Just started....with a mountain to climb

Hello everyone,

I have been reading everyones stories and posts for some inspiration. I have set myself a target of losing 5stone. I have just done my first week of logging my food and weighing myself everyday. It's going well and I have shifted in the right direction....but still with a huge mountain to climb.... I really hope I can stay motivated/committed. I have started health kicks before and find it very easy to fall off the waggon for really poor reasons . I hope at some point I can instinctively eat without analysing the content of everything....this app is amazing me though, it makes it really easy.

Have a good Sunday and good luck to everyone else.



  • Sarri93
    Sarri93 Posts: 58 Member
    Congrats on starting the weight loss! Hopefully you'll be able to stick with it this time! For me personally, I feel like logging might be permanent. It's very hard for me to estimate and I don't want to get back to where I started.

    I've also had issues with falling off the band wagon, but I found myself at 207 pounds and I wanted to just die. I felt awful and disgusting and it was just terrible. I've been logging for over a month now (which is the longest I've done this so definitely an improvement) and the changes I've been making seem to be sticking with me easier already. So There's definitely hope that I'll stick with it and get to my goal and stay there :)

    Anyway I definitely didn't mean to make this about myself. And I definitely use the word definitely too much but whatever. Welcome and good luck!
  • kevinmcfadden464
    kevinmcfadden464 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks.....Well done to you...reading and hearing about other people's stories definitely helps me (you have started me with the definatelies now!) hopefully I'll have a post in a months time with some good news also!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Well done on making a start - this can sometimes be the hardest part of the whole journey so good for you!
    This'll be a long journey, but a long journey well worth making. Remember that. Good luck :)
  • kevinmcfadden464
    kevinmcfadden464 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks....I definitely feel better having started now. Good luck to you also
  • BuffMcFly
    BuffMcFly Posts: 97 Member
    Good luck and hang in there. One day at a time!
  • kevinmcfadden464
    kevinmcfadden464 Posts: 11 Member
    BuffMcFly wrote: »
    Good luck and hang in there. One day at a time!
    Thanks :)