one treat a day ok?

i Have an incredibly sweet tooth. If i stay within my calorie allowance will having 1 caramac and 1 mint options at night hurt my weightloss? Does anyone else have a daily treat? Does it help. You stay on the wagon?


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Yes. You'll be fine.

    I have a daily treat, sometimes more than one :) it helps keep my sanity.
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    Stay within calorie range and it's all good!! I love the fiber one cookies so it's a bit healthier than a regular cookie. oh and as for a wagon, I am driving this sucker!! no more falling off LOL down 65!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Anything is fine for weight loss as long as you're in your calories. I don't have a daily treat because some days I don't want one - but if I want one I have one, or two, or however many I want if it fits my calories.
  • yogacat13
    yogacat13 Posts: 124 Member
    Yes, just fit it into your calories. My treats are sometimes Magnum mini ice creams, a bit of cadbury chocolate, a shortbread biscuit. I don't actually have one every single day, but knowing I can fit it in helps me stick to my goals.
  • nicnocz82
    nicnocz82 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok, thankyou so much for speedy responses. I always feel like ive failed if i eat something naughty! Need to reset my thinking.

    Sasha 65lbs down! Wowza!!! Well done to you.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Just so you keep within your calorie limit, sure, treat yourself. No food is good/bad. It's food. Eat it in a way that you stay in your calorie limit and you'll lose weight over time. Not tomorrow. Maybe not even 3 days from now, but over time.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I have a treat (usually ice cream) every night. I've lost 60 pounds doing this. It's fine.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Another 60 lb loser here, who has cut nothing I love out of my diet. I just eat less of those things less frequently. :)
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I have to be able to stick with this way of eating for the rest of my life so it has to be based in reality. I know I can't go the rest of my life without enjoying treats so I've learned how to incorporate them daily. I think it's a very healthy and realistic mindset! (45 lbs down and at goal for over a year so far, for the record
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    knitapeace wrote: »
    I have to be able to stick with this way of eating for the rest of my life so it has to be based in reality. I know I can't go the rest of my life without enjoying treats so I've learned how to incorporate them daily. I think it's a very healthy and realistic mindset!

    This is an important point.

    I don't consider what I'm doing as a 'diet.' Because diets end, and then what? 9 times out of 10, the weight gain returns when the diet stops.

    I see this as more of a lifestyle change. One that I know I can carry on with even after the excess weight is gone and I'm into maintenance. Because doing this has taught me how to nourish my body properly. Without abandoning the foods that I love and have no intention of giving up forever. :)
  • jdleanna
    jdleanna Posts: 141 Member
    I made a chocolate chip pie the other day. Had some for dessert last night. Yum! It fit in my daily calorie allowance. And was so worth it.

    What you eat matters for overall health. But it doesn't matter for weight loss specificially. Only thing that matters for weight loss is eating at a calorie deficit.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Anything is fine for weight loss as long as you're in your calories. I don't have a daily treat because some days I don't want one - but if I want one I have one, or two, or however many I want if it fits my calories.

    This. For me this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. So if I couldn't have some wine and chocolate built in it's just destined for overall failure.
  • nicnocz82
    nicnocz82 Posts: 14 Member
    Inspirational folk on here! You've lost more pounds than i have in my bank account! :D
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited August 2015
    No! No treats! You can only lose weight if you eat nothing but vegetables (steamed with no seasoning of any kind). You must not enjoy food EVER!!

    ^^That's a joke.

    Seriously, eat what you like as long as it fits into your goal. I love food and it would make my life less enjoyable if I couldn't fit in my favorites.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I choose not to think of food as naughty or nice....good or bad. Food is food. If you can fit a treat you enjoy into your daily calories...all the better.

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Treats are fine as long as you're still hitting your macros (protein, fat, carbs) regularly. Basically, I eat ice cream almost every night as long as I will still hit my protein macro (fat & carbs take care of themselves).
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I eat a fudge pop every night and it hasn't slowed down my progress any more than the other food I eat.

    Just remember, everything in moderation. My snack/candy calories typically make up ~5% of my daily intake, but on occasion take up more or even 0%.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    Enjoy food! A treat can be worked into most plans and you can lose weight.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yes. You'll be fine.

    I have a daily treat, sometimes more than one :) it helps keep my sanity.

    Yep, same as this^^.
    Btw OP, didn't realise Caramacs were still being sold!
    They were one of my favs when i was a kid. :)