Any other mamas struggling to lose the baby weight

Hello! I am Megan, I am 27, married with two kiddos ( 7 and 1 ). I had my first baby at 19 and bounced back pretty quickly but now at 27 I did not bounce back at all. I am looking for some support to get my butt in gear and stay on track! Today is the day I am going to make a change and do something for me and my well being. If you want to join me lets be friends and get this party started.


  • Jayne71184
    Jayne71184 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey I'm Jayne 31, married, and had my first baby 6 months ago. Still struggling to lose my baby weight and would love an friend for support!!
  • mlturner08
    mlturner08 Posts: 199 Member
    Jayne71184 wrote: »
    Hey I'm Jayne 31, married, and had my first baby 6 months ago. Still struggling to lose my baby weight and would love an friend for support!!

    I hear you, children are amazing but dang do they take a toll on your body. What are you doing right now for an exercise routine? I am not doing anything currently other than chasing my kids around and walking at the park. I bought a TRX system and plan to start with that and maybe throw some insanity workouts in there to keep in interesting.
  • Tess_Christine
    Tess_Christine Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in the same boat :( I had my first son at 16, and now my second at 20.. figured I'd bounce back easily because I'm so young but unlike my first I am HUGE still :'( not happy ... needing support/guideline/anything .. being a single mom I need to feel good/sexy about myself ... hut I can't seem to get there. ((Happy to know I'm not the only mom who can't bounce right back tho)))
  • mlturner08
    mlturner08 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm in the same boat :( I had my first son at 16, and now my second at 20.. figured I'd bounce back easily because I'm so young but unlike my first I am HUGE still :'( not happy ... needing support/guideline/anything .. being a single mom I need to feel good/sexy about myself ... hut I can't seem to get there. ((Happy to know I'm not the only mom who can't bounce right back tho)))

    We will get there, it's just going to take time and hard work. In today's world we want everything right now! And I am too one of those people and I get so discouraged at losing weight so slowly lol, even though that's how it's done. I need support to keep going that even though it was only one pound, it was still a loss and that pound will soon add up to be lots of pounds. If we stick together we can stay on track and get back to being strong confident women.
  • Ashley4573086
    Ashley4573086 Posts: 3 Member
    I friend requested y'all! I had my second c-section 7 months ago and I am working hard to get back in shape too! :)
  • meganwarner18
    meganwarner18 Posts: 2 Member
    That seems to be my problem. Can't seem to find the motivation within myself to stick to this. The last 3 days I have been especially good. Maybe a little naughty yesterday.... I was well under my calorie goal. There's just so much temptation about, especially with having children and my boyfriend and friends are all so slim and can eat what they like. Urgh! :# So frustrating lol.
  • TurquoiseViolet
    TurquoiseViolet Posts: 47 Member
    Does it count if my "baby" is 2?
  • tthorne421
    tthorne421 Posts: 6 Member
    Similar story...first baby in my 20s, bounced back quickly, second baby in my 30s, worked my butt off and didn't get back to my pre-preg weight until recently (almost a year). Now, I'm trying to get my muscle mass back.
  • mlturner08
    mlturner08 Posts: 199 Member
    I friend requested y'all! I had my second c-section 7 months ago and I am working hard to get back in shape too! :)

    Both of my girls were born c-section. I have such a hard time with my stomach and what the surgery did to do it ugh.
  • mlturner08
    mlturner08 Posts: 199 Member
    That seems to be my problem. Can't seem to find the motivation within myself to stick to this. The last 3 days I have been especially good. Maybe a little naughty yesterday.... I was well under my calorie goal. There's just so much temptation about, especially with having children and my boyfriend and friends are all so slim and can eat what they like. Urgh! :# So frustrating lol.

    I can relate 100% my husband is as skinny as a rail and my girls take after him. They all get to eat what they want and not worry about a thing while I am over here trying to convince myself to just eat 5 m&ms and not the whole bag.
  • mlturner08
    mlturner08 Posts: 199 Member
    Does it count if my "baby" is 2?

    It sure does
  • AndreaMichell02
    AndreaMichell02 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 31 and I have a 2yr old that is a trouble 2 and he has so much energy but I'm not understanding why I'm not dropping the weight running after him daily I had him c-section because he was 9 pounds and he wasn't coming the natural way but I'm finding it hard to lose my stomach fast I've been working out and I do have cheat meals could that be the reason I'm not dropping weight My cheat meals are on Sunday the day I'm off work if anyone has any advice I will appreciate it
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 34 and had my first at 30 and last a few weeks ago (3 babies total). After the second I actually just went right back to pre pregnancy weight but this time it is lingering (plus my "prepregnany weight" was too high to begin with...
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    In the same boat as you other mamas! Had my first at 27, took me about a year to get off my butt and put in the work to lose the weight, but managed to take off the baby weight plus the pre-pregnancy extra weight and even maintained it for two years. Then got preggo with second kid at 32, still struggling to get the weight off. Add me as a friend if you want, I'm active!
  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    mlturner08 wrote: »
    Hello! I am Megan, I am 27, married with two kiddos ( 7 and 1 ). I had my first baby at 19 and bounced back pretty quickly but now at 27 I did not bounce back at all. I am looking for some support to get my butt in gear and stay on track! Today is the day I am going to make a change and do something for me and my well being. If you want to join me lets be friends and get this party started.

    Hey there...I am similar in that I had my first baby at 21 and am now 33 and have had two more since then and my youngest is only 3 months... I am so overweight (240lbs) and the heaviest I have ever been and have decided I am fed up...enough is enough I HAVE to make a change so I can set a good example for my three beautiful daughters..I don't want them to struggle as I have. I have always fluctuated with my weight and I am tired of the yo yo that I am done having my babies I have no more's time to get the old Alicia back!!! I hope to help inspire you guys and I hope you guys do the same for me. Let's make people's heads turn and be in awe of our determination and strength as women and mothers!!!!!
  • chanceA
    chanceA Posts: 14 Member
    Had triplets at 48. I was 271. I am now 51 and 200. I work out like a dog. I can not seem to drop the weight.
  • desy617
    desy617 Posts: 60 Member
    Add me Lady's I had my baby girl 8 months ago c-section and working on losing 100lbs, I log in every day and in the process of getting this weight off for good.
  • CourtneyFazely4
    CourtneyFazely4 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My names Courtney, I'm a wife and mother of two.
    Absolutely same boat!
    I had my son at 16 and weighed a whopping 90 lbs by his first birthday. I was super unhealthy and felt terrible. My husband and I just had our second last November- I gained 80 lbs. and again I was super unhealthy and felt terrible.
    I've been at both extremes of the scale and never found peace with my body.
    My daughter is now 19 months old and just this month I decided to do something about my diet because the weight wouldn't budge. I had been exercising, using health shakes, counting calories and yet I was still up 30 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight of 120.
    I am a sweet/butter/everything bad for me aholic.
    Everyone keeps telling me weight loss and diet is 80% food 20% exercise. I knew the only way I wouldn't cheat is to cut everything out of my diet I over indulge in. So I cut out gluten, dairy, sugar, anything processed. And I'm happy to say the weight is literally falling off. I lost 6lbs this week. It's the hardest thing I've ever done but everyday I look a little more like my old self. And that's enough reward to keep going. There is so much temptation. I made my kids pancakes this morning and I had to stop myself from drooling in the pan. But I just keep thinking about how much better I'll feel to feel like ME again.
    I hope everyone can find great motivation today! I try to take comfort in the fact the weight gain comes with two awesome kids who make me laugh and brighten my day. But every momma deserves to feel like the beautiful woman she is too! There are so many pieces of us as moms! And our health is a big one of them! Good luck fellow mommas!
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,997 Member
    I hear ya! I have a 1-year-old myself, and still working off the baby weight. I'm 26 and want to ultimately lose 65 lbs in the long run. Feel free to add me! I sign in every day!
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Thats why im here...My Son is 2. I went from 150 to 200lbs when he was born...I started at 185. And have lost 10lbs in a week...Had a set back this week and gained 2lbs back...Please add me as a friend Mommys for motivation.