I sweat so much



  • Spike_G
    Spike_G Posts: 149 Member
    Another head sweater here too. I don't have to work out too hard for it to drip from my hair in torrents. It can also break out when I'm in stressful situations.
    Body not so much but probably more than your average joe.

    Luckily it's fairly odourless although it looks awful and is a little embarrassing.
  • burnsgene42
    burnsgene42 Posts: 102 Member
    I sweat like a horse. And like my HS track coach used to say "Show me a horse that don't sweat and I'll show you a sick horse". We've been backpacking more lately and my wife is complaining that she is sweating more. I think she is just getting healthier and in shape AND it's been really HOT.
    Yes stress can cause sweating but normally sweat is just your cooling system working. As your lose weight and get in better shape you may sweat more when you are really hot or working out.
    Enjoy your good health (((;
  • janiep81
    janiep81 Posts: 248 Member
    I don't sweat that much normally, but any kind of physical activity...even just walking alot and I'm like drenched. I'm a total head sweater too. It's like every sweat gland in my body is in my scalp. It's kinda gross.

    I'm a head/face sweater, too! My brother, dad, and I... and my brother's kids and my kids... we all sweat a lot. Its genetic. In our case, I think its healthy. A friend recently told me she doesn't sweat very much at all. I said, "That sounds nice," and she said, "No... my body doesn't cool itself very well so its like having a fever all the time." I turned into a grateful face sweater that day! :smiley:
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    After a recent discussion in the monthly Running Challenge thread I figure I should take the lead from other sweaters and invest in a good hat. I'm not a hat guy at all, but if it'll keep the sweat out of my eyes while running an hour or two, it'll be a good investment. Now... what to buy, time to check that thread again.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I posted about the hat I use in the Challenge thread but will post again here. After a few runs of burning eyes due to sweat, I went to my local running store and the guy strongly recommended a hat from North Face's Flight Series. It was $26, which I thought was too much to spend on a flimsy hat, but didn't want to keep dealing with sweat in my eyes so I bought it. Now knowing how well it works, I'd pay more than that for it.

    The key to this hat is that it has a two piece brim. The inner piece is a foam piece that pulls the sweat away from your brow so it doesn't drip down your face. The second function is to make the hat VERY comfortable to wear. I have a large head and even though it's a one-size-fits all, I have no problem wearing it for a 2 hour run. At some point I'll see if they have a visor with a similar brim that I can wear when I'm not running in the sun. Right now, the hat is so effective I wear it even for my night runs in the dark.

    The one problem I have with the hat is that it does such an effective job pulling the sweat away, there is steady dripping of sweat from the brim. That in itself is no problem, but I have to be careful using my cell phone. If I don't hold it farther away than I'm used to, it gets drenched.

    I think now they may call it their Better Than Naked Hat. Here's picture of it with the inner bring circled.

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Thanks very much for the additional detail and photo - I'm on the hunt for one locally now. One last question... would you wear it in the rain? That is the one time I have traditionally worn a hat - if this can do that too... perfect.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I have worn it in the rain a few times, including one downpour.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Going to give it a try in any case. Wiping sweat away from eyes with short sleeves gets old fast.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    If you don't to go the hat route, they make a visor as well.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    In for a penny in for a pound. Visors always make me thing of aging card players.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    257_Lag wrote: »
    There is a condition called hyperhydrosis meaning excess sweat. Anxiety can play a factor as well. I was certain both caused my excessive sweating for years and years. I used to carry a hankie everywhere I went mopping my face.

    60 pounds lighter I am amazed how much better it is! Almost "normal" I would say.


    I'm almost 40 pounds lighter and my hyperhidrosis has remained about the same. My dermatologist has suggested Botox injections if the prescription antiperspirant doesn't work, but I don't want to deal with several needles. :#
  • aaroessler
    aaroessler Posts: 32 Member
    Heavy sweater here also. It's normal to sweat when you workout. It's genetic how much you sweat. After you workout make sure to be replacing those electrolites. Make sure you're getting a decent amount of potassium (banannas) and with the amount of processed food most people won't have an issue getting enough sodium back. Wash/soak your workout clothes soon afterwards too. Sweat can be rather caustic to most things and you can end up wearing through clothing quickly if you let them sit in your hamper damp.