In the goals section..when does the week start?

So, in goals...where it has the total # of calories to burn that week and the total amount of time worked out for the week...when does the week start? Is it Sunday?

My weigh in day is Thurs and I'm thinking of switching it to Sunday just so everything is at the same time, kwim?

Edited to say: Sorry, not in the goals section but in your excersise diary...


  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    i believe it starts on sundays.
  • michelle2566
    I weigh in Thursday so my week starts then....the bulk of my exercise is over the following 3 days starting with a Zumba class Thursday eveing I dont get a chance to do any on Monday or Tuesday one last push on a Wednesday afternoon in the gym before hey its Thursday again and its time to weigh in for me Thursday is the start of my week so if I have put on I can address it and if I have lost I just keep doing more of the same :laugh: