need to lose 60 lbs

I feel it and I know it, I need to make this lifestyle change now. Its been about ten days and I do feel motivated, however I need more positivity and people who can relate to where I am now in my quest to retake control over my body and my life.


  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    You can do this. I started just about 5 months ago and I've already lost almost 50 pounds. I still have another 77 pounds to go but it's coming off very consistently and I'm 45 years old. You've got age on your side. Just find an easy routine that you can settle into and just keep plugging away. It's not going to happen overnight but it will eventually happen.
  • KryVDB
    KryVDB Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for your support :)
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    can i know how many calories you ate to lose 50lbs. i also need to lose 60lbs
  • JamieRicardoAcevedo2015
    Congratulations on taking back control :) I started with just walking in July some mornings I wanted to cry some I almost wanted to sprint. My family said they can see a difference I wasn't as angry or upset as usual and my clothes looked better. I just didn't see it myself on the scale so today I'm looking into my eating habits I'm too ready to take control make my aches and pains go away and feel brighter in my stride, stay strong and get back up when you feel down force the negative away from you.
  • KryVDB
    KryVDB Posts: 10 Member
    Keep up the good work :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It's a long, hard road, losing weight. You have to be pretty darn determined to lose significant amounts of weight.

    But, it can be done. Just don't quit. If you have a setback, don't throw in the towel.

    If you keep trying, you'll get there!

    Never quit.
  • jessathemessa
    jessathemessa Posts: 65 Member
    I totally understand how you feel. My starting goal was to lose 50 pounds. It has been about 3 months and I've lost 15lbs so far. Not a super fast weight loss, but steady. My suggestions would be to remember that you may slip up now and then, but one meal or one day will not ruin your weight loss journey. Eat in moderation, but don't cut out the things you love. It may take time, but you will be so happy as you see yourself progress and you finally reach your goal.

    Having positive people around is also a great motivator. Feel free to add me if you'd like some more MFP buddies!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    aniqa109 wrote: »
    can i know how many calories you ate to lose 50lbs. i also need to lose 60lbs

    Remember how many calories you need to eat to lose weight is determined by your age, height, current weight, activity level and your rate at which you want to lose the weight. I am 5'5" and started out at 254 pounds. My goal was to lose 2 pounds per week. So MFP set my calorie goal per day at 1200 but I eat roughly between 1200-1400 during the weekdays and typically about 2000-2200 on the weekend. I do not eat back my exercise calories but I'm only doing about 30 minutes a day of walking anyway so I really just use that as my cushion for possible logging inaccuracies. I do have a Fitbit and it tells me that my TDEE is about 2300 per day. I just make sure that I consistently keep at least a 7000 calorie deficit per week. So far its been working. As I get below 200 pounds my pace will contintue to slow down until I finally reach my goal weight.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    thanks for that. i think my biggest fail is im inconsistent. but i really want to try and get myself sorted and lose this extra weight
  • BeckFair
    BeckFair Posts: 35 Member
    I started with about 60 pounds to loose and have lost exactly none! I've been logging for about a month. I can see from looking back on my food diary that I consistently eat more than my budget of calories. So that's a good thing, that I can see what I'm doing. Now it's just a matter of correcting that. It's a learning curve. I feel like my awareness is much better than it was so now I can concentrate on making the necessary changes. Think of it as a journey where your destination doesn't have a firm arrival time!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Consistency is key. During the week I do great and have no problem sticking to 1200ish. But when the weekend rolls around and I go out with family or friends its just so hard so stay really low on the calories. So sometimes I work out a little bit more or eat a little less during the week. If I can average out to about 1500 per day for the total week then I will lose my two pounds per week. Having a Fitbit does help me figure out my total calories burned for the day. Its 3500 calories per pound so its just a matter of doing the math to determine how much you want to lose per week. Maintaining that deficit consistently is the trick.
  • KryVDB
    KryVDB Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for tips :) its nice to have this support.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Just keep going. Week after week it might not seem like you have lost much but then after 6 months or a year you find you have lost a lot.
  • KryVDB
    KryVDB Posts: 10 Member
    I'm down my first 11 pounds and I'm super happy about it. This is the first time in my history of trying to lose weight that I feel that this is sustainable and easy even after my 50 day mark. It motivates me to keep doing better and to try new things, mainly due to my energy levels coming back to how they use to be prior to my weight gain. Thanks for the support. :)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member

    If you're down 11 lbs, then that means whatever you're doing is working! If your loss starts to stall out DONT PANIC. Just keep doing what's working. Patience now. Maybe it'll take another year to lose the rest, but just keep at it. Make sustainable changes you can live with as lifestyle changes.

    GOOD JOB!!!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    It's a long and sometimes frustrating process - we all understand the struggle.
    Break your weight loss into smaller increments and it won't seem so daunting and long-winded. Make sure you celebrate those small victories too! You can do this, I promise you that. Lots of support on offer here too so don't be afraid to reach out :)