Encouraging or frustrating?

pandaeye Posts: 126
Curious to know who in your life encourages you or frustrates you on your weight loss journey? My mum keeps me strong whereas my husbands thinks it's hilarious to waft bacon sandwiches under my nose! Do they support you on your efforts and how? Do they join in and follow with you? Or do they just let you get on with it? Any funny stories do share lol!! Xx


  • cconeill
    cconeill Posts: 54 Member
    My husband is my supporter :) Tell your hubby to knock it off with the bacon sandwhiches lol GOOD LUCK YOU ARE DOING AMAZING
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    My family encourages me to no end, even though I often feel selfish about spending so much time working out.

    My mom has always related to people emotionally by feeding them, so it's frustrating to me that she always tries to feed me unhealthy food, and she gives my kids snacks after I specifically tell her not to..... She thinks it's 'cute' to do so.

    I'm also encouraged by my MFP pals -- you guys get me through the darkest days (maybe a little over-dramatic, but we've all been emotional about plateaus and cravings...) -- and most of the time you aren't even aware that you're doing it. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

    Oh, except for that crazy guy that keeps posting annoying forums to 'contradict' basic methods of weight loss. He frustrates me, but in a good way, I guess because I want to just keep doing what I'm doing so I can prove him wrong. Haha.
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    .....whereas my husbands thinks it's hilarious to waft bacon sandwiches under my nose!........ Xx

    :huh: Does he sleep with one eye open? :yawn:
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Same for me, but it's not bacon sandwiches, it's ice cream and cookies. His response, "well, just don't eat it." My response, "well, just don't bring it home." Then I leave the room. You'd think that after 6 weeks of my leaving the room, he'd get it. Arghhhh! My friends at work are very supportive. And my MFP pals. That's why I've managed to lose 6 # in about 6 weeks--because I finally feel like I have a support system. Thanks everyone, Love ya!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Oops, double-posted!
  • HeatherBriggs1970
    My hubby is very encouraging - sometimes he crosses the line into controlling and I just have to give him that "look". He only does it because he loves me and loves it when my body is in better shape. But sometimes his good intentions lack tactful delivery..LOL
    He is a lot better than he use to be.

    My gals on MFP are my biggest fans! I love the encouragement I get on here :)
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    I am extremely lucky, everyone in my life with the exception of 1 person supports me. My husband is great, he tells me all the time how proud of me he is, and that I have inspired him to get in better shape. The only person that doesn't get it is a freind from high school that gets frustrated when I don't drink, or eat her food. Other than that she's pretty supportive. She tells me, and everyone around how great I'm doing, I should be proud...etc. But then why try & sabotage me with food & drinks? It's alright, I am passed the point of temptation, and there is no going back. I hope everyone is as lucky as I!
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    my husband is my biggest supporter & frustrater :laugh:
    He is supportive in the fact that i watch what i eat and he doesn't wave stuff i want under my nose but he also is very sweet about offering dinner out, candy at a movie, or breakfast out, or talking me out of the gym that night to go do something more fun:laugh:
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    I must admit my Husband is brilliant. He has lost lots of weight over the past year so he knows how much encouragement and support can mean especially on those difficult days where nothing less than a bucket of chocolate will do.

    Family and friends are supportive but are quick to add comments like "but you look fine", which is lovely but i don't want to look "fine", I want to be supersexy even when I'm a Grandma :)

    Nothing less than a GILF for me :laugh: :blushing:
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    My hubby has been very supportive, even though he will still eat whatever he wants. It does get fustrating at times when he can eat all day and not gain an ounce! But he had ben a great help to me, and tells me daily how great I look:)
    My mom is also a big supporter of mine. She lost 150 pounds a few years ago and had kept it off and is always helping me with recipes and new things to try. She is also a big inspiration to me:)
    My best friend has been awesome! We go walking once a week and are always sharing tips and things we've heard to lose weight. Its also nice having someone your close with going through the same things you are and being able to talk about it.
    Of course my MFP's are always so great!!! I have ran into a few that haven't been the best at supporting but oh well. The rest are amazing and such motivators and inspirations:)
  • pandaeye
    pandaeye Posts: 126
    Wow! You are all doing so well and have amazing support! I have to say I LOVE Mfp it has been a lifesaver, couldn't have done it without all the wonderful support I get on here. Keep up the fantastic work! Xx
  • pandaeye
    pandaeye Posts: 126
    especially on those difficult days where nothing less than a bucket of chocolate will do

    I think we all have days like that I know I do, sometimes too many!! :laugh: