Let's talk about loose skin

MaggotPig Posts: 89 Member
edited August 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
As the title suggests really!

When I started out losing weight, I hadn't anticipated the loose skin problem. I've either lost enough now that it's just becoming apparent, or maybe I've just started actually looking at my body. I've lost a reasonable amount, but I still have a way to go, so it's only going to get worse. My stomach and what-not I can deal with, but my most hated part of my body right now is my arms.

Is there anything that can be done that actually helps? (Besides surgery of course). Or am I destined to a life of long sleeves?


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I'd suggest joining a gym and talking to the staff there - they can probably design a workout plan catered especially for you to help 'firm up'. If the gym isn't an option, there are a load of online work out ideas for upper arm firming, tummy, legs - everything! :) Try Pinterest!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You don't say how much you've lost over what time period, but I doubt it's really loose skin. If you're exercising at all, your muscles are firming up and there is more distinction between upscale and fat. So the fat sags and then people worry about loose skin. Wait until you've reached goal weight and 25% body fat to even THINK about loose skin. I've lost 100 pounds in 14 months with about 50 left to goal. Although I have flab under my arms and other places, I'm still assuming it's fat not 'loose skin'. Even if I end up with loose skin it's much more desirable than 150 pounds of fat.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Give it time, it is all down to genetics. If your mum and grandma have loose skin there is a greater chance you will.
    Time will help too, it can take 2 yr+ for skin to adjust.

    Yes, some resistance work to help retain muscle, while losing, can improve th look of your body. It won't alter your skin though.

    Cheers, h.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 689 Member
    Loose skin is inevitable when you lose a large amount of weight. People might suggest small things you can do that might help reduce it- strength training, hydrating, skin creams, eating a healthy diet. Most of those are just good healthy habits to get into anyway though in the end have little to do with whether your skin unstretches. Just keep working at weight loss and see how your skin and body respond. It mostly comes down to genetics and the loose skin you end up with is certainly better than the extra weight!
  • MaggotPig
    MaggotPig Posts: 89 Member
    I've lost 120lbs since 1/1/14 and have about 50 to go. I go to the gym and combine resistance and cardio exercises. I eat a healthy diet, I pay attention to my water intake etc.

    Couldn't tell you about genetics - I come from a skinny family!

    There's definitely still fat in the loose skin, but it's very much going to be there when I'm done. I'd take a photo if I didn't want to scar you all for life!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've lost 80 pounds and I'm pretty much at my goal weight and I have loose skin. I still have bat wings.. fat seems to like staying in the loose skin (especially if you have stretch marks too) unless you go down to a pretty low body fat %, which I have no intention of doing, so I think I'm stuck with it.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I caught a glimpse of the inside of my thigh today. Now I know where all the wrinkles that should be on my face went :lol:

    Sometimes, some of it makes me proud, it's a testament to how much work I've put in. I know I'll have to live with it at my age, so I'm not really going to fret too much about it.
  • MaggotPig
    MaggotPig Posts: 89 Member
    I caught a glimpse of the inside of my thigh today. Now I know where all the wrinkles that should be on my face went :lol:

    Sometimes, some of it makes me proud, it's a testament to how much work I've put in. I know I'll have to live with it at my age, so I'm not really going to fret too much about it.

    I have the thigh equivalent of bingo wings! My stomach, thighs etc. I can live with, because the only people who need to see it is me and my partner who loves me enough to not care what I look like. My upper arms however, are really bad. And it is largely loose skin now - I seem to have lost all my weight from my upper body!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I caught a glimpse of the inside of my thigh today. Now I know where all the wrinkles that should be on my face went :lol:

    Sometimes, some of it makes me proud, it's a testament to how much work I've put in. I know I'll have to live with it at my age, so I'm not really going to fret too much about it.

    The inside of my thighs is a disaster zone.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Time, age and genetics.
  • keelybird57
    keelybird57 Posts: 63 Member
    Do things that bring blood to the skin. Massage, dry brushing, loofa, etc. Use a good cream and massage well. Keep the skin well nourished. Be consistent and be patient. You're young and I think you'll see improvements over time. Congrats on the weight loss!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I caught a glimpse of the inside of my thigh today. Now I know where all the wrinkles that should be on my face went :lol:

    Sometimes, some of it makes me proud, it's a testament to how much work I've put in. I know I'll have to live with it at my age, so I'm not really going to fret too much about it.


  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 646 Member
    I have kept 50 pounds off for 8 years. It definitely improved. Taking cod liver oil and using high quality moisturizers every day does help. I know genetics play a role but so does good care. Use the best moisturizer you can afford.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Time, age and genetics.

    Even with age and genetics, you can tighten that skin significantly. I had those batwings and the weight training I've done has tightened them noticeably. It's probably taken a year an a half. I won't hare the weight requirement ecause evryone is different. Suffice it to say that working with 5lb weights isn't going to do it.
  • asb363
    asb363 Posts: 1 Member
    I saw a documentary where someone got regular massage for the loose skin problem. It was very successful. As someone else said it's about bringing circulation to the area apparently. Check out the Guardian, UK version in the Lifestyle section. A very brave woman has shown pictures of her loose skin and her changing attitude towards it.