Calorie Goals

lisarea425 Posts: 21 Member
Hi All,

Just curious. What is your weight and calorie goal? How much are you losing and at what rate?



  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    My weight goal is 120-125 lbs OR a size 2/4. I take in 1200-1400 calories but do not eat back my exercise calories. I've lost 32 lbs since Feb 15, 2011. But my biggest accomplishment is dropping the fat %. That's more important to me than actually being thin. I want to be fit and toned so my goals are not so much weight driven.
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    I'm 5'5" tall, 55 years old, and I'd say a medium frame. My goal weight is 135 lbs. for now. My calories are 1200. I lose 1-2 lbs. a week. I joined on March 15, 2011 and have lost 25 lbs. so far. I don't do much exercising at all.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    40 yrs old, 5'4'', started at 201 and now 187 since March 22. Probably took me 2 or 3 weeks to get more serious though.
    So I am averaging probably about 1.5 pounds a week at 1200 cals.
    Although stuck for last 2 weeks. Goal 150, then re-evaluate.
  • kelvanfleet
    kelvanfleet Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my starting weight was 269...I started on Apr. 26th and lost 10 lbs. in the first 2 weeks...every week since I have lost
    1 - 1 1/2 lbs. per week, reaching 16 lbs. thus far. My calorie goal to begin with was1740 but with losing the weight I adjusted like the site said and I am now at 1690. I have been finding it hard to just hit 1200 calories at times but usually right around 1300 - 1400 calories with exercising for at least 3 x's a week for 20 min. and I have never eaten my calories back.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    MFP since march.. lost 10 pounds since.. stalled and frustrated in may ..
  • brosehemian
    brosehemian Posts: 34 Member
    i'm nineteen, 5 foot 9 inches, and currently 167 pounds. my goal is to be 150 pounds.

    i set my calorie goal at 1200. on a normal day, i'll excersize off about 300 of those. i have a hard time eating them back. in fact i have a hard time reaching 1200. i know people are going to yell at me for this, but i normally eat between 700 and 1100 calories a day. i don't really feel like i deprive myself of food. i eat when im hungry and don't when im not.
  • My goal weight is 135 and I am currently 179. I try to eat around or under 1200 calories a day. I was wondering if anyone knew how much weight you can fluctuate a day? I weighed myself 3 days ago and had lost 5 lbs but today I am back at square one 179. I know I shouldn't weigh myself so much but just curious if anyone knows.

    Also do you think my Mini GW are unrealistic, I want to loose weight fast but am worried those might be out of reach.

    Height: 5'3
    June 2, 2011
    SW: 179 GW:135
    Mini GW June 25th: 169
    Mini GW July 21st: 159
    Mini GW Sept. 1st: 140
    October is when I want to reach my goal of 135
  • a_dawn
    a_dawn Posts: 47
    Hi, I am 5'4" and my goal is to weigh 135. I eat right around 1200 calories a day and walk 4 miles 5 days a week. This is only my second week, but I lost 3 lbs. the first week. I don't eat my exercise calories back because I don't think I could if I wanted to without eating really unhealthy stuff. Even just being on here two weeks has completely changed the way I eat.
  • I try to burn off everything I eat like today for example I ate 1179 and burned off 1458. I don't feel like I am working out enough but once I total it I am in shock I do 50 mins of Tae Bo and 40 minutes of Zumba and I went for a 20 minute bike ride with my husband and kids. I too feel like I eat plenty during the day for example today I ate slimfast shake for breakfast (I have never been a breakfast person) chicken quesidilla for lunch, and 2 sloppy joes for dinner. So I don't feel at all like I don't eat I actually felt like I over ate today. But for some reason I am not losing any weight. Do you know any tricks to jump start my body?: smile:
  • I'm 5'10" currently weigh about 302 (last I measured which was almost a week ago). Currently my MFP calorie goal is 1750 (it was at I think 1850 but after I'd lost I think it was 10 lbs it suggested I drop down so I did). I usually come close to my calorie goal. Sometimes I eat back part of my exercise calories, sometimes not. It depends on how hungry I feel. I've lost about 13lbs since joining MFP. Usually I guess around 2lbs a week.
  • lisarea425
    lisarea425 Posts: 21 Member
    My goal weight is 135 and I am currently 179. I try to eat around or under 1200 calories a day. I was wondering if anyone knew how much weight you can fluctuate a day? I weighed myself 3 days ago and had lost 5 lbs but today I am back at square one 179. I know I shouldn't weigh myself so much but just curious if anyone knows.

    Also do you think my Mini GW are unrealistic, I want to loose weight fast but am worried those might be out of reach.

    Height: 5'3
    June 2, 2011
    SW: 179 GW:135
    Mini GW June 25th: 169
    Mini GW July 21st: 159
    Mini GW Sept. 1st: 140
    October is when I want to reach my goal of 135

    I think your goals are fine. A slight bit high by some standards but if you get to them then all the better :P
  • lisarea425
    lisarea425 Posts: 21 Member
    I am 5'3, 270 lbs and @ 1450 calories a day. I have to admit not every day.

    I have the awesome benefit of having my doctor place me in a weight loss program with weekly support groups run by a hospital. So far I have only attended the initial meeting but maybe this might help you guys in plateaus....

    They said a safe amount for weight loss was about 1400 calories and NOT to eat back what you burn. You want to have a 500 cal deficit each day. Maybe you guys eating under have put your body into starvation mode? This is just going by what they shared with us in the group. It may take longer but in the long run it is more sustainable.

    I started on May 16th. Didn't work out the first week but started working out the second. Since then I have lost 4 inches in my belly!!!

    Thanks for sharing. It is nice to see what others are doing.
  • mandie26
    mandie26 Posts: 59
    I'm 21 years old, 5"7 tall, and I currently weigh 208lbs.

    My goal weight is 140-150ish.

    I have MFP set to a 2lb/week loss, so my calorie limit is 1200.

    I usually only eat back half or less than half of my exercise calories when i workout (4-5 times/week).
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I am 28 yrs old, I am 5"11" and I eat 3000 calories a day. In the past 90 days, I lost 5 lbs, 6" total (between my abs, waist and hips) and 3% body fat (currently at 12% body fat). Within the next 90 days, I plan to be at 9% body fat if I can. I don't worry about weight too much I am more worried about body composition. It's a more accurate depiction of your body's health.

    i'm nineteen, 5 foot 9 inches, and currently 167 pounds. my goal is to be 150 pounds.

    i set my calorie goal at 1200. on a normal day, i'll excersize off about 300 of those. i have a hard time eating them back. in fact i have a hard time reaching 1200. i know people are going to yell at me for this, but i normally eat between 700 and 1100 calories a day. i don't really feel like i deprive myself of food. i eat when im hungry and don't when im not.

    We could yell at you but it wouldn't help would it? I will just tell you that you are depriving your body of essential nutrients and vitamins and slowly the weight lose process. At your age, height and weight your BMR is 1600 calories. BMR is the amount of calories you burn if you slept 24 hours. If you add in the 300 calories you use for working out, that is 1900 calories you burn in a day. Your deficit should be no more than 500 calories which puts yo at no less than 1300 calories and more than likely should be 1400-1500. If you have trouble eating the calories, have higher calorie stuff like peanuts, avocado, protein bars and shakes. It is actually very difficult to eat 700 calories because i assume that means you dont' eat breakfast.
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    I'm 22, 5'8.5", and 203 lbs. I am looking to get down to around 160 and then re-evaluate. My goal is a net 1200 calories, and I burn somewhere between 200 and 500 calories a day. I have lost 4 lbs in 14 days! :) Interesting thread!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    My goal weight is 135 and I am currently 179. I try to eat around or under 1200 calories a day. I was wondering if anyone knew how much weight you can fluctuate a day? I weighed myself 3 days ago and had lost 5 lbs but today I am back at square one 179. I know I shouldn't weigh myself so much but just curious if anyone knows.

    Also do you think my Mini GW are unrealistic, I want to loose weight fast but am worried those might be out of reach.

    Height: 5'3
    June 2, 2011
    SW: 179 GW:135
    Mini GW June 25th: 169
    Mini GW July 21st: 159
    Mini GW Sept. 1st: 140
    October is when I want to reach my goal of 135

    Weight can flucuate 3-5 lbs in a day. You could have gain it back if you weren't eating enough. If you are under 1200 calories then it's possible your stomach went into starvation mode. Keep in mind 1200 calories a day is the minimum a person should have after their workout points. If you don't workout, 1200 is ok. If you workout, you need to increase your calories by that much. Also, short term goals are the best thing you can do for yourself. They seem realistic and obtainable so I dont see why not. But also keep in mind, if you dont' meet the goal, it's always ok to reset your goal or ask why and correct it.
  • lisarea425
    lisarea425 Posts: 21 Member
    You guys are doing so great!!! I can't wait to rack up the pounds... LOST that is!
  • brosehemian
    brosehemian Posts: 34 Member
    i'm nineteen, 5 foot 9 inches, and currently 167 pounds. my goal is to be 150 pounds.

    i set my calorie goal at 1200. on a normal day, i'll excersize off about 300 of those. i have a hard time eating them back. in fact i have a hard time reaching 1200. i know people are going to yell at me for this, but i normally eat between 700 and 1100 calories a day. i don't really feel like i deprive myself of food. i eat when im hungry and don't when im not.

    We could yell at you but it wouldn't help would it? I will just tell you that you are depriving your body of essential nutrients and vitamins and slowly the weight lose process. At your age, height and weight your BMR is 1600 calories. BMR is the amount of calories you burn if you slept 24 hours. If you add in the 300 calories you use for working out, that is 1900 calories you burn in a day. Your deficit should be no more than 500 calories which puts yo at no less than 1300 calories and more than likely should be 1400-1500. If you have trouble eating the calories, have higher calorie stuff like peanuts, avocado, protein bars and shakes. It is actually very difficult to eat 700 calories because i assume that means you dont' eat breakfast.

    I eat breakfast every day! i think that when i start my weight loss, i was used to overeating. eating way more than i should, not just calorie wise, but amount wise. so i switch to eating large amounts of lower calorie foods. then i started to train my body to eat normal amounts of food but still kept it low calorie. i dunno, i guess im kind of phobic of high calorie foods like nuts and shakes and stuff. i changed my habits too far back, so now i gotta retrain myself to eat the right stuff.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    I eat breakfast every day! i think that when i start my weight loss, i was used to overeating. eating way more than i should, not just calorie wise, but amount wise. so i switch to eating large amounts of lower calorie foods. then i started to train my body to eat normal amounts of food but still kept it low calorie. i dunno, i guess im kind of phobic of high calorie foods like nuts and shakes and stuff. i changed my habits too far back, so now i gotta retrain myself to eat the right stuff.

    You sound like my wife, lol. Under-eating can help with weight loss but it's not the weight you want to lose. If you under-eat you lose muscle. High calories aren't an issue if you use them wisely. High calorie that is also high in protein is really good and aid's muscle growth. Also, while you under eat your body retains fat. So yes, you will lose weight because of mal nutritiion essentially but you will do so by losing muscle and maintaining or gaining fat. Also, the closer you get to your goal, the harder it will be to lose those last few lbs. Also, it is a lot more sustainable for your body to maintain the weight loss if you are feeding it properly.

    Think of it like this.. Would you drive your car around on "E" if you know you have to drive 200 miles? Food is fuel. The more you feed it and the better "gas" you use, the more effecient your body will be at burning calories. And guess what, the more muscle your body has, the more calories you will burn while at rest and while exercising.

    Sorry to hijack the thread a little. But keep this in mind, I am eating I was eating 2600 calories and lost weight and I bumped it to 2800 this week and lost weight and next week it goes to 3000 calories. Your body loves food and if you feed it properly your body will get rid of the fat, add muscle and tighten up! This is no different for girls.
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    Age 47 - Ultimate goal - 130 - 140
    MFP daily calorie goal is 1540 (adjusted down since starting at 1720)
    358 - starting weight on 2/17
    350 - 3/10
    335 - 4/7
    320 - 5/9
    311 - 5/24
    306 - 5/30

    Mini GW 1 - 295 on 7/7 (the day I go back to see my doctor)
    Mini GW 2 - 260 on 9/24
    Mini GW 3 - 230 on 1/1/12

    I did not exercise the first month due to knee problems, but since that time I have exercised daily, and have recently joined a gym to try and step up the pace of my exercise (and avoid the blazing summer heat). I'm currently nursing a bad blister on my foot which is really putting a damper on my exercise. Very frustrated by this!

    I generally do not eat back my exercise calories.
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