Plateau? Not eating enough? Help!

So I started consistently logging on MFP at the beginning of July. I started at 268 (height 5'6", female) and I now weigh 254. I have been stuck at 254 since the beginning of August.

About me: I have my goal set at 1800. MFP recommended 1610 (2lbs/week loss), but I consulted with a health coach and she recommended between 1700-1800 based on my BMR. I stick pretty close to that most of the time. About 80% of what I eat is unprocessed whole foods. I weigh and measure most of my food. I pay attention to my macros (50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20% protein- the defaults on MFP) but I'm certainly not perfect. I drink a ton of water.

I wear a Misfit Flash and shoot for 10000 steps every day which ususally equals a 2-3 mile AM walk and the rest from regular day-to-day activity. I have started doing 30 Day Shred 3x/week. Before that, I was doing a some other body weight strength exercises (squats, planks, push-ups,etc.) about 20 minutes a day 3x/week. I generally have anywhere from 300-600 extra calories from exercise that I don't usually eat back.

I do not have any underlying medical conditions that I am aware of.

What am I doing wrong? I am mentally in a great place about getting to a healthy weight, but seeing no results (on the scale) is so discouraging. I took measurements yesterday, and nothing has changed since the beginning of August. Is this just a plateau? Was I just spoiled by that first month where the weight just seemed to fall off? Any advice?


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    What does this mean: " I stick pretty close to that most of the time."
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    What do you mean by 'measure'? You should only use the scale for solids.

    Is your period due soon? That could explain the stall.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    "most of your food" may be the issue other than the question Deguello asked.
  • shellerbeller1
    shellerbeller1 Posts: 9 Member
    What does this mean: " I stick pretty close to that most of the time."

    I usually eat between 1700-1800 calories a day most of the time. I made my diary public. You can check it out.
  • shellerbeller1
    shellerbeller1 Posts: 9 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    What do you mean by 'measure'? You should only use the scale for solids.

    Is your period due soon? That could explain the stall.

    By measure, I mean I measured my waist, arms, legs, etc to see if I have lost any inches.

    I have an IUD so I don't have periods right now.

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I'd say give it another month. Starting the more intense workout routine could cause a temporary stall on the scale. Water retention for muscle repair.

    It seems like you're doing everything right - and more than likely will see the scale move soon.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    What does this mean: " I stick pretty close to that most of the time."

    I usually eat between 1700-1800 calories a day most of the time. I made my diary public. You can check it out.

    Ok there you go... not weighing bananas or your peanut butter, using generic entries like 'whole wheat rolls', volume instead of weight for veggies and other things, using entries like 'Plain - Chicken Breast, Skinless, 4 oz' (is it cooked? Raw?) etc etc.

    Tighten your logging. Weigh everything.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Plateau is just another way of saying you are eating at maintenance. In other words, if you want to lose weight, you are eating too much.
    I consulted with a health coach and she recommended between 1700-1800 based on my BMR

    Your health coach is incorrect. You cut back from your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). BMR is simply the calories you need if you are in a coma or sitting on the sofa all day absently starting at the TV. :)
    I stick pretty close to that most of the time.

    Please clarify.
    About 80% of what I eat is unprocessed whole foods.

    Food type doesn't matter as to weight loss. Calories in/calories out is what matters. In order to lose weight, you must eat less than you burn.
    I weigh and measure most of my food.

    Most of it? I suggest your throw out the cups, spoons, and eyeballs (well, not literally the eyeballs :D ) and weigh all solid food. Okay, keep the cup and spoons for measuring liquids.
    I pay attention to my macros (50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20% protein- the defaults on MFP) but I'm certainly not perfect.
    That's great that you've set your macros at the levels appropriate for you, but it has nothing to do with weight loss. Macros are for nutrition.
    I drink a ton of water.

    Water is great. It keeps us hydrated. But, it has nothing to do with weight loss.

    You've lost 16 or so pounds? That's great! I say be patient and realize weight loss is not linear. I also suggest you take that extra step and weigh all your solid food and measure your liquids. Weigh in grams, too, and ensure you are using correct entries. As long as you eat less calories than you burn you will lose weight.
  • SeanNJ
    SeanNJ Posts: 153 Member
    MFP recommended 1610 (2lbs/week loss), but I consulted with a health coach and she recommended between 1700-1800 based on my BMR.

    Given the amount you still have to lose, I wouldn't worry much about your BMR. If you can eat 1600 and still feel OK, I wouldn't obsess over it. Your body has a lot of stored energy to use.
    I weigh and measure all of my food.

    Fixed it for you. This is the thing you should obsess over.
    I wear a Misfit Flash and shoot for 10000 steps every day which ususally equals a 2-3 mile AM walk and the rest from regular day-to-day activity. I have started doing 30 Day Shred 3x/week. Before that, I was doing a some other body weight strength exercises (squats, planks, push-ups,etc.) about 20 minutes a day 3x/week. I generally have anywhere from 300-600 extra calories from exercise that I don't usually eat back.

    Not familiar with the device. Do you log your exercise calories? Where are you getting those numbers? Do you eat any of them back?
    I do not have any underlying medical conditions that I am aware of.

    Always good to get a physical with a lipid panel and CBC if you haven't had one in the past year.
    What am I doing wrong? I am mentally in a great place about getting to a healthy weight, but seeing no results (on the scale) is so discouraging. I took measurements yesterday, and nothing has changed since the beginning of August. Is this just a plateau? Was I just spoiled by that first month where the weight just seemed to fall off? Any advice?

    If I had to guess, you're probably eating more than you think and burning less than you think. Did your weight loss stop when you started doing the 30-Day Shred? Is it possible you're overestimating the calories burned during that activity, and then eating back more than you should?
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    It could just be a paitence thing. I'd like you to average your calorie intake weekly and try to tighten that up. If your goal is 1800 you should be within 100 calories 90% of the time. It may take repeating meals, but it works. I say this because I see some days where you were really high and some days that are obviously incomplete. You could also take more of an EM2WL approach (my suggestion) and up your calories to about 2000-2200 and IGNORE EXERCISE CALORIES.

    EM2WL group
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    edited August 2015
    I looked back through your diary over the past few weeks and one thing that really sticks out is that you seem to use vague entries. Examples: bread, spaghetti, beans, Jams and preserves. The more specific you can be with what brand you are using the better. If you use the barcode scanner then scan these items and make sure that the NI matches up.

    Weigh all solids, even the fruits. I'm not sure how big your bananas are, but the entries that you have may be off by up to 40 calories. Being off a little bit here and there can make a big difference. When you log these items use the drop down menu on the item to pick the weight and log it that way. You may find some items don't have that option, but make sure to weigh out what a serving size says on the package. When looking up meats and produce, use 'USDA' in the search box.

    Don't use any entries that are labeled 'generic' or 'homemade' (unless it's your own recipe). Generic entries can be too vague and throw off your calorie count. When it comes to homemade items, you have no idea how big the serving size is or what ingredients they used so the calories could be off by a little or by a lot.

    This post is a great step-by-step guide on how to accurately log:
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    Ignore the health coach and use the calories MFP suggested. I have a friend who's a extremely fit bodybuilding personal trainer and she told me to eat more than MFP, and guess what, I stalled when I took her advice. Went back to believing MFP and I started to lose weight again.
  • shellerbeller1
    shellerbeller1 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone! Lots of good advice here. I'll definitely be more accurate about logging my food.
  • shellerbeller1
    shellerbeller1 Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 2015
    I weigh and measure all of my food.

    Fixed it for you. This is the thing you should obsess over.

    Got it. :smile:

    I wear a Misfit Flash and shoot for 10000 steps every day which ususally equals a 2-3 mile AM walk and the rest from regular day-to-day activity. I have started doing 30 Day Shred 3x/week. Before that, I was doing a some other body weight strength exercises (squats, planks, push-ups,etc.) about 20 minutes a day 3x/week. I generally have anywhere from 300-600 extra calories from exercise that I don't usually eat back.

    Not familiar with the device. Do you log your exercise calories? Where are you getting those numbers? Do you eat any of them back?

    Misfit is similar to a Fitbit. It automatically syncs with MFP and adds calories based on my activity level and steps. I don't usually log any additional exercise that I do.

  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    thaesda wrote: »
    Ignore the health coach and use the calories MFP suggested. I have a friend who's a extremely fit bodybuilding personal trainer and she told me to eat more than MFP, and guess what, I stalled when I took her advice. Went back to believing MFP and I started to lose weight again.

    So you ignored the advice of a person that you've seen (I'm assuming) get and sustain results for an website using calculators based on an average of people? That doesn't seem very logical to me. Did you go back and tell your friend that you stalled?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I started consistently logging on MFP at the beginning of July. I started at 268 (height 5'6", female) and I now weigh 254. I have been stuck at 254 since the beginning of August.

    What am I doing wrong?
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Make sure you update the Misfit app with your weight loss too. I have a flash as well and had neglected to do this for a bit
    The calorie burn it was crediting me for was way higher than it should have been with just a 10# weight difference.
  • shellerbeller1
    shellerbeller1 Posts: 9 Member
    bbinoa wrote: »
    Make sure you update the Misfit app with your weight loss too. I have a flash as well and had neglected to do this for a bit
    The calorie burn it was crediting me for was way higher than it should have been with just a 10# weight difference.

    Good to know! I'll do that now. I didn't even think of that!
  • SeanNJ
    SeanNJ Posts: 153 Member
    Misfit is similar to a Fitbit. It automatically syncs with MFP and adds calories based on my activity level and steps. I don't usually log any additional exercise that I do.

    I'm generally wary of using these devices as a way of determining how many "extra" calories one can afford to consume. Personally, the only exercise I log is my steady-state cardio (elliptical, treadmill), and I have a Polar HRM that I use during those sessions. I'll eat back all my exercise calories on days where I'm reasonably comfortable with the numbers.
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    @SeanNJ I agree, I have that Flash, but I don't assume it's anywhere near 100% accurate. ;) if you use it as a general guide and eat back part of your exercise calories still better to have it tracking based on current weight than several pounds ago. It puts it a bit closer.