why should I stick with OHP?



  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I haven't seen anyone mention it yet but your routine looks good. You can still work the majority of the same muscle groups, minus your lower half, by doing incline bench press either barbell or dumbbell. Like @DavPul said, it really comes down to your goals.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Just a curious question in relation to your thread, but what about OHP makes it hard/disliked? It's basically the simplest and easiest of the compound lifts in my opinion. I look forward to OHP day in my 5/3/1 rotation because of it (a break from the brutal exercises). Simply curious.

    I hate it because I'm no longer making gains frequently on it so progress seems like it's never happening. Which gains are happening, they are just so slow it feels like never. Makes me feel weak, and that makes me feel angry, lol.

    Well of course, but that's to be expected. At this point I am only adding 10-15lbs to my OHP per year. It's rough but the lift itself is simple and straightforward. And you recover fast so it only takes me half the time to do my sets versus something like DL or squat.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    My shoulder hurts when I use dumbbells for ohp .

    Try not raising the DBs as high.. like in the video above at 1:20.

  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Just a curious question in relation to your thread, but what about OHP makes it hard/disliked? It's basically the simplest and easiest of the compound lifts in my opinion. I look forward to OHP day in my 5/3/1 rotation because of it (a break from the brutal exercises). Simply curious.

    I hate it because I'm no longer making gains frequently on it so progress seems like it's never happening. Which gains are happening, they are just so slow it feels like never. Makes me feel weak, and that makes me feel angry, lol.

    Well of course, but that's to be expected. At this point I am only adding 10-15lbs to my OHP per year. It's rough but the lift itself is simple and straightforward. And you recover fast so it only takes me half the time to do my sets versus something like DL or squat.

    Yeah, my gains are similar, probably a little less. But, like I said up thread, they are weakness of mine which is exactly why I include them. My shoulders burn out super quick and take longer to recover between sets. They are very straight forward lift. It's either going up or it's not.

    I was stoked the other day to get 100x6 for a strict press. At the beginning of the year that was my 1RM. So, it's working and I will keep doing them because, bench, but I'll cuss every set I have to do them, lol.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    My shoulder hurts when I use dumbbells for ohp . When I use a barbell I do a better job of pointing my elbows forward so I usually do it that way. That video is what made it click in my head that the barbell is a better fit for me for ohp.

    That's unusual. Generally speaking, a db variation of a lift is easier on my shoulders that it's barbell version. I can only guess that you're trying too hard to mimic the path of the barbell instead of using the more linear path that dbs would allow you to use. That's a complete guess tho, as this is an unusual occurrence for me
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    My shoulder hurts when I use dumbbells for ohp . When I use a barbell I do a better job of pointing my elbows forward so I usually do it that way. That video is what made it click in my head that the barbell is a better fit for me for ohp.

    That's unusual. Generally speaking, a db variation of a lift is easier on my shoulders that it's barbell version. I can only guess that you're trying too hard to mimic the path of the barbell instead of using the more linear path that dbs would allow you to use. That's a complete guess tho, as this is an unusual occurrence for me

    I agree, that is unusual. DB presses of any sort are easier on my shoulder too and it's typically what most PT's I've known have suggested if there an issue with pressing with a barbell.

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Just a curious question in relation to your thread, but what about OHP makes it hard/disliked? It's basically the simplest and easiest of the compound lifts in my opinion. I look forward to OHP day in my 5/3/1 rotation because of it (a break from the brutal exercises). Simply curious.

    I hate it because I'm no longer making gains frequently on it so progress seems like it's never happening. Which gains are happening, they are just so slow it feels like never. Makes me feel weak, and that makes me feel angry, lol.

    Well of course, but that's to be expected. At this point I am only adding 10-15lbs to my OHP per year. It's rough but the lift itself is simple and straightforward. And you recover fast so it only takes me half the time to do my sets versus something like DL or squat.

    Yeah, my gains are similar, probably a little less. But, like I said up thread, they are weakness of mine which is exactly why I include them. My shoulders burn out super quick and take longer to recover between sets. They are very straight forward lift. It's either going up or it's not.

    I was stoked the other day to get 100x6 for a strict press. At the beginning of the year that was my 1RM. So, it's working and I will keep doing them because, bench, but I'll cuss every set I have to do them, lol.

    100x6, that is very impressive for an XX. Nice work.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    My shoulder hurts when I use dumbbells for ohp . When I use a barbell I do a better job of pointing my elbows forward so I usually do it that way. That video is what made it click in my head that the barbell is a better fit for me for ohp.

    That's unusual. Generally speaking, a db variation of a lift is easier on my shoulders that it's barbell version. I can only guess that you're trying too hard to mimic the path of the barbell instead of using the more linear path that dbs would allow you to use. That's a complete guess tho, as this is an unusual occurrence for me

    I agree, that is unusual. DB presses of any sort are easier on my shoulder too and it's typically what most PT's I've known have suggested if there an issue with pressing with a barbell.

    Hmm. I started having the problem at home after having used dumbbells at the gym without any issues. My dumbbells at home are handles and plates. The handles stick out pretty far past the plates. I wonder if that is affecting how I hold or move them. I sometimes think I am going to brain myself with them when they are near my face (hello skullcrushers) so it is possible I'm moving weirdly with them.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Just a curious question in relation to your thread, but what about OHP makes it hard/disliked? It's basically the simplest and easiest of the compound lifts in my opinion. I look forward to OHP day in my 5/3/1 rotation because of it (a break from the brutal exercises). Simply curious.

    I struggle with the technique. Part of it is me just not having a good feel for the movement, and part of it is old, nagging shoulder and back problems.
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    My shoulder hurts when I use dumbbells for ohp . When I use a barbell I do a better job of pointing my elbows forward so I usually do it that way. That video is what made it click in my head that the barbell is a better fit for me for ohp.

    That's unusual. Generally speaking, a db variation of a lift is easier on my shoulders that it's barbell version. I can only guess that you're trying too hard to mimic the path of the barbell instead of using the more linear path that dbs would allow you to use. That's a complete guess tho, as this is an unusual occurrence for me

    I agree, that is unusual. DB presses of any sort are easier on my shoulder too and it's typically what most PT's I've known have suggested if there an issue with pressing with a barbell.

    Hmm. I started having the problem at home after having used dumbbells at the gym without any issues. My dumbbells at home are handles and plates. The handles stick out pretty far past the plates. I wonder if that is affecting how I hold or move them. I sometimes think I am going to brain myself with them when they are near my face (hello skullcrushers) so it is possible I'm moving weirdly with them.

    If it was okay in the gym with standard DB I wonder if you are subconsciously adjusting them not to whack yourself and you're getting a funny angle or something.

  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    If I remember right, Jim says you can use a variation like push press instead of the overhead press. If nothing else a few extra sets of push presses may help get your shoulders used to a little more weight. The problem with dumbbells is that it is even harder to make increases in the weight, because 5 lbs on a dumbbell becomes the equivalent of 10 lbs with a barbell.

    Don't be afraid of resets. The program was designed for submax lifting. If I don't hit 5 reps on my 5/3/1 week, I usually do a reset.

    For form, I have like the way that Rippetoe teaches the overhead press. I think there are some videos on it on Youtube.

    I think many people don't worry much about the overhead press. I don't think it counts towards powerlifting maxes.
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    If you don't like them, they aren't overly important to you, and you have old nagging injuries then I'd say stop doing them.

    There are plenty of other exercises that can work the shoulders and everyone's goals are different. There's no law that says you have to OHP even if its a good classic compound lift.

    Just because something is classic and proven doesn't mean everyone has to do it.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Just a curious question in relation to your thread, but what about OHP makes it hard/disliked? It's basically the simplest and easiest of the compound lifts in my opinion. I look forward to OHP day in my 5/3/1 rotation because of it (a break from the brutal exercises). Simply curious.

    I hate it because I'm no longer making gains frequently on it so progress seems like it's never happening. Which gains are happening, they are just so slow it feels like never. Makes me feel weak, and that makes me feel angry, lol.

    Well of course, but that's to be expected. At this point I am only adding 10-15lbs to my OHP per year. It's rough but the lift itself is simple and straightforward. And you recover fast so it only takes me half the time to do my sets versus something like DL or squat.

    Yeah, my gains are similar, probably a little less. But, like I said up thread, they are weakness of mine which is exactly why I include them. My shoulders burn out super quick and take longer to recover between sets. They are very straight forward lift. It's either going up or it's not.

    I was stoked the other day to get 100x6 for a strict press. At the beginning of the year that was my 1RM. So, it's working and I will keep doing them because, bench, but I'll cuss every set I have to do them, lol.

    100x6, that is very impressive for an XX. Nice work.

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Just a curious question in relation to your thread, but what about OHP makes it hard/disliked? It's basically the simplest and easiest of the compound lifts in my opinion. I look forward to OHP day in my 5/3/1 rotation because of it (a break from the brutal exercises). Simply curious.

    I struggle with the technique. Part of it is me just not having a good feel for the movement, and part of it is old, nagging shoulder and back problems.

    Gotcha. I understand and I'd probably drop them too at that point.
  • mike_bold
    mike_bold Posts: 140 Member
    Your routine, your choice. Just don't be calling it a Wendler 531 without OHP, just sayin ;) I rate them, they have helped my bench and with a pause up top gives your core some work also.
  • jjsilcox96
    jjsilcox96 Posts: 63 Member
    I love doing overhead press nothing like holding 235 overhead
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    I dropped them out as a primary when I do 531. My shoulder joints no likey heavy barbell ohp. I am not sure why wendler made them a primary.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    jjsilcox96 wrote: »
    I love doing overhead press nothing like holding 235 overhead

    265 or GTFO