What are YOUR goals?!



  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I've already hit a few goals and continually set new ones as I go.

    So currently, get my run route down to 39 minutes (this is arbitrary, I only just started running so have no idea if I'm aiming too high!) along with getting my exercise induced anxiety under more control while running.

    Be able to do full, chest to the floor, push ups. I can half push ups fully and full push ups sort of half way, so I'd like to bridge the gap!

    Lose another 2 stone (28lbs). Get my waist to 27/28 inches because then I can buy all of the vintage everything.

    Start and finish my degree having had to quit due to poor mental ill health a couple of years ago. I start back in a few weeks! Oh and continue with my fitness while at uni, it's a tall order due to immense fatigue I deal with every day as it is but I'm going to give it a damn good try.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    My goals are in this order:

    1) Get to 175lb (~23lb to go)
    2) Squat 265lb set of 5 (currently at 230lb), bench 175lb set of 5 (currently at 155lb), deadlift 350lb set of 5 (currently at 185lb, it is behind my squat due to having poor form compared to squats but is quickly catching up).
    3) Do 20 chin/pull ups
    4) Complete C25k
    5) Participate in a Tough Mudder or Spartan Race by late summer 2016.
    6) Increase Flexibility

    I'm currently working on 1, 2, and 6 and indirectly working on 3 (since I've lost weight and done other weight lifting I can now do 2 chin or pull ups) and 4 (I play ultimate every week, which has helped with running).

    I intend to tackle #3 soon and then do #4 in the spring.
  • BeccaKay96
    BeccaKay96 Posts: 77 Member
    Love all the weight lifting goals! Maybe someday I'll get a raise and be able to justify rejoining the gym! I have another goal to share and thats to be able to stick to my healthy choices even when out with friends or cooking my fiance an unhealthy meal! I need to learn to not let the people around me affect my life choices
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    Lose 10ish more pounds (I've lost 40). Continue to eat a healthy vegan diet. Walk 1 hour most days and do yoga most days. I don't have a timeline for my last ten. I'm trying to be patient :)
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    My current goal is to get to 160. After that I plan to reevaluate my goals and go from there. I have been constantly changing my weight loss goal so at this point I figure it would be best to pick 160 and worry about the end goal once I get closer to it.
  • reefyftw
    reefyftw Posts: 9 Member
    I'd like to lose 20 pounds of fat, then build up 15 pounds of lean muscle. Ideal weight goal for me is 180 for a 5'9 24 year old male! I'd also like to develop the big 3 lifts for myself. 225 for bench, 300 squat, and 225 deadlift.
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    My goals are basic
    1. Lose 5 kg's
    2. Lose another 5kgs
    3. Lose 5 more kg's
    4. 5 kg's again
    5. Lose 5 kg's more to be in the health range.
    25 kg's more to lose. I do have a time frame, but I want to focus on just 5 kg's st a time. That's about 11 lbs at each goal.
    I am down 7 kg's (15 lb's) 3 more kg's until my next goal!! I think I will treat my self to a new drink bottle! Or new gym pants!
  • kellellie
    kellellie Posts: 109 Member
    I usually don't do well with just having one end goal, it ends up feeling far away and I stress out about it. In the last (almost) 14 weeks i've set little tiny goals to aim for. My first was 199 by july 4th just because it fell at a good time to hit that number (hit that day at 197.4, wee!) After hitting that, I set loose goals of hitting -8lbs every 5 weeks. My next is to hit 182 by 9/12. The only real long term goal I've had is to be as healthy as I can be before we start trying to have some kiddos at the end of this year. I'm currently 11lbs from my healthy range, so It's super do-able.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I love the lots of little goals approach too.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I haven't set any actual weight loss goals in a certain time frame (I have 64lbs to lose), however my goals are:
    -To decrease body fat percentage
    -To increase LBM
    -To increase endurance during cardio and weightlifting
    -To increase the weights I lift.
    -To run (I haven't been a good runner since I was a pre-teen. I'm hoping to tackle c25k.
    -To increase my bike rides from 12 miles to 20 mile, or even more.
    -Get better at Military-style push ups.
    -To get my husband to work out with me.
    -To be bad *kitten*. :wink:
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I started at 208. I'm now at 169. Goal is to be 145 by Christmas. Long term goal is somewhere around 115 by April 2016.
  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    edited August 2015
    My main goal is lose weight to help ease my osteoarthritis and potential fibromyalgia (doctor's still monitoring things). I'm hoping to get to the point I don't need medication anymore.

    Side goals are maintaining a healthy lifestyle, reaching my suggested BMI and weight, and looking great in my wedding dress. I'd also really love to go back to my JROTC instructor and tell him I'm running the obstacle course straight through. I never could complete it while I was in high school.
  • DBrooks1979
    DBrooks1979 Posts: 350 Member
    edited August 2015
    My goal is to get to a target weight of 180..Starting weight 219

    My goal is to be a healthier husband for myself and my wife

    My goal is to be able to be about as physically fit as I was in the Marine Corps if not better

    My goal is to be able to get to a better weight to handle being a pilot better.

    My goal is not to be a diabetic like my mother...

    My goal is to eat better for the rest of my life and do a better job with portion control.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    My goal in January was to get down to 125. This week, I got down to 125.8. Close enough. I also wanted to become more active. Done. Now cycling and hiking at least 10 hrs/week. Now my next goal is to get me some abs. I have no idea how long it will take but I know I need to lose some extra belly fat. So my short term goal is 120 by end of Sept and then give myself 3 months to see proper abs by end of Dec.
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 368 Member
    My goal is to get down to 120 lbs.
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    My goal is to get off my diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. My goal is that my knees and back stop hurting. To do this I have to lose weight.
  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    BeccaKay96 wrote: »
    Sometimes I think just to spit it out is a great way to keep your eye on the prize! So what is everyones goals?
    My long term goal is to weigh 130 lbs, be running races and just looking/feeling good! B)

    To feel good. :)
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    My goal is to get back to where I was before surgery - lose the weight I let myself put on, and be able to do a sub 30-minute 5k. Bonus new goal, do pull-ups.
  • Billy213
    Billy213 Posts: 31 Member
    Started at 336lb 8 weeks ago. Now down to 303lb.

    266lb (19 stone) by Christmas is my next goal. From there, smash it down to 200lb..ish.
  • shawnt85
    shawnt85 Posts: 24 Member
    Get down to 165
    Get a rounder butt

    I want to ultimately get in great shape because we want to try for a baby next year.

    Also, being out of my comfort weight range makes me extremely uncomfortable.