Geeky gamer girl looking for new friends to join this epic and perilous journey!



  • dangerouscurvs
    dangerouscurvs Posts: 56 Member
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    Haha, I love this. I consider myself a geek too. I love video games, board games, tabletop games, you name it! I also am into fantasy hardcore. I mean I take Hogwarts classes online. XD My fellow geeks, please add me!
    Hogwarts classes.....for real?! That's freaking awesome!!! I am a dabbler If you will, in most geeky, nerdy things! Lol and I like conversing with people with similar interests. I'm too shy to add people really, I have a fear of being rejected, I know its stupid...but I can't help it! :-\ but if you'd like to add me, send me a request. ;-)

  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,996 Member
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    Haha, I love this. I consider myself a geek too. I love video games, board games, tabletop games, you name it! I also am into fantasy hardcore. I mean I take Hogwarts classes online. XD My fellow geeks, please add me!
    Hogwarts classes.....for real?! That's freaking awesome!!! I am a dabbler If you will, in most geeky, nerdy things! Lol and I like conversing with people with similar interests. I'm too shy to add people really, I have a fear of being rejected, I know its stupid...but I can't help it! :-\ but if you'd like to add me, send me a request. ;-)

    Done! What kind of things do you like to dabble in? :)
  • ThysbeEverbloom
    ThysbeEverbloom Posts: 14 Member
    geek + gamer here - i am totally into mmorpg´s - WoW and Elder Scrolls - healthy eating is no big issue but finding the time to work out when you already got so little time for your extensive hobbies just s****

    send you a friends request - @fellow geeks - pls feel free to add me
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @ljs385 I've been slowly getting into sci-fi more, definitely want to find some good sci-fi books/series to read. And oooh I know the pain of finishing Skyrim XD I spent most of my time fussing with my house and mountain-goating with my horse. Yay for Bethesda's weird physics haha

    @dubird LMAO that's awesome

    @dangerouscurvs Awww I understand the shyness, I've definitely got a pretty deep streak of it that I've had to overcome. Sending a request your way though :smiley:

    @ThysbeEverbloom Oh man, World of Warcraft. I've never fully stopped playing it and I've been seriously thinking about getting back into it a while. There's so much history and nostalgia in it, I'll always miss my Rogue Main and my little Pingu penguin pet from Wrath XD Sending a request!
  • PrincessBelle2
    PrincessBelle2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hobbits unite! I'm a 5'3 gamer girl as well who also LOVES cooking. I love video games, zombie everything, sci-fi and fantasy (Star Trek is my main squeeze). I'd love some nerdy friends as well!
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,996 Member
    @ThysbeEverbloom @FitGeekery Have you guys played Guild Wars 2? I love that it's free to play and the expansion is coming out in October! Such a fun game. Though I will always love WoW - I just can't afford it right now. XD
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    @ThysbeEverbloom @FitGeekery Have you guys played Guild Wars 2? I love that it's free to play and the expansion is coming out in October! Such a fun game. Though I will always love WoW - I just can't afford it right now. XD

    Huh. I wonder if my FFXI linkshell is still playing GW2. I should check that out! I've actually got Star Wars Old Republic and Elder Scrolls Online right now. They're both free to play now, which is kinda cool, but I hate not having anyone to play with.
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Hello! Former WoW and Aion addict here. I actually haven't been gaming much at all lately, but I do enjoy it (just not to the excessive extent that I used WoW was my biggest addiction for almost 10 years though. I also have always had a soft spot for anything Tomb Raider. I also really enjoy anime, but I haven't had the opportunity to watch it much lately. Hoping to eventually get another Nintendo 64 so I can play Goldeneye again because I'm old school XD.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @PrincessBelle2 I love to cook as well! It's made life waaaay easier when it comes to eating super tasty healthier foods. Sending an add!

    @rbratt06 Yup I played Guild Wars 2 when it first came out, but sadly my group of friends quickly cracked out and surpassed me and I've no one left to play with now so I haven't touched it in years.

    @dubird I loved the poop out of Star Wars: The Old Republic when it came out, unfortunately I had the same problems with falling behind as I did on Guild Wars 2 XD It was my first experience with a Bioware game and wow they snagged me in immediately. The Mass Effect series has to be my fave rpg's of all time <3

    @aubyshortcake Nice, welcome! I'm with you on being a former WoW addict, I still like playing it but I don't have the same time I used to. Oh and anime, I'm a big fan of that too. I have time to watch it but I realize I haven't -made- time for it. Think I'm gonna have to do that now hehe And Goldeneye!! Omg I cracked out on that so hard my friends refused to play with me anymore haha I still have my Super Nintendo, N64 and PS2... I play mostly PC now but I'll always have a soft spot for consoles, it was the start of my geeky gaming-ness XD Sending a request to you!
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,996 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    @ThysbeEverbloom @FitGeekery Have you guys played Guild Wars 2? I love that it's free to play and the expansion is coming out in October! Such a fun game. Though I will always love WoW - I just can't afford it right now. XD

    Huh. I wonder if my FFXI linkshell is still playing GW2. I should check that out! I've actually got Star Wars Old Republic and Elder Scrolls Online right now. They're both free to play now, which is kinda cool, but I hate not having anyone to play with.

    You know, I tried Elder Scrolls while it was in beta and just couldn't get into it. I also play Old Republic when I have time, and I surprisingly really enjoy it, even though I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I love the story line.

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    @ThysbeEverbloom @FitGeekery Have you guys played Guild Wars 2? I love that it's free to play and the expansion is coming out in October! Such a fun game. Though I will always love WoW - I just can't afford it right now. XD

    Huh. I wonder if my FFXI linkshell is still playing GW2. I should check that out! I've actually got Star Wars Old Republic and Elder Scrolls Online right now. They're both free to play now, which is kinda cool, but I hate not having anyone to play with.

    You know, I tried Elder Scrolls while it was in beta and just couldn't get into it. I also play Old Republic when I have time, and I surprisingly really enjoy it, even though I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I love the story line.

    ESO is actually a lot of fun if you like fantasy games. It's structured like SWTOR so you don't have to be in a party to level and get into the story. Thing is, I really do miss playing with my linkshell, we had a lot of fun.

    What storyline are you doing in SWTOR? I finished the smuggler storyline and it was awesome, now working through the others when I get around to it. I love how they have little callbacks to the KotOR stories as well, espically the first one.
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,996 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    @ThysbeEverbloom @FitGeekery Have you guys played Guild Wars 2? I love that it's free to play and the expansion is coming out in October! Such a fun game. Though I will always love WoW - I just can't afford it right now. XD

    Huh. I wonder if my FFXI linkshell is still playing GW2. I should check that out! I've actually got Star Wars Old Republic and Elder Scrolls Online right now. They're both free to play now, which is kinda cool, but I hate not having anyone to play with.

    You know, I tried Elder Scrolls while it was in beta and just couldn't get into it. I also play Old Republic when I have time, and I surprisingly really enjoy it, even though I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I love the story line.

    ESO is actually a lot of fun if you like fantasy games. It's structured like SWTOR so you don't have to be in a party to level and get into the story. Thing is, I really do miss playing with my linkshell, we had a lot of fun.

    What storyline are you doing in SWTOR? I finished the smuggler storyline and it was awesome, now working through the others when I get around to it. I love how they have little callbacks to the KotOR stories as well, espically the first one.

    Right now I'm going through the Jedi Knight storyline, though I'm also dabbling in the Bounty Hunter class too. I don't like that one as much so far.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    @ThysbeEverbloom @FitGeekery Have you guys played Guild Wars 2? I love that it's free to play and the expansion is coming out in October! Such a fun game. Though I will always love WoW - I just can't afford it right now. XD

    Huh. I wonder if my FFXI linkshell is still playing GW2. I should check that out! I've actually got Star Wars Old Republic and Elder Scrolls Online right now. They're both free to play now, which is kinda cool, but I hate not having anyone to play with.

    You know, I tried Elder Scrolls while it was in beta and just couldn't get into it. I also play Old Republic when I have time, and I surprisingly really enjoy it, even though I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I love the story line.

    ESO is actually a lot of fun if you like fantasy games. It's structured like SWTOR so you don't have to be in a party to level and get into the story. Thing is, I really do miss playing with my linkshell, we had a lot of fun.

    What storyline are you doing in SWTOR? I finished the smuggler storyline and it was awesome, now working through the others when I get around to it. I love how they have little callbacks to the KotOR stories as well, espically the first one.

    Right now I'm going through the Jedi Knight storyline, though I'm also dabbling in the Bounty Hunter class too. I don't like that one as much so far.

    The bounty hunter gets more interesting when you get into it. Heh, I actually made a 'family' of sisters, one is my main who's a smuggler, the older is the bounty hunter and the younger is the trooper. Have a whole backstory and everything. XD
  • ChiliPepperLifter
    ChiliPepperLifter Posts: 279 Member
    Im a nerdy linguist knitter gamer that wants to try to be Vi from league of legends for halloween. I've never cosplayed before so I am overwhelmed when thinking about recreating an outfit! Anyway, I'd be happy with an add!
  • aylamaria
    aylamaria Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a Special Ed teacher who focuses on kids with trauma, with Mario bulletin boards. :) I LOVE video games, and my favorites are Dragon Age (ALL of them.) Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, Final Fantasy 7, and spooky scary games like Fatal Frame and Silent Hill. (2 and 3 are my personal faves)

    I am trying to get back in shape, so I can be a hot geeky gal! I love me some Fables comic books, and Stephen King and Tina Belcher are my personal spirit animals. I actually paint shoes, so I can bring my geekiness to school with me. Feel free to add!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @ninagray000 Nice, my sister got a degree in Linguistics! I've never cosplayed before either, I really have no clue what goes into it. But seeing some of those amazingly put together costumes definitely gave me the bug to try it myself :smiley: Added!

    @aylamaria Mario bulletin boards? That's awesome! Never played Fatal Frame or Dragon Age (although I own 2 of them lol) but I love all the games you've listed. And Fables!!! Have you tried the Telltale game "The Wolf Among Us"? Occurs at a different point in the storyline, but it was -really- good. I'm hoping a second season will be coming out soon. Adding you as well!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Kexessa wrote: »
    What, no Star Trek:TNG?? :D

    TOS all the way, baby!

  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Im a nerdy linguist knitter gamer...

    I'm a nerdy linguist knitter writer. So there's that.

  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    I'm already friends with the OP but if anyone else would like to add me, feel free.

    I love gaming. I've recently taken a break from WoW for guild drama reasons, but I'll probably eventually go back. I have some subscription tokens saved up for when that day comes. I like RPGs, am a huge bioware fan, and have been playing some minecraft recently. I'm also a huge Harry Potter nerd.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I have Skyrim still wrapped up in the box staring at me - never played. My kids are just starting to get into this stuff and I'm so excited to finally be able to play again. Looking at setting up a super gaming PC with 3 monitors this winter and getting my son his first WoW account.

    Have a great weekend all!