Just started the 30DS

I just did the first day of 30 Day Shred. Holy Matt Damon, it kicked my butt! For all those who have done it: Does it get easier for you as you go along? I know I can do it, I'm just wondering what your experiences have been like. :smile:


  • AMP37
    AMP37 Posts: 4
    We must've been doing it together because I just finished day 1 too. Kicked my butt also!
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Yes it does get better! When you start Level2 and Level3 you will feel the same way you did today! LOL!
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    have a great time, kicking *kitten* is a good thing!
    I'm doing the insanity and it gets better, so I'm thinking the same for JM30DS, I have her lined up next
  • heathermrls
    i just finished day 1 also:)
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Im getting ready to press play for day 3 and I have never ever been so sore in my entire life.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Yes it will get easier, based on my experience and what I've been reading on the forums. Day 1 was the worst of the days and I've never had another day with that much soreness. Also you don't have to do all 30 days consecutively. I started doing every other day with gym or other exercise on the "off" days. Now that I've made my way to level 3, the old gym routine feels easier and kind of boring. Keep at it!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Yes it does get better! When you start Level2 and Level3 you will feel the same way you did today! LOL!

    Agreed. The first several days of each level are the hardest but it gets easier as you go.
  • Myst_Concepts
    I just finished day 6 on lvl 1 and it still kicks my butt! I do have to say it gets easier....WTG! Keep it up!!!!
  • KlassyKassi
    KlassyKassi Posts: 58 Member
    Wow it's great to know so many other people are doing it too! I can hardly move right now. But I feel good having done it. Thanks for the support guys!
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    :laugh: I know, I know - I feel your pain, literally! Seems like by day 4, I wasn't sore anymore and had already started to see some nice changes in my abs. Everytime I do the workout, it's hard, but then I see some new muscle definition in my shoulders, abs, or legs, and I'm ready to pop that dvd right back in and sweat it out again! Totally worth it! I'm just finishing up level 1 this weekend, and I fear/look forward to level 2! Really hoping I get the amazing results by level 3 that I keep seeing pictures of on this site! :happy:
  • rockthehourglass
    rockthehourglass Posts: 62 Member
    It gets better! I'm about to do day 1 level 3 and I'm sure it'll kill me for a few days!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I'm only on day 3 and it still hurts but it's getting better. I love it! I'm also going to incorporate her yoga melt.
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    It will get easier:) for me days 2 and 3 were the hardest due to the fact I was so sore! But after that it got alot easier, just posh through it and you'll get to where you will think ''wow i can't believe I just finished with our stopping.'' and you'll see how much stronger you'll feel to! Great job on getting through your first day and good luck on getting through the rest of it:)
  • lsmortenson
    I just picked up the DVD! Can't wait to give it a shot. I was wondering how everyone tracks this in their exercise diary?
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    I track it under circuit training in my exercise diary. I use the video all the time, but I don't do "the 30 day plan" It definitely gets easier (and I still see great results using it 3 days a week). I didn't feel up to level 3 last time, so I went back to one, and I kicked it's *kitten*!! It was a huge self esteem booster to go back to something that I struggled with and totally conquer it!! Good luck everybody.. the results will definitely be worth every minute!!