September 2015 Running Challenge



  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    I'm in for 40 miles this month :)
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Having gotten my first quarter marathon ever under my belt and my first 10 mile run and now looking to train for a half, I’m going to try for a fairly ambitious September. I’m going to shoot for 140 miles this month.

  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm in. We are doing something similar at work where we post our mileage, but there is no goal. So this will give me a goal to work towards. Only going for 36 miles as I'm back at square one after over a year off due to injury.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited August 2015
    rogue024 wrote: »
    I'm in! I took a 5-year hiatus from running and just starting back up again. My goal of 35 seems so puny compared to y'all though. :*

    @rogue024, welcome! One of many cool things about this group...VERY cool in fact... is that you are not judged based on your mileage. Be proud of your miles, no matter the number.

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    With the Swimming Pool Closed for September due to a maintenance program I will have extra days for runs and recently learned about a Wednesday Night Run with the local Club so I am going for 140 km for September and 500km for the year.
    I have the last run of the month tonight ,Climbing the Ski Hill so will break 85km for August when my goal was 70km.

  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    Newbie here. Goal: 60 mi
  • BanksySJ11
    BanksySJ11 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, doing my first 1/2 marathon on 6th sept, 100 miles goal for the month, should keep me focused afterwards :)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    mwyvr wrote: »
    I've no idea if I can fit in the volume I want to get to this fall now that soccer season is starting up again. I help coach a team so each week there's two evening practices and one game day taking away from running time. Sure going to try though...

    "Coach, why are you running around the field while we do our warmup?"
    "Coach, are you sure that running these trails will help us win games?"

    This is the first year since 2003 that I haven't been coaching soccer. It's been bittersweet getting out of it. I don't miss the preparation, time commitment, and a minority of the parents but I sure miss the working with the kids, the smiles, the successes and even the failures. I help coach the high school trap shooting team, but it's just not the same.

    LOL I was thinking the same thing!

  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    I'm in for 80 miles, I've got a half on the 11th Oct so working towards that.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    In for another 200. My schedule tentatively calls for 215, but I may or may not have a Ragnar Relay in there and some other stuff, so who knows what my mileage will actually be. But 200 should definitely be within range!
  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member

    I'm in for 100 km. Lets do this!!!!
  • endlessenigma
    endlessenigma Posts: 44 Member
    In! First time so I am starting small with a 50 mile commitment :)
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Going to try for 100 km this month.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,414 Member
    I'm going for 120 again... We have at least one trip to the NW this month to visit our daughter and I am hoping I can run while there! Otherwise I won't be hitting it but it wouldn't be a challenge if we didn't challenge ourselves!
  • AngieFlames
    AngieFlames Posts: 61 Member
    edited August 2015
    I am in for 40, new to joining a challenge, but have been running off and on for a year. Training for a 5k in October.

  • shalak14
    shalak14 Posts: 42 Member
    ok I am a beginner at running so I am going to go for a low 40 miles. Really this going to be hard for me lol but I am up for the challenge.
  • aliscib
    aliscib Posts: 3 Member
    I am going to try to get 100 miles in for September. I am new to the group and currently training for a half marathon in November. I may run a full in December.
  • ctdebbie
    ctdebbie Posts: 34 Member
    I'm going to shoot for 50 this month.
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    edited September 2015
    MFP September Running Challenge:
    Started the running challenge in July with a goal of 40 and ran 42. Last month I had a goal of 45 and ran 48.5. This challenge has really kept me motivated to keep running. I enjoy reading everyone's posts and progress.

    This month the magic number is 48. It will be my mileage goal. And I am also setting a goal to run 5 miles in 48 mins (In August set new PR of 49 mins).

    September Goal: 48 miles
  • lthornhill87
    lthornhill87 Posts: 2 Member
    So excited to find this group. My DH is an avid runner. I just started running in June so I am excited to set a goal and have the accountability. I'm in for 48 miles.