I must be doing something wrong!



  • marieisthecool
    marieisthecool Posts: 46 Member
    weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I've been doing this for 4 days now... and the scale isn't budging! If anything going up a bit..(just a half lb up or down) But sheesh!

    Maybe I'm not eating enough. I have been following the app and taking in the calories..(actually maybe not quite) but even with working out... I just can't seem to get a burn.. I just don't get it! Work out to lose weight..but I have to eat more.. it's all just a bit confusing... I'M GONNA GO EAT A TWINKIE! JUST KIDDING! LOL

    Really..I AM getting discouraged... :/

    No reason to worry.

    For the first 10 days, I literally worked my butt off eating right and exercising hard daily and I didn't lose even half a pound.
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    4 days isn't that much time. Give it a week or two. My advice is to focus on the diary and step away from the scale.

    I totally agree with this. 4 days isn't enough time to see if something is working. Actually give it some time, you'll probably start seeing more results in your body size (inches) that the number on the scale in the beginning. At least that's what's happening with me.

    Good luck and don't give up!
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member

    WOW! Great read! THANKS! I shared it with my mother who IS morbidly obese.. she thinks she is doing so good to only eat twice a day..and then she binges too... I hope she reads it.
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
    4 days? I've lost 2.6 lbs in 150 days after losing 40lbs.:ohwell: You have to be prepared for these things and keep truckin :smile: Give it at least 2 weeks before changing things up.

    Thanks!! I'll keep on keepin on!
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
    You guys Are AWESOME! Thanks SO MUCH! I have some New Wind in My Sails!! Thanks!! (that's really funny..cuz I can't stand the wind!) LOL
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    Four days! Good drief - give yourself some time. It takes at least a week or two to get into the groove and for your body to react. Watch your calories, eat well, exercise and drink a lot of water. It will work, but give it time. My motto - "Nothing Fast Will Ever Last"
    Best of luck!
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
    I suggest hiding your scale and not bringing it out for at least two weeks! You're too focused on the numbers. One thing I noticed when I started on here a few weeks ago is that as soon as I started putting thought and effort into my diet again, and started working out a lot, I felt fantastic! My mood was better, I felt more confident, I think I've even been sleeping better. So don't worry about what the number is and ask yourself if you feel like your body is thanking you for all the hard work you've been putting in. If you're doing all the right things, the scale will start moving, but for me, the main benefit of all this is how much better I feel, and how much more energy I have.

    Thanks yiffanarff!! That really IS my goal.. to feel better! I'll try that!
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
    My motto - "Nothing Fast Will Ever Last"
    Best of luck!

  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    My trainer acctually has me weigh myself every morning and write it down. He said that your weight in the morning is going to be your truest weight. He also has me taking the Womens active pack from GNC. It comes in a white box and has like 7 pills in it. They are vitamen packs. in 4 days ive lost 1.6lbs. im pretty excited about it! lol