Post-pregnancy weight loss - other new moms?



  • anewmannn
    anewmannn Posts: 12 Member
    I have a 3 month old and just started back into a healthy eating and exercise routine the past couple of weeks. Feel free to add me :)
  • PandaBWA
    PandaBWA Posts: 58 Member
    Looks like we have an awesome group of moms here! I'm having a hard time sending friend requests from mobile but go ahead and add me!
  • darken6
    darken6 Posts: 56 Member
    I am trying to add y'all as friends. I'm not sure if some of my requests are going through, though! Feel free to add me, too!
  • pocketsymphony
    pocketsymphony Posts: 1 Member
    My son is 18 months old and I'm still carrying the 30 extra pounds. I've been dieting and exercising consistently for the last five months and there's been no change. Help!
  • jessica_sodenkamp
    jessica_sodenkamp Posts: 34 Member
    During my first pregnancy I divided that after the delivery I was going to change my diet and my body. I heard of the HCLF plant based diet and decided to give it a go. In 3 months I had lost all my pregnancy weight plus some. I've been eating this way for a year and a half and have not gained the weight back. Plus, I'm 21 weeks pregnant again and have not gained nearly as much as I did last time. Definitely look it up! Feel free to add me (open diary), check out my Instagram: jessicasodenkamp, or website for more info
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    It's lovely to see the success and struggles other mums have gone through. I think you should all be proud of your endeavours and the immense amount of effort that you have put in.

    At times I'm finding it difficult to stay focused and the will to continue. And TIME is just always a problem. Finding the energy to do anything is also an issue. I'm always running after my two bundle of joys that when they are napping or in bed at night (my toddler sleeps no earlier than 10:30pm- have no idea where she gets the energy from) I just don't want to do anything but NOTHING!! If that make sense.

    However, my mum is my rock. She always gives me a break. But she's been away for a month and half and is back in September. So hopefully I'll get in to some exercise then.
  • goddess0007
    goddess0007 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also in with you. I'm nursing and worried cutting calories or working out and not eating enough will lower my supply. I have a 1 month old I have 30 pounds to lose
    That's a tricky one! My baby is one month and I'm trying to find the right balance so I can continue BF. Good luck to ya!

    I'm doing the same thing and working with a lactation RN, try power pumping-look it up if you don't know what it is. I'm 8 weeks pp and down 15 lbs (not counting that first loss of water weight). Milk has been tough though.
  • arialb122
    arialb122 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Two kiddos in less than two years (2/13, 11/14), and trying to lose 30lbs. that don't seem to be budging. I'd love new mommy friends for motivation!
  • ivym123
    ivym123 Posts: 1 Member
    My baby was born 9/14/14. Coming up on a year and still have 5lbs to lose. But/ I had gained about 20lbs before I even got pregnant
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My baby girl just turned 1 and I still have 13 lbs of baby weight left. Gah! Losing it is much harder than I realized. I'm 26, 5'4", CW 208 lbs. I want to get down to 145 lbs. Other mamas feel free to add me!
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    I'm in the same boat with most of you ladies. I was overweight when I got pregnant with my first son, it took me about a year to really get active about trying to lose weight, but between weight watchers and MFP, I lost first the baby weight, then the extra pre-pregnancy weight and made it to a healthy weight and maintained it for two years.

    Then I got pregnant with my second son, and even though I ate healthfully and exercised as I could, I gained 55 lbs. The birth went really badly, but thankfully both the baby and I survived, but I was out of commission for much longer than anticipated. Since then my body has not been cooperating. Even though I'm tracking religiously, and exercising, I'm gaining weight instead of losing it. I've gained nearly as much as I did while I was pregnant, I've never been this big in my life and I don't know what to do. I've been working hard for 5 months or more, but I've seen almost no positive change and it has me really frustrated.

    I would love to have some mommy friends to keep me going, so please add me. I'm active and try to be positive even when it gets me down.
  • crunsemo
    crunsemo Posts: 1 Member
    I have seven month old twins. I'm just starting to exercise and eat healthy again. It's great to see other new moms on here. Please add me as a friend!!!
  • crystalsales
    crystalsales Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Moms! After a traumatic labour and delivery, my body was left with a looonnnggg recovery. It's tough for me to workout as intensely as I did, which is frustrating. I used to be a good eater too but postpartum depression changed that. I re-downloaded this app to try and regulate myself! Would love to connect with anyone in the same situation :) good luck to everyone in achieving your goals!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    four kids here, youngest two are 1 and 2, they are 10.5 months apart. I'm in maintenance now, focusing on strength. I work full time and am in school with a full load. Once I got time management figured out, everything else followed. I prep meals and snacks, stick to a schedule (even though my work schedule changes every week)
  • jennifer12202010
    jennifer12202010 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi ladies I just had a baby girl 2months ago I'm trying lose this weight! I now have 3 kids 1-3-2months
  • jennifer12202010
    jennifer12202010 Posts: 21 Member
    Add me we can support each other
  • Bubulina2016
    Bubulina2016 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a mon of 3yo and 11mo boys. I lost all weight gained durig pregnancy in the first four weeks postpartum (27 to 30lbs). But now after I stopped Breastfeeding I gained it all back. I was recently diagnised with arthritis and i suspect hypothyroidism..I have very little time to exercise and a sedentary job. I love sweets.. I am at 185lbs and only 5.4. I want to join this challenge and go down to 140lbs..or at least 150...
    How do I get started?
  • e_elizb
    e_elizb Posts: 62 Member
    I just had my first at the beginning of this month! Waiting for a full recovery then starting to work on getting my body back!
  • MrsHall83
    MrsHall83 Posts: 5 Member
    My second baby will be 4 weeks tomorrow. My first is now 2.5. I'm waiting until at least my 6 week checkup before I start worrying about exercise so for now I'm just logging and working on getting back to normal eating habits. I lost the baby weight the first time and am confident that I can do it again. Feel free to add me!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I was at 231 after my older boy was born, came here and got down to 145. I stopped logging and went up to 165-170. Now I have a 3 month old and am back to 199. Now I have a 10 year old, 7 year old and the baby, hubby is working a lot and I go back to work sometime next summer. I want to take advantage of the time off that I have. I love weightlifting but its not possible right now, the wee one is a fantastic sleeper at night but not so much during the day, and I am not comfortable doing it while he is awake. I have been going for a walk after I drop the big kids off at school, and playing just dance with my oldest, have lost 6 pounds in about 8 weeks. I just have to be mindful of my water intake and get out of the bad habits I had worked so hard to stop before. I am a baker and I should probably not sample so much of my products :)

    Good luck to everybody! We can do this!