Tired of Being 300 Pounds

I start my journey today! I would like to lose 140 pounds. I have been in denial for a long time now saying that I was ok with my weight. We'll I'm not. I would like to live past 50 years of age. I am thrilled I found a new support group and any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Good luck to us all......:flowerforyou:


  • mahlx
    mahlx Posts: 13
    good luck to you, and welcome :)
  • brandi2258
    brandi2258 Posts: 46 Member
    Well this site is wonderful and so are the people! So much support and encouragement!!

    I hope you achieve your goals! I am also over 300..Not for long though!! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • jinxywinx
    jinxywinx Posts: 38
    I hear ya! I joined not too long ago myself after I got sick of my 310 pounds. We can do this together! :)
  • booberj
    booberj Posts: 69
    Welcome to the site... very helpful people here... I'm over 300lbs as well so add me as friend if you'd like and we can encourage each other along the journey to our smaller selves
  • Good luck to you! I'm hoping to lose around 90-100 pounds total. And this week, at a week shy of 4 months, I have hit my 50 pound mark! It can be done and this website is an excellent tool. Welcome aboard! =)
  • jenjenlv
    jenjenlv Posts: 42
    Welcome Amy!! I started at 210 and it's a hard journey, I wont lie, but we are all here for support and you've come to the right place!! So feel free to add me as a friend and we can keep encouraging each other :)
  • tkay72
    tkay72 Posts: 18 Member
    Well hello,

    I also just found this site today and joined. I also need to loose 140 pds, I have lost 30 lbs so far, but then lost my gusto, hoping this will be the kick I need. Hoping you will add me as a friend and we can be a support to each other. Tkay72. I live in Nova Scotia, where are you located
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Good luck
  • Rheenz
    Rheenz Posts: 23
    What are you doing, where are you struggling... I was over 330 when I started.
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    When that scale no longer says the one number you hate so much all the effort is worth it!!! This site is awesome....welcome. Feel free to add me if you need friends/support!
  • cowboy48
    cowboy48 Posts: 46 Member
    I definitely know how you feel. I started at 320 pounds. I am now 175 pounds. It takes a lot of sacrifice, hard work and perseverance but you can do it. Good luck to you!!
  • WELCOME!!!!!!! You will be successful in your journey. There are alot of great people here and you'll get the support that you need. I know to well the journey your about to take on. I was 298 when I made the decision to do something about it. According to my doctor I should be 150. I'm working towards it.

    I'm here for any support you need!!
  • howaboutit
    howaboutit Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome! This is the first step! I have been a member for about one month and love it! The support is great and the tools provided are wonderful. I am not sure what my goal weight is but I want to be able to shop in any store I want. I am currently an 18W so have a ways to go but a goal none the less.

    I sent a friend request. Best of luck on your new lifestyle!!
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    Amen Sistah!! My highest weight was 325 a few years back. I slowly (verrry slowly) came down just a tad. Am now at 295. I started on this site a month ago but without much dedication until just recently. Now I'm ready to kick boooty! Add me as a friend if you like :flowerforyou: WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • Mandyu
    Mandyu Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome!! I started at just over 300lbs at 302, it does take some time but if you keep on going even when you have a bad day because you will it will pay off big time! You could add me if you want.
  • ktshealth
    ktshealth Posts: 21
    Good Luck amymcbee. We are here for you. I myself have about 70lbs more to lose. We can help each other. :happy:
  • ABL0930
    ABL0930 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome - good for you for taking the first step.

    I started at 230, am now 216.

    For me, saying I have to lose 100 lbs is way too overwhelming. I have to break it down and look at smaller goals.

    First - find a good exercise schedule for yourself and make it a top priority. I have turned down concerts, parties, etc.... because they conflict with my workout. I consider that time sacred. I know that once I skip for something, it will be a short hop skip and a jump to skipping for other things!

    Second, PLAN your food! Although I mostly try to eat fresh veg and fruit and grilled meats, sometimes you get stuck without supplies, and if you're hungry, you could make some bad choices! So I have packets of instant oatmeal at work, as well as frozen lean cuisine -type lunches so I know if I have a bad morning, I won't lose it completely.

    I have 3 kids under 10 and they are important, but so am I!

    Good luck to you and and to all of us!

  • ipadmama
    ipadmama Posts: 6
    Everyone is so thoughtful and helpful already. I love you all already. Thank you for welcoming me.......:flowerforyou:
  • cthorn6720
    cthorn6720 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new to this today also! Wishing you all the best and encouragment. I think this is the hardest step, getting started! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • MsMadmagic
    MsMadmagic Posts: 66
    I joined yesterday and have 100lbs to lose. Really looking forwarded to meeting people in the same situation. I've tried so many diets and the stupid thing is when I started I only needed to lose 7lbs, 10 years later I'm here.
    Good luck with you weight loss Im sure you'll do great with all the great support on this site :flowerforyou: