Looking for ppl to help me stay motivated & hold me accountable!

Hi my name is AbenaAbena from Chicago & I joined MFP 4yrs ago with a weight loss goal of 60lbs........welp 4yrs later I still have that same goal....... I think the most weight I lost was 13lbs & I've gained it all back plus another 15.....smh. I NEED YOU! Honestly I need real people with the same goals in mind (weight loss) who are serious about checking in on me holding me accountable for logging in tracking my progress or just dropping me some words of encouragement & I will definitely do the same. I REALLY need to lose weight to prevent myself from having an array of health problems in addition to just me not feeling good about myself. Sooooooooo if your reading this and willing to help me get on track I will definitely do the same for you send me a friend request & let's keep each other motivated & lose some weight together.


  • bekkadillon
    bekkadillon Posts: 200 Member
    Please join us in a 10-week challenge group to meet our goals.
    We will have weekly challenges (diet and exercise), weekly weigh ins and help you stay accountable.
    If you are ready to GET SEXY, join us here: community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/108348-operation-get-sexy-part-two
  • jennyferngiraffes
    jennyferngiraffes Posts: 16 Member
    I'll help you out, let's motivate each other!
  • abena05
    abena05 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Jenny I'm looking forward to your help
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I'm in maintenance, but log on multiple times a day.
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello I'm Julie nice to meet you. If you a friend just add me. I love to help my friends here. Positive thoughts sent your way. Good luck on your journey to healthy life.