Good morning all!! A quote for daily reading. =0)

I was not sure if I liked this one at first...but then I seen the message. We must live our lives like rivers no matter the obstacles that come our way, or the co worker or friend that says no way. There is always a way around every obstacle and you must be strong like the water and find the way around. So stop yourself here and think about all of the times you gave up on something or said it was to hard yet, did you only consider since you couldn't go through that you could never go around. Go around some obstacles in your life and push towards something great! For everyone on here is great like the mighty Mississippi and we can go through, around or over anyone that gets in our way. Have an awesome weekend everyone!! Cheers!

Rivers Hardly Ever

Author: unknown

Rivers hardly ever run
In a straight line .
Rivers are willing to take
ten thousand meanders
And enjoy every one
And grow from every one ~
When they leave a meander
They are always more
Than when they entered it .
When rivers meet an obstacle ,
They do not try to run over it ;
They merely go around ~
But they always get to the other side .
Rivers accept things as they are ,
Conform to the shape they find the world in ~
Yet nothing changes things more than rivers ;
Rivers move even mountains into the sea .
Rivers hardly ever are in a hurry ~
Yet is there anything more likely
To reach the point it sets out for
Than a river ?
