork chop, fish, and shrimp. You can add a sweet potato and/or brown rice to it. Buy some whole fruit and have one or two servings per day.
  • Jessyd76
    Jessyd76 Posts: 539 Member
    When I'm successful, I am diligently planning my meals in advance. So Sat I meal plan, Sun I shop and food prep. A few staples in my diet...
    - Chicken breast - grilled, slow cooked in a solution of 1/2 c bbq sauce and 1/2 c water (after it cools then you shred it and remove it from the water. You get some of the sugar from the bbq sauce, but its pretty diluted. Still add it to the recipe so its logged), green chile chicken (I modify the recipe to make it more whole food based vs using condensed chicken soup),
    - Ground turkey breast - taco meat for salads or wrapped in a tortilla, turkey burgers (I mince mushrooms and add it to the meat to add some additional veggies)
    - Fat free PLAIN greek yogurt - LOVE the stuff. I add granola, cereal, flavored sunflower seeds, etc to it - all measured.
    - Veggies - salad, gazpacho (a whole mess of pureed veggies with evoo, red wine vinegar, and dry spices - YUM!), roasted, etc. All chopped on Sunday or I buy the pre-chopped stuff to save time.

    When doing my meal plan, I plan for 3 meals and 2 snacks. I have no prob eating the same thing every day. So on Sunday I only have to make like 3 or 4 things and I'm good to go for the week.

    The MFP recipe builder is awesome! And I'll also log what I'm planning for the next day to see how the calories and macros look so I can adjust my plan accordingly.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    I've definitely heard good things about meal-planning... Wish I could be one who was better at that.

    I try to maintain about 1400-1500 diet (diary is open), and not much for cooking and this is what I go by:

    Breakfast: depends on my motivation. I have done whole wheat English muffin with a egg beater lowfat cheese omlette. Typically I do a greek yogurt parfait with granola and fruit since it's easiest to do with short amount of time and planning. I have also done smoothies with strawberry/berries/etc.fruits, banana, almond milk/greek yogurt/protein powder

    Lunch: typically a bag of salad I bring to work that I put in a side bowl and a whole wheat sandwich of either tuna or deli turkey and cheese. If I'm really good at planning, I'll bring chicken for my salad and make it a big one

    Dinner: either a chicken breast or salmon. Grocery store has these awesome Sea Cuisines or Bumblebee Superfresh fishes that are easy to heat up and go. I will do a side veggie of Green Giant or whatever I find in the freezer section (typically will make enough for more than one night/day).

    Snacks: nuts, whole foods beef jerky, frozen yogurt (protein is key), string cheese, or protein bars
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    i find eating similar things most weeks makes logging/losing/maintaining much easier.
  • beazmomma5
    beazmomma5 Posts: 5 Member
    What does your 1200 calorie day look like? I need simple ideas that won't make me starve...preferably very little cooking time and 5 ingredients or less..thanks!
    My "go to" meal is frozen talipia cooked in 1 tsp of olive oil, after turning rush, add 1-2 cups of fresh spinach till wilting. Put on plate and top with a few cherry tomatoes. 5 minutes and I'm eating.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    For a treasure trove of low ingredient recipes, see if your library carries any cookbooks by Mark Bittman, aka The Minimalist.
  • Marinemomm
    Marinemomm Posts: 64 Member
    I meal plan and Sunday I prep. I'm doing 1300cal a day. I do a smoothie every am with 2 servings fruit, 2 veggie and almond milk, flax and Chia seed. For lunch Taco Boats using ground turkey and romaine lettuce as the shell, or make a Taco salad, or Tuna boats, Tuna on sandwhich thin loaded with veggies, make zucchini pasta with the vegetti and I use heart healthy spaghetti sauce, cauliflower Pizza, chicken and a veggie..... those are my main dishes I love and are easy.
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    I am cooking for a family, so I eat what they eat - just less of it. We have either pasta/potatoes/rice/bread every night. I have to measure or weigh my portions.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Mark Bittman cookbooks are a great resource for ideas. I like the vegetarian one, it discusses how to make all kinds of grains, beans and non-meat items, then gives you 10 ways to vary the basic recipe. And if you eat meat..just add some chicken or fish..done.

    I've done this a long time (maintained a 90 lb drop in weight for several years). Here's what works for me. Vegetables! Eat them with every single meal or snack. They have tons of volume with little calories (yes, some exceptions). Try for 5 different colors every day and you can't go wrong. Fruit too - but I can't stress the veggie part more. Of course you have to add a protein and whole grains, you can't survive on vegetables alone.

    Learn how to cook a one dish meal - my go to is my mexi mash. Saute onion, jalapeno, garlic and spices (I use a mix of cumin, adobo, cayenne) for about 5 min. Add any chopped vegetables - peppers, zucchini, tomitillos a few carrots, mushroom. Saute til vegetables are soft - add in a can of black beans and a can of diced tomatoes. I eat it over polenta (plain cornmeal & boiling water). Or serve it in lettuce cups or tortillas..Add cooked chicken if you like. It took less than 30 minutes and I'll eat this for 3 or 4 meals. You can make an Italian version with white beans & rosemary.

    Chili is super easy. Eggs with vegetables and a bit of good parmesan cheese makes a great dinner.
  • br3adman
    br3adman Posts: 284 Member
    Any green or yellow veggies you want and 6ounces of lean meat daily. Squash and fresh green beans with salmon usually is a good choice
  • Joslynn1979
    Joslynn1979 Posts: 8 Member
    i love this community..thanks everyone for sharing what works for you!