
Hello my name is bobbie and i have been watching everything i eat since July 17 and exercising at least 4x a week doing zumba or kick boxing. I started at 184 and this morning got on the scale and i weigh a WHOPPING 190 I am so disappointed and feel like maybe I'm meant to be a whale! !!!! My dr started me on contrave and I've taken it for a week but nothing just keep gaining. My diet consists of very low sodium for hardly any sugar no soda no beer just WATER my lab work days thyroid works fine. .I'm sick to my stomach that I'm trying so hard and getting NO WHERE. Maybe i should give in and buy larger clothes and accept the fact that I'm suppose to be obese. Any b suggestions anyone please before i lose my mind


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member

    You are not logging your food correctly or you are overestimating your calorie burns. Or both.
  • beccabryan30
    beccabryan30 Posts: 7 Member
    Do u eat any fried foods or bread or pasta I don't I goes straight to fat now every time I look at food I look at it as fuel not taste and what is ur job like if its not a active job u might want to work out more and u need to eat less calories than it allows u for results and if ur still not losing weight than u may be gaining muscle and it weights more than fat
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    ^^^ that. Sorry, no two ways about it. Make sure you weigh everything going into your mouth (in grams! Not cups, pieces, or spoons), don't forget oils and drinks, log it with MFP. Use a HRM to measure your exercise burn. Eat back at least a good portion of your exercise calories. Lose weight. Science baby! <3 Good luck!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Do u eat any fried foods or bread or pasta I don't I goes straight to fat now every time I look at food I look at it as fuel not taste and what is ur job like if its not a active job u might want to work out more and u need to eat less calories than it allows u for results and if ur still not losing weight than u may be gaining muscle and it weights more than fat

    A whole lotta no here.
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    Do u eat any fried foods or bread or pasta I don't I goes straight to fat now every time I look at food I look at it as fuel not taste and what is ur job like if its not a active job u might want to work out more and u need to eat less calories than it allows u for results and if ur still not losing weight than u may be gaining muscle and it weights more than fat

    Oh where to start...
    - if it fits into your calories, there is nothing wrong with fried foods, bread, or pasta
    - fat is not stored more from certain foods. Fat is stored when you consume more calories than you burn
    - activity has nothing to do with weight loss. In the MFP method, if you don't work out and you are set to sedentary and you eat under your net goal, you will lose weight
    - you can't gain muscle while eating a deficit
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1. If it's been less than 3 weeks since you last saw a drop on the scale, don't sweat it! Normal fluctuations happen and unfortunately sometimes we stall for a week or two even when we're doing everything right. Give your body some time to catch up with the changes you're making.

    2. If you aren't already, be sure that you're logging everything. Sometimes people forget about things like veggies, drinks, cooking oils, and condiments. For some people these can add up to enough to halt your weight loss progress.

    3. Consider buying a food scale. They're about $10-$20 dollars in the US and easily found at places like Amazon, Target, and Walmart. Measuring cups and spoons are great, but they do come with some degree of inaccuracy. A food scale will be more accurate, and for some people it makes a big difference.

    4. Logging accurately also means choosing accurate entries in the database. There are a lot of user-entered entries that are off. Some of them are WAY off. Double-check that you're using good entries and/or using the recipe builder instead of someone else's homemade entries.

    5. If you're eating back your exercise calories and you're relying on gym machine readouts or MFP's estimates, it might be best to eat back just 50-75% of those. Certain activities tend to be overestimated. If you're using an HRM or activity tracker, it might be a good idea to look into their accuracy and be sure that yours is calibrated properly.

    6. If you're taking any cheat days that go over your calorie limits, it might be best to cut them out for a few weeks and see what happens. Some people go way over their calorie needs without realizing it when they don't track.

    7. If you weigh yourself frequently (more than once or twice a week), consider using a program like trendweight to even out the fluctuations. You could be losing weight but just don't see it because of the daily ups and downs.
  • peggykirkby
    peggykirkby Posts: 27 Member
    Totally agree with diannethegeek, especially on #4.

    I checked my version of a dish against one of the personal entries. I checked each ingredient against the nutritional info on the pkg's or official pages online. My version showed 100+ more calories than the UNverified entry!

    Anymore, when I match, I either match to the green checked "Verified" or do the research and match to any UNverified entry exactly, or one that is OVERstated by a few calories (nutritionals the opposite).

    Better safe than sorry!
  • peggykirkby
    peggykirkby Posts: 27 Member
    By the way...keep a close eye in what time you you eat tour last meal. Metabolism.
  • motomom258
    motomom258 Posts: 11 Member
    Do u eat any fried foods or bread or pasta I don't I goes straight to fat now every time I look at food I look at it as fuel not taste and what is ur job like if its not a active job u might want to work out more and u need to eat less calories than it allows u for results and if ur still not losing weight than u may be gaining muscle and it weights more than fat
    By the way...keep a close eye in what time you you eat tour last meal. Metabolism.

    I don't eat fried food, i exercise alot and even walk a brisk 25 min walk at work. I eat plenty of veggies and fruit. Look at all the food i buy. I thought for sure when i cut out the diet coke and beer i would definitely see a loss. I drank beer almost everyday and drank diet coke 3-4 times a day. Is there such a thing as stubborn fat. I don't know what to do. I dont eat alot of pasta or rice andb if i eat rice it's brown rice and i measure 1 cup and that's all. I just don't get it
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    By the way...keep a close eye in what time you you eat tour last meal. Metabolism.

    your body can't tell time.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    motomom258 wrote: »
    Do u eat any fried foods or bread or pasta I don't I goes straight to fat now every time I look at food I look at it as fuel not taste and what is ur job like if its not a active job u might want to work out more and u need to eat less calories than it allows u for results and if ur still not losing weight than u may be gaining muscle and it weights more than fat
    By the way...keep a close eye in what time you you eat tour last meal. Metabolism.

    I don't eat fried food, i exercise alot and even walk a brisk 25 min walk at work. I eat plenty of veggies and fruit. Look at all the food i buy. I thought for sure when i cut out the diet coke and beer i would definitely see a loss. I drank beer almost everyday and drank diet coke 3-4 times a day. Is there such a thing as stubborn fat. I don't know what to do. I dont eat alot of pasta or rice andb if i eat rice it's brown rice and i measure 1 cup and that's all. I just don't get it

    not measure - weigh. I can carefully measure out 1 cup of rice too - and every time it will be more than I think it is. Weigh.
  • motomom258
    motomom258 Posts: 11 Member
    By the way...keep a close eye in what time you you eat tour last meal. Metabolism.

    Since i started dieting i do not n eat anything after 6 pm, is that ok
  • motomom258
    motomom258 Posts: 11 Member
    I dont eat anything after 6pm is that ok
  • motomom258
    motomom258 Posts: 11 Member
    Do u eat any fried foods or bread or pasta I don't I goes straight to fat now every time I look at food I look at it as fuel not taste and what is ur job like if its not a active job u might want to work out more and u need to eat less calories than it allows u for results and if ur still not losing weight than u may be gaining muscle and it weights more than fat

  • motomom258
    motomom258 Posts: 11 Member
    I dont really eat fried food, i eat plenty of raw veggies fruit and read every label on food before i purchase it looking for low carbs, low sodium etc
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    motomom258 wrote: »
    By the way...keep a close eye in what time you you eat tour last meal. Metabolism.

    Since i started dieting i do not n eat anything after 6 pm, is that ok

    Meal timing is going to have very little impact on your weight loss. If you like not eating after 6, then it's great. If you want a late-night snack, that's okay too as long as you stay within your calorie and nutrition goals for the day.
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    motomom258 wrote: »
    I dont eat anything after 6pm is that ok

    It depends. If you are not hungry after 6pm . . . Fine great. If you are, push it back. I go to bed at midnight or later, so my last meal is at 9pm. If I ate at 5pm or 6pm . . I'd have to budget a late night snack.
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    bah . . . I just thought of something. By a measuring tape at a clothing store. You might be losing inches but not pounds due to all that zumba.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    motomom258 wrote: »
    I dont really eat fried food, i eat plenty of raw veggies fruit and read every label on food before i purchase it looking for low carbs, low sodium etc

    Calories are king for weight loss. Low carb/low sodium is great if that's how you want to eat or if you need to watch those for medical reasons.

    A couple of people have asked how carefully you're tracking your calories, but you seem to be skipping those posts. If you're comfortable opening your diary, that might help you get more specific answers.
  • peggykirkby
    peggykirkby Posts: 27 Member
    By the way...keep a close eye in what time you you eat tour last meal. Metabolism.

    your body can't tell time.

    It doesn't need to tell time. The clock is for your brain to see that a couch potato...or a person at rest, with metabolism in rest mode...will burn fewer calories than a body that's moving around...

    And yes, I AM aware that the body's metabolic system doesn't just disappear when one sleeps.