Please share workout tips for the girl who hates to work out!



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I put in 2lbs a week?

    that means you're going to have to have a 1,000 calorie per day deficit from your maintenance...which is very aggressive...thus the very low calorie target. my guess is that you also put in sedentary...when you exercise you get to eat more because exercise increases your calorie requirements.
  • aporter1
    aporter1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there! I too have PCOS and hate working out. I have fallen in love pilates. And an app called sworkit. Pilates has been amazing because it is low impact but you feel the burn and the results have been amazing. Remember with PCOS carbs are not our friends. Try to focus on protein, healthy fats and complex carbs. I'm looking into the Paleo as it has been highly recommended for PCOS peeps. Good luck!
  • aaroessler
    aaroessler Posts: 32 Member
    kami3006 wrote: »
    Lose weight through a calorie deficit (can be 100% in the kitchen) and do whatever do enjoy as an activity. You can't spot reduce so you just have to lose all over and have the weight come off where it will. If you can find a way, do some weight training to retain muscle while you lose.
    Perfect response.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Some people love losing weight so much that they want to lose 60lb over 2 years. Personally, I'd rather lose it as fast as safely possible, and 2lb/week should be fine to start with.

    But, 2lb/week is aggressive and tough. If 1230 is to low for you to handle, up your calories to 1480 (or 1.5lb/week). If that is still to hard, bump it up another 250 calories to 1lb/week. Also, don't forget to eat back exercise calories. If you chose sedentary, almost everything is exercise. Lightly active typically is a better fit and then only deliberate exercise is exercise.

    For exercise, just don't if you don't want to. Do what you enjoy or helps you meet your goals. I don't care for running, but I do play ultimate. I have a goal to do a mud run next year to celebrate my improved health, so c25k it is come spring time. I want to be stronger, so I do SL5x5. Figure out your goals and then do whatever you need to do to accomplish those goals.
  • BalletAndBarbells
    BalletAndBarbells Posts: 334 Member
    Do whatever you enjoy and lose your weight by eating at a deficit. I also started with 60lb to lose and planned to do it over about 18 months. I'm 5 months in and have lost 36lb but more importantly I feel more confident, fitter and stronger. I am able to manage my intake better and don't just give up completely when I eat or drink something that takes me outside my calories for the day - I just work out how to make up for it, be that walking somewhere or just accepting it and not beating myself up!
    Don't ban anything from your diet but make small changes and weigh and log everything!
    As for exercise - you don't like it now but I bet in a few months you'll be hooked! I hated it to start with and now I'm disappointed if I can't make it to the gym - I think I might even be a little addicted to that feel good workout feeling!
    What helped me was finding classes which I enjoyed - the social aspect makes it more fun and less of a chore and if week after week you can see progress it motivates you to push harder.
    Everyone is different though and I have friends who love running or cycling or the gym. Do whatever you find works for you.
    I also agree with the above poster who talked about increasing your general activity level - could you walk to work or up the stairs etc. It all helps! If I want a weekend pint I walk the 3 miles to and from my favorite pub. 6 miles of brisk walking means i can drink that pint (or two!) with less impact on my weight loss progress. It's all about awareness and a lifestyle change.
    Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Find a sporty hobby that you enjoy for your cardio. I love working out, but I also dance, bike, climb, and hike.

    Burn more calories with non-exercise activity, like house and yard work, and staying on your feet as much as possible. Replace an hour of recreational TV or computer time with something that keeps you moving, or do your recreational sitting while you pedal on a stationary bike.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Find something you like. I HATE cardio. So today, instead of forcing myself to do something I hate-I researched buying a bike, because I could get down with that, plus I could use it to go on adventures. But really, I should have sucked it up and done some cardio anyway :)

    Cycling is a form of cardio.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Find something you like. I HATE cardio. So today, instead of forcing myself to do something I hate-I researched buying a bike, because I could get down with that, plus I could use it to go on adventures. But really, I should have sucked it up and done some cardio anyway :)

    Cycling is a form of cardio.

    I'm aware...which is why I considered buying a bike.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Find something you like. I HATE cardio. So today, instead of forcing myself to do something I hate-I researched buying a bike, because I could get down with that, plus I could use it to go on adventures. But really, I should have sucked it up and done some cardio anyway :)

    Cycling is a form of cardio.

    I'm aware...which is why I considered buying a bike.

    do will never look back
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Rock climbing, martial arts, dancing, etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • oceansmoke
    oceansmoke Posts: 23 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Put in 0.5 pounds a week. That will be more sustainable and will give you more calories every day. As you add exercise you get more calories, too.

    I agree %100. 0.5 is plenty enough to lose a week and with added activity you'll lose ever more without having to eat so much less.
  • oceansmoke
    oceansmoke Posts: 23 Member
    I do think that 1200 is too low. Personally, I start l
  • stickers456
    stickers456 Posts: 7 Member
    Calculate you BMR and make a caloric deficit. You will lose weight without exercising. However, working out is great for you and will increase your calorie burn. Find some easy exercises you like. I suggest squats and leg drops. Great for legs and core!
  • oceansmoke
    oceansmoke Posts: 23 Member
    oceansmoke wrote: »
    I do think that 1200 is too low. Personally, I start l

    I'm sorry, I posted too soon.

    I was trying to say that I begin to lose my hair when my calories get that low. I'm 5'6 and I weigh 118 and take in 1,300-1,600(ideally) and I'm as thin as a rail. Everyone is different of course.

    But eating too little can be bad thing too. You want to keep your metabolism running. :)

  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi guys ,
    Brand new here!
    My name is Sarah and I am looking for tips on how to burn fat and tone stomach(PCOS carry alot of weight there) and strengthen my legs!
    I need to lose about about 60lbs
    Any advice would be great and much appreciated!
    Thank you!

    Try new things. Read the fitness threads. Get into a sport--tennis, cycle, run, hike, dance,'ll want to get stronger/faster.
  • Farahworld
    Farahworld Posts: 41 Member
    edited August 2015
    My first advice is join a gym with a running track so you can go there everyday and walk no matter if it's cold or hot snowy or rainy; you go there stretch and walk an hour to 2 hour everyday! If you can't afford it, then walk outside or indoors!
    -2) use tracking device to count your steps if you can afford it get fitbit charge hr, if you can't use your iPhone it's pretty much accurate!
    Second advice is to watch YouTube videos for workout ( beginer level) there are tons of them and believe it or not you will find somd trainer there that will be your mentor and reasons to ex cercie more!
    -third: my fitness pal!, try to lose one pound a week and be very honest in logging your daily meals .. Add friends there! Honesty and responsibility is the key you over ate for day or two no worries just log them there and you will be double embarrassed in front of your fitness pall friends so you won't repeat a lot In the future, if you finsh your daily diary well; shAre it with your friends so they congratulate you!
    4) belly fat are the last to go, just focus on overal body work out , and change will happen in time
    5) weight lifting should be at least 2 days of your week if not 4! Start with light weight !
    6) healthy food is the way to get healthy and fit, get rid of almost all junk food in your house and start fresh immediately! I'am not saying hey get rid of chocolate bar, mayo, salad dressing, chips, crackers, no you can still eat them with limit but just buy the healthier versions! Always read label to see how much fat and protein , fiber and calories in what you eat!
    7) never give up even in your worst days when someone hurt you from the inside and you eat 3000 calories in that day ; that's ok! The next day you'll get back on track! You can do it!

    Ps: I used to hate working out too, I was lazy, that's why I hated them . You'll start loving them soon!
  • Farahworld
    Farahworld Posts: 41 Member
    debsbiggs wrote: »
    Do whatever you enjoy and lose your weight by eating at a deficit. I also started with 60lb to lose and planned to do it over about 18 months. I'm 5 months in and have lost 36lb but more importantly I feel more confident, fitter and stronger. I am able to manage my intake better and don't just give up completely when I eat or drink something that takes me outside my calories for the day - I just work out how to make up for it, be that walking somewhere or just accepting it and not beating myself up!
    Don't ban anything from your diet but make small changes and weigh and log everything!
    As for exercise - you don't like it now but I bet in a few months you'll be hooked! I hated it to start with and now I'm disappointed if I can't make it to the gym - I think I might even be a little addicted to that feel good workout feeling!
    What helped me was finding classes which I enjoyed - the social aspect makes it more fun and less of a chore and if week after week you can see progress it motivates you to push harder.
    Everyone is different though and I have friends who love running or cycling or the gym. Do whatever you find works for you.
    I also agree with the above poster who talked about increasing your general activity level - could you walk to work or up the stairs etc. It all helps! If I want a weekend pint I walk the 3 miles to and from my favorite pub. 6 miles of brisk walking means i can drink that pint (or two!) with less impact on my weight loss progress. It's all about awareness and a lifestyle change.
    Good luck with whatever you choose!
    I can't agree with you more!

  • madammags
    madammags Posts: 97 Member
    Consider dancing. I do belly dancing and I can tell you, I use my abs, back, and other core muscles just as much doing that as when I do my weight training routine (I have recently started New Rules Of Lifting Supercharged and love it, lots of options).

    I agree with others who say find something you enjoy. Swimming, playing sports (around here touch footy is always a good option), martial arts, dancing, yoga, biking, whatever floats your boat. As you get into it, you may even find motivation to the 'boring bits' like weight training, as well, to improve your performance in your chosen sport.

    If you want lots of options for pre-planned workouts, places like and have lots.

    If you are motivated by 'gamification' (i.e. having points and stuff), consider joining Fitocracy and using apps like Zombies Run and Ingress.
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    I agree with the above posters who said to find what you enjoy. working out should be something you look forward to, not dread. also it helps knowing what your strengths are and working around that. some people are better endurance athletes, others naturally excell in strength. personally, I've lost weight before with lots of cardio. the problem is I haaated it. once I picked up weightlifting I couldn't imagine my life without it :-)
  • Thelma_k
    Thelma_k Posts: 1 Member
    The best thing I ever did was lower my standards. I would decide to do 10 minutes of yoga instead of a good solid hour workout, you know what happened? Instead of dreading and then not deciding to do the hour workout I got 10 minutes of yoga -> done! That's the mindset, set a small goal that is easy, then you'll do it, and when you do it MAKE SURE you tell yourself how great it is that you did it! With time you will add a little more once it's easy to add a little more. Today I did a 5 km run and am doing leg lifts as I write this. Start easy, get ecstatic that you got your exercise done, and then one day decide to do a little more and a little more. It's that easy! Best of luck!