Anyone else need to lose 80+ lbs!!!!

hi everyone....I am a 33 year old nurse currently on maternity leave Fter the birth of my third daughter which was 3 months ago....I have always struggled with my weight since after the birth of my first daughter when I was 21....I used to be so athletic and love sports but after having 3 kids, working shift work and becoming very overweight sports are no longer part of my life which I would like to try to change...I miss them....I miss me..the thinner, healthier and happier me who had so much energy and felt confident and good about myself!! Tired of being fat and lazy!! I am currently 240lbs and 5'7. And would love to get down to 160lbs which was the weight I was 5 years ago when I got married to my husband Derrick who is absolutely wonderful and loves me no matter what but I want this weight loss for me, for my girls, for my family!! I want to be a positive role model for my girls and teach them to eat healthier and how to live a healthier lifestyle. I find my biggest nemesis is losing motivation...if I don't see quick progress I seem to lose my luster but I can't this time...I NEED to change so anyone looking for support and motivation please add me and I will do my best to inspire and I wNt to be inspired so let's go people!! Let's get healthy together...I want to know what works for you and what keeps you going??


  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Hi! I get discouraged when I don't see results as well. I've been stuck around 213-216 for about 6 mos now. My first goal is to get to 199 and then I'd like to get to 180 and re-evaluate from there. I have two boys both under 12. The only time I have been skinny was when I was a kid, but I have always been the smaller one in the family. Both of my parents have had gastric bypass this summer and I see how the weight is just falling off of them and can't help but be jealous. Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud of their hard work, but I don't see my scales moving and I'm working hard too.
  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    Ya I hear ya...I have 3 sisters and a brother and my whole family all struggle with weight too...we all yo yo and get jealous of each other at our "skinnier" times. My one sister separated from her hubby and lost probably 40+ lbs and my mom just finished a round of herbal magic and dropped 40+ lbs so I feel I need to get on the band wagon so to speak...instead of being envious join them!! Well I hope we can find our motivation to keep pushing...I know I want to lose around 80 lbs total but have set small goals to start so I don't look at it as s mountain to climb but rather a little bit of a steep hill....well feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to...I can use all the support and friends/ inspiration I can get!!!
  • SamKorosi
    SamKorosi Posts: 26 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 90 lbs by next july for my wedding.

    I lose weight soooooooo slowly. But I would like to start marriage with healthier habits and being healthy and happy.

    It can be super discouraging when you don't see results for a while. BUT WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!! :)
  • alixmp
    alixmp Posts: 21 Member
    I don't have kids, but I understand the struggle. I have 100lbs to lose because I want to be happy, healthy and energetic. It's hard right?!?!? I go to school full time and work. I would be happy to offer any motivation I can. I wish you all the best. You are awesome!
  • LoriGarside
    LoriGarside Posts: 73 Member
    I am 55, Have arthritis of the spine, and need to lose about 80 pounds. I've lost 35 to 40 since January, so I'm on my way. Hopefully, Using this app will help me be accountable to myself In a much more positive way. Looking for friends and support, so go ahead and send me a friend request if you'd like. Best of luck to everybody.
  • Hi!
    I need to lose 88lbs. I'm 5'4 and weigh about 223 lbs. I'm tired of feeling ugly and not living my life the way I'm suppose to! I don't go out with my friends or take pictures because I'm so ashamed. But now I want to feel beautiful so I'm taking the step to change my life!(:
  • pianoplayer285
    pianoplayer285 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to lose 135 lbs and just getting started....I am so tired of being ashamed of how I look!!
  • TereB
    TereB Posts: 2 Member
    Hey !! I need to lose ideally about 80lbs as well. I have a three year old, school and work. So I know how hard it is... I just started my weight loss journey on August 18th and I get so anxious but we have to give it time and put in the work needed. Best thing that helps me is keeping the image of My goal weigh on me. Not just how I will look, but how I will feel once I meet my goal weight. Stay positive. :) wish you the best !
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I started at 240 lbs and 5'8". I'm currently 175 lbs and still 5'8". ;) My goal is 155 lbs.

    When you are standing at the bottom of the hill and looking up at the mountain of 80+ lbs to lose, it looks to be impossible.

    It's not. You simply have to want it badly enough.

    What worked for me:
    Set smaller goals. I broke my weight loss goals up into manageable increments, with target dates. First 10 lbs, 10% of my starting weight, 20 lbs, 30 lbs, halfway, onederland, moving into a lower BMI classification, 20% of my starting weight. Do your own math, and base it on a loss of 1-1.5 lbs per week. The point is to have goals which are achievable every 3-6 weeks. Success breeds success.

    Start small & commit to it 100% for the first 60 days. For me, it was eating within my calories AND doing 30 minutes of exercise daily - even if it was just going for a walk. The first 30 days of setting new habits - well, it's still a novelty, so it's easy. It's the second 30 days where you really need to be disciplined. After that, well, it's starting to become a habit AND the results on the scale are additional motivation. You're in it for the long haul - this will be your life for the next year and a half.

    When you screw it up (not if, when). Do NOT allow yourself to fall down into the perfectionism tailspin. So you messed up one meal, one day, one weekend, one week of vacation. So what? If you quit now, you'll revert to your old habits and gain it all back. You don't want all that effort to have gone to waste, so dust yourself off and get right back on that horse. It's a temporary setback, and you CAN recover from it. I was within 7 lbs of my ultimate goal weight in May 2014. Then I had a series of crises in my life which knocked me off my path for 10 months! During which time I regained 50 lbs. Once I got my feet back under me again mid-March 2015, I stopped the slide, and got back on track. Yes, I beat myself up for regaining all that hard-lost weight, but what's done is done, all I could do now was get back to my new successful habits, and keep at it. I've re-lost 33 lbs since then, and am now within 20 lbs of my ultimate goal weight.

    Changed my relationship with food. Food was comfort. Food was celebration. Food was boredom. Food (and booze) were socializing with friends. Food food food. I could justify eating high-calorie foods for pretty much every meal, I've redefined my relationship with food, and balance the indulgences out with increased exercise. Go run for an hour? Sure, I've earned that ice cream. Go mountain biking for 3 hours? Sure, I've earned that steak and red wine. Had a bad day, sat on my *kitten* and didn't exercise? Nope, no treat tonight - only what calories are still available. REALLY want the treat anyway? Well, then go do the exercise to earn the calories for that treat, BEFORE you eat it. And sometimes, you eat the calories anyway, but it's once in a while for special occasions, instead of EVERY time.

    Changed my relationship with food part two. Did I mention food is important to me? That I love to cook, and love to eat, and love all the "bad" things? Well, I can eat what I want, whenever I want, and how much I want, and I'll gain weight. Or, I can eat some of what I want, not always when I want, and a lot less of it, and at best maintain, maybe even lose weight, but feel deprived. (And we all know absolute deprivation leads to binges). Or, I can exercise one hour a day, and eat a little more of what I want, when I want it, and have room for a treat, not feel deprived AND still lose weight. Hey, this isn't rocket science - sign me up, I can do this!

    Changed my relationship with food part three. Eat now, while losing, what I would enjoy enough to keep eating when I reach goal. For this to be sustainable, there is no "diet" food. Because this isn't a diet. The way I'm eating now, is the way I intend to keep eating when I move into maintenance.

    Have a support system/secondary motivation. Make MFP friends who will support you on those days you want to quit. Join a challenge group/team/exercise buddy IRL. I've been having great success this second time round by supplementing MFP with DietBets. You can't have too much motivation / support. Really. There WILL be days you feel you can't do it on your own. And there will be more days when YOU are somebody else's inspiration.

    Give yourself rewards. Not all of them food ;). I've been saving $40/pay cash into a jar. For a new wardrobe when I hit my goal weight. Personally, I don't see the point in buying new outfits when I'm losing a size every 6 weeks, so I'm shopping in my closet as I go, and saving the spree as incentive to get to the end. Some people prefer smaller rewards along the way - whatever works for you, do it.

    There are a lot more things, but these are the main ones that worked for me. Hopefully they'll work for you too! Good luck!

  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    alixmp wrote: »
    I don't have kids, but I understand the struggle. I have 100lbs to lose because I want to bAe happy, healthy and energetic. It's hard right?!?!? I go to school full time and work. I would be happy to offer any motivation I can. I wish you all the best. You are awesome!
    Awe your awesome too and you are right we can totally do this cause we want to!! First step is to admit there is a problem (poor diet and lack of activity) next step is to fix it!!
  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    zanne54 wrote: »
    I started at 240 lbs and 5'8". I'm currently 175 lbs and still 5'8". ;) My goal is 155 lbs.

    When you are standing at the bottom of the hill and looking up at the mountain of 80+ lbs to lose, it looks to be impossible.

    It's not. You simply have to want it badly enough.

    What worked for me:
    Set smaller goals. I broke my weight loss goals up into manageable increments, with target dates. First 10 lbs, 10% of my starting weight, 20 lbs, 30 lbs, halfway, onederland, moving into a lower BMI classification, 20% of my starting weight. Do your own math, and base it on a loss of 1-1.5 lbs per week. The point is to have goals which are achievable every 3-6 weeks. Success breeds success.

    Start small & commit to it 100% for the first 60 days. For me, it was eating within my calories AND doing 30 minutes of exercise daily - even if it was just going for a walk. The first 30 days of setting new habits - well, it's still a novelty, so it's easy. It's the second 30 days where you really need to be disciplined. After that, well, it's starting to become a habit AND the results on the scale are additional motivation. You're in it for the long haul - this will be your life for the next year and a half.

    When you screw it up (not if, when). Do NOT allow yourself to fall down into the perfectionism tailspin. So you messed up one meal, one day, one weekend, one week of vacation. So what? If you quit now, you'll revert to your old habits and gain it all back. You don't want all that effort to have gone to waste, so dust yourself off and get right back on that horse. It's a temporary setback, and you CAN recover from it. I was within 7 lbs of my ultimate goal weight in May 2014. Then I had a series of crises in my life which knocked me off my path for 10 months! During which time I regained 50 lbs. Once I got my feet back under me again mid-March 2015, I stopped the slide, and got back on track. Yes, I beat myself up for regaining all that hard-lost weight, but what's done is done, all I could do now was get back to my new successful habits, and keep at it. I've re-lost 33 lbs since then, and am now within 20 lbs of my ultimate goal weight.

    Changed my relationship with food. Food was comfort. Food was celebration. Food was boredom. Food (and booze) were socializing with friends. Food food food. I could justify eating high-calorie foods for pretty much every meal, I've redefined my relationship with food, and balance the indulgences out with increased exercise. Go run for an hour? Sure, I've earned that ice cream. Go mountain biking for 3 hours? Sure, I've earned that steak and red wine. Had a bad day, sat on my *kitten* and didn't exercise? Nope, no treat tonight - only what calories are still available. REALLY want the treat anyway? Well, then go do the exercise to earn the calories for that treat, BEFORE you eat it. And sometimes, you eat the calories anyway, but it's once in a while for special occasions, instead of EVERY time.

    Changed my relationship with food part two. Did I mention food is important to me? That I love to cook, and love to eat, and love all the "bad" things? Well, I can eat what I want, whenever I want, and how much I want, and I'll gain weight. Or, I can eat some of what I want, not always when I want, and a lot less of it, and at best maintain, maybe even lose weight, but feel deprived. (And we all know absolute deprivation leads to binges). Or, I can exercise one hour a day, and eat a little more of what I want, when I want it, and have room for a treat, not feel deprived AND still lose weight. Hey, this isn't rocket science - sign me up, I can do this!

    Changed my relationship with food part three. Eat now, while losing, what I would enjoy enough to keep eating when I reach goal. For this to be sustainable, there is no "diet" food. Because this isn't a diet. The way I'm eating now, is the way I intend to keep eating when I move into maintenance.

    Have a support system/secondary motivation. Make MFP friends who will support you on those days you want to quit. Join a challenge group/team/exercise buddy IRL. I've been having great success this second time round by supplementing MFP with DietBets. You can't have too much motivation / support. Really. There WILL be days you feel you can't do it on your own. And there will be more days when YOU are somebody else's inspiration.

    Give yourself

    Thank you for posting this....your very inspiring!!! And congrats on such an accomplishment cause as you said it is one hell of a mountain to climb!!! Lol