People noticing you lost weight

i thought I would feal really awesome when people started to notice I was loosing weight and today it happened for the first time and mostly it just felt really odd. I have been looking forward to going back to work ( I'm a teacher) and people seeing that I lost 30 lbs over the summer but now I'm kind dreading it


  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I find it to be a huge compliment because people are noticing the results of my hard work and I use it as motivation to keep working to reach my goals. The first couple of days may be odd because it will be the first time everyone has seen you, but after they get used to the difference most of the hubbub will die down.

    I hope you find joy in the acknowledgement of your progress by your co-workers and others that notice. Congratulations on a job well done!
  • rhoda1990
    rhoda1990 Posts: 25 Member
    Congratulations, on your weight loss! I understand what you're feeling. I've been there it's kinda embarrassing & nerve wreckingwrecking. But after a couple weeks, people would obviously run out of things to say.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    This just started happening a lot for me. I have lost 55 lbs and along the way people have made comments about noticing my weight loss, but all of a sudden after losing 50 I get comments CONSTANTLY with almost everyone I see. It does feel good, but more awkward and I don't know how to respond. Also some people who ask about my weight loss immediately start talking about how badly they need to lose weight and start making disparaging comments about themselves and so then I have to respond to that as well.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Yes, very awkward. Just get used to saying "thank you" and move along.
  • Badshahrules
    Badshahrules Posts: 9 Member
    I have heard this a few times lately, it does feel strange to me too because noone has ever commented on how I look. Am still waiting on my husband of 11 years to notice I have lost over 20 lbs.
  • I have lost 28 pounds on mfp and 19 pounds before. I actually like it. It shows me that all my hard work is seen by more then just My eyes.
  • Pammalla
    Pammalla Posts: 71 Member
    So I went back to work and no one said anything.
    I teach a special Ed class and as part of life skills we cook somthing every day. Usually something boxed and easy to make and I always used to eat with the class but I stopped this year and when someone asked why I told them because I'm counting calories to loose weight and they where like oh I hope you start loseing soon
  • Mandyjo7676
    Mandyjo7676 Posts: 2 Member
    I can relate to this so much! Not yet this time around as I'm just starting, but 5 yrs ago I lost 65lbs in about 6-7 months. At that time I was taking a prescription appetite suppressant, (Adipex) & doing nothing but cardio. Now I'm using weights, machines & working on toning up as well as cardio, so the weight isn't coming off as quickly, but I want to tone!
    (Ok, I rambeled there lol)

    Back to the topic, it was great at first to hear people noticing, but became awkward. I started to dread hearing those comments.... I have an acquaintance, a very big girl, tall & very heavy who started excercising & losing weight. She told me she hates the weight loss comments because she feels like "what, you didn't notice me when I was extremely heavy, but you notice me now?" I get it, she feels like no one ever complimented her before & she's very pretty. People only say nice things about her loosing weight.

    It can be awkward & last time I just learned to say "thank you," & try to change the subject. Congratulations on your weight loss & DEDICATION girl! Keep doing you & try not to let those or any other comments get to you!
  • emmagrace0818
    emmagrace0818 Posts: 211 Member
    You'll get used to it and it'll feel amazing once that happens!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Pammalla wrote: »
    So I went back to work and no one said anything.

    Ultimately, the person who cares the most about your weight loss is you, and that makes sense. It's for your health, for looking better to yourself, for presenting yourself to the world as a healthy, attractive person. I get all excited when I'm at the low end of my weight range, but it's rare that anyone says anything, and that's okay. When someone does notice, I take the compliment.

    Congratulations on your weight loss, and good for you for teaching kids a healthy life skill. Those are worthy accomplishments!