If I can do it.. Anyone can:)

this is just a 2 month difference in adding strength and cardio at Planet fitness....
My SW was 232 CW is 175frpiygu6iipl.jpg


  • Linnea1972
    Linnea1972 Posts: 183 Member

    This is side by side of start to now...


  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Congratulations! Go get it, girl! Wish I could lose off my middle like that.
  • Linnea1972
    Linnea1972 Posts: 183 Member
    Thank you, It's not a quick process, I sure wish it was... It has taken 12 months to get this far... Still have 30/40 lbs to go:) I won't give up!!!
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    Great job. I gave up my planet fitness membership about 3 years ago. I was looking good. Working out several times a week, but the next step in my plan wasn't working. No HIs!!!!! Just a bunch of people watching TV or listening to digital music players. Ok, sometimes the women would talk to me and we'd hash out diet plans and exercise stuff . . . but no men. I said SCREW THIS . . . if I am leaving my house I want real socialization.
  • Linnea1972
    Linnea1972 Posts: 183 Member
    I get so burned out on asking people, hey u want to be my workout buddy, its free for ya... And I always get hell ya, but when it comes time to go.. No one is around. SO i go alone.... I've made the gym my JOB.. I WILL GET A BOAT BODY!!!
  • stickers456
    stickers456 Posts: 7 Member
    GREAT progress! Keep it up! The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn. Make sure you are eating clean as well. Six pack here you come!
  • Linnea1972
    Linnea1972 Posts: 183 Member
    @stickers456 I got a 3pack now lmao!!! :)
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Great job. Thanks for posting the pics!
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    you're doing great work - i'm gonna throw something out there, and it's not for everybody, for sure - but you might wanna think about it.

    this web portal is my gym buddy. i come here to learn, to harvest links, information, and experience from the folks who've walked this road before i did. when i go to the gym, though, i see it as a solitary battle. it's me against my enemy - which is also me. i can't really include anyone else, because no one else can do this for me. since i'm essentially working against myself - my long history of crappy self-esteem and bad habits, i have to do this alone - by myself, against myself, but ultimately for myself.

    as a society, we've become extremely antisocial in face to face contact...it's just the way it is. but that doesn't mean you can't soldier on with support from other areas - like this one.
  • Linnea1972
    Linnea1972 Posts: 183 Member
    @hamptontom you couldn't have said that any better!!
  • SunshineBdoll
    SunshineBdoll Posts: 19 Member
    Linnea1972 wrote: »
    I get so burned out on asking people, hey u want to be my workout buddy, its free for ya... And I always get hell ya, but when it comes time to go.. No one is around. SO i go alone.... I've made the gym my JOB.. I WILL GET A BOAT BODY!!!

    I understand feeling alone. My whole family always talks about being healthier, but then ask if I want pizza or ice cream... Food is the way my family always bonded. Cooking from scratch, baking, making large amounts of sugary meals to binge on. I started eating better and my mom was like I need to do that, but never means it. Then I started working out and asked if she'd like to join. She did for 10min telling me to move more or go faster than the plan, then was too wore out to finish. She is in way better shape than me and always tells me I need to loose weight because I was such a pretty girl, but she is one of my worst influences. Now that I've stayed home more to cook, exercise, and meal prep she's starting to get it and stops mid sentence when offering food. Everything takes time, and I'm reaching out on MFP for friends in the cause. This helps keep me focused. It fuels me with the success stories. Thank you so much
  • Linnea1972
    Linnea1972 Posts: 183 Member
    @SunshineBdoll i feel ya there, my family same way, knows I don't want pastas and crap but insist on trying to make me eat it... We can do this and stay strong!!!