What calorie burn is JM 30-day shred level 1 20 min.?

Hey there,
So I just started the JM 30 day shred dvd 1 level and am wondering what the true amount of calorie burn it has for its 20 min. work out! I couldn't find it in the database! Also how long do I stay at level 1? until it becomes easy? looking forward to losing some inches!


  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Depends on your weight & how intensely you workout...it's different for everyone. My calorie burn would be twice as much if not more than what you would burn because of my weight.


    I did 30DS Day 1 and in 30 minutes I burned 638 calories (HRM)
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    I log it as circuit training for 20 minutes. Without a heart rate monitor it is difficult to tell exactly how much you burn.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I log it as circuit training for 20 minutes. Without a heart rate monitor it is difficult to tell exactly how much you burn.

    or what she said ^

    I've also been told without an HRM you can log it as Calisthenics or Aerobics. It's a mash of different stuff so whatever you choose would probably work
  • onehotmomma39
    I don't know as if it will ever be easy at level one... I have been doing that video on and off for over a year and I still go back to level one sometimes - I just add weights when I am feeling like I want a harder workout.
  • jolteon00
    jolteon00 Posts: 89
    I'm starting to do No More Trouble Zones tonight and was wondering how much I'd burn too. Most people log it as circuit training if they don't have a HRM, but I don't want to overeat if I didn't burn that much.

    Anyone with a HRM - how far off do you find the numbers are from what you'd log as circuit training?
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    I'm doing 30DS (love it!). I don't have a HRM, so I log it as circuits.

    To answer your other question, I've just started lvl 3 and I didn't wait until I was good at the previous level before moving on (I'd still be doing lvl 1 if I had!).

    I moved on to the next level once I stopped feeling like I was going to die at the end of the workout. Not very scientific, but it's worked for me.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I log it as circuit training in the database.
    total time includes warm-up and cooldown as well so it is actually 26 minutes (only 3 minutes of which is stretching)
    I got about 220 cals for my log on level 1 ... Had to quit right after I started level 2 due to an unrelated injury that was being aggravated by the workout ... When things stabilize, I will get back to it!
    I did level 1 for 10 days before moving on.
    But Jillian says go when you're ready ... A lot of people are doing 10/10/10 for the 30 days.
    It should never really feel easy, the point is to challenge yourself and then switch it up ... but I say, after about a week maybe, move on when you can do the workout without stopping ... even if it is still hard.
    PS ... I did compare with a heart rate monitor and it wasn't far off from the database results ... (database actually said I used less than the HRM but I tend to go with the lower estimate anyway.)
  • korgscrew
    korgscrew Posts: 99 Member
    For me - level 1 290
    level 2 330

    I had to stop on Monday though, hurt my ankle doing it! Woke up in the morning and it was round!!

    Can just about manage gym with it, but the thought of jumping jacks, high knees and skipping rope makes it hurt!!