How did you pick your goal weight?

I had an ideal number in mind but now that I'm working out and lifting a lot of weights, I'm starting to second guess my 'number'. How do you decide when you are at a good weight? I know the while bmi thing but the range is pretty big. I'm 5' 3.5" (yes, the half inch is important to me) and about 130, give or take a pound. I have a curvy figure, as in busty and a not flat butt. I wanted to get down to 125 ish but now I don't know. Am I just getting lazy or is it normal to change your goal number?


  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    There are calculators online to help you find the ideal weight for your body. Google some and see what they say! If you're happy with your body and where you're at though, there is no need to stress, just be happy with your progress :) if you're rounding your height up (I'm 5"3.75 I know your pain haha) the healthy weight for a 20 year old girl who is 5"4 is around 119-130 depending on the formula you use :) (I think it changes by age though, I wasn't sure of yours)
  • half12345
    half12345 Posts: 51 Member
    ESotrops wrote: »
    There are calculators online to help you find the ideal weight for your body. Google some and see what they say! If you're happy with your body and where you're at though, there is no need to stress, just be happy with your progress :) if you're rounding your height up (I'm 5"3.75 I know your pain haha) the healthy weight for a 20 year old girl who is 5"4 is around 119-130 depending on the formula you use :) (I think it changes by age though, I wasn't sure of yours)

    I'm in my thirties. The bmi calculator said up to 140 or something like that. To me, that seems too high. Thank you for your encouragement! And thinking I might be in my 20s lol!
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    half12345 wrote: »
    ESotrops wrote: »
    There are calculators online to help you find the ideal weight for your body. Google some and see what they say! If you're happy with your body and where you're at though, there is no need to stress, just be happy with your progress :) if you're rounding your height up (I'm 5"3.75 I know your pain haha) the healthy weight for a 20 year old girl who is 5"4 is around 119-130 depending on the formula you use :) (I think it changes by age though, I wasn't sure of yours)

    I'm in my thirties. The bmi calculator said up to 140 or something like that. To me, that seems too high. Thank you for your encouragement! And thinking I might be in my 20s lol!

    That does seem high. I just changed your age and it said almost the same thing as what I said before. But if you're happy where you are now, stay there! In the grand scheme of things it's just a number, 5 pounds won't make that much of a difference :)
  • vadimknobel
    vadimknobel Posts: 165 Member
    round number (150)
    lowest weight since high school (was about 155 senior year)
    reasonable bmi = about 22.5
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    I picked the mid point on healthy bmi as a guideline I'm sure it will change as I approach it.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Highest healthy BMI weight rounded to nearest 5kg I show I picked mine.

    Others seem to pick a weight they felt good at or looked good at.

    I don't remember how I felt that many years ago.

    I may readjust mine as I reach it but that's my current goal.

    Changing your goal isn't bad, I guess depending on the reason. Giving up or getting lazy probably isn't great but finding your happy at a higher weight isn't bad.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I picked 65kg, with a re-assessment at 70kg. 70kg is the lowest I remember being as an adult, and I was unhappy with my weight then, however, my thinking was very skewed. So, I'll have a look-see when I get to 70kg, and if I'm not happy, I'll shoot lower.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I honestly just picked the weight and measurements I was when I was 15 (very bottom of BMI). I'm now at maintenence.
  • naomimascoll
    naomimascoll Posts: 11 Member
    Based on my height i should be weighing 105-110. Which is a long way home. But I picked a number and decided to work towards. 10lbs goal mark at a time.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I originally picked my goal weight based on BMI. I suppose I don't really have a goal weight, just a "I feel happy now" weight - which I'm not too far from. I suggest doing the same. Numbers are overrated heh.
  • paulvmax
    paulvmax Posts: 19 Member
    I don't have a weight goal mine is how I look, strength gains and sports performance.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I picked 175 for one reason only.

    That was my weight in college when I was lifting and I know what I looked like then. Since I only started lifting again this past February, I probably could have picked a goal closer to 165, but whatever. Once I hit 175, I intend to bulk and cut until I look really good at 175.

    I still have 20lb to go, and it seems like I won't look good at 175, but we'll see when I get there. But I know that it is going to take more than just losing weight to look really good, so I'm not going to write off 175 until I've spent some time trying to build muscle.

    Your weight is on the high end of "normal", so what is important at this point is liking how you look and feel. You can either lose weight overall, or you could work on building muscle and staying at 130, which would give you a leaner look.
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    I thought 170 would be OK for me. I'm 58 yo and 5' 8". But 4 out of 5 calculators say 140. Talk about an eye opener! Geez...that's 30 more lbs! Better keep at it. Lol
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I picked something in the middle of the bmi range since I had to pick something.

    I honestly don't care what my weight ends up being, I'm aiming for a healthy body fat %. I have a goal body instead of a goal weight.
  • jessathemessa
    jessathemessa Posts: 65 Member
    Like other people said, I also picked something in the middle of the normal BMI range. However, I'm not focused on that number. I think I'll know when I get there. I am always looking at the before and after images on tumblr pages I follow and people of different heights, ages, body types, and muscle mass look so different even at the same weight. It can be really hard to tell what you'll look like and when you'll feel comfortable. You can pick a number now, but you can always change your mind!
  • half12345
    half12345 Posts: 51 Member
    I think I'm going to try to get down to 125. I'm looking at my stomach and I do have a little pooch and some jiggle so maybe another five pounds will help. I really feel like I'm just tired of worrying about it. I've just been working so hard to get fit! But I can't afford lipo so back On the saddle I go lol.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    The funny thing is I keep changing it. First I thought I would be happy to get down to about 170. Then I thought 160 would be better. But then I started thinking about it and I thought, "Why should I settle?" I was at my best phyically when I was in college and I was about 130 pounds. So lets make it 130 pounds, but then I thought it would be cool to say I was under 130 pounds so I set my goal weight at 129 pounds. :) But due to my age (45)I'm sure once I get down to 129 pounds I'm not going to have the same physique I did when I was in my 20's so I may need to actually go a little lower to be satisfied with where I end up.

    But no matter where I end up I'm still going to be thrilled when I get below that 170 pound range. So all will be good. I'm not gonna kill myself to get there. I'm just going to continue chipping away at it. It may be next year or it may be 5 years from now. I'm just not going to stop until I get there.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    I picked a weight in the middle of the healthy BMI range for me and then I planned on re-evaluating once I got near my goal weight. I ended up loving how I felt and looked at my original goal weight, so that's where I stopped.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    edited August 2015
    typed out a long thing then hit a button and deleted it on accident. ugh.

    anyways, my *for now* goal is a weight where i remember (overall) liking how i looked, even though it is not what the *experts* say I should be for my height. I know i will revise it when i get there, but no biggie.

    on my ticker, i set mini goals and update the end number (but not starting weight) for each 25 pound goal i set. that way i continue to see my overall progress, but am not discouraged by seeing an end number far, far away ;)

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Well according the internet my ideal weight is 130-140ish. That seems damn impossible to me and it would be a constant battle to stay that low so I went with 150. I'd even be happy with a fit muscular 160 - even though the internet considers me to be pretty much a whale there.